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Domain Display Settings

Ryan Guy edited this page Sep 16, 2019 · 14 revisions

This page documents the domain settings for the 'FLIP Fluid Display Settings' panel.


Surface Display Settings

Render Display Mode How to display the fluid surface mesh for rendering.
    Display final mesh quality results.
    Display preview mesh quality results.
    Display nothing
Viewport Display Mode How to display the fluid surface mesh in the viewport.
    Display final mesh quality results.
    Display preview mesh quality results.
    Display nothing

Whitewater Display Settings

Render Display Mode How to display the whitewater particles for rendering.
    Display final quality results.
    Display preview quality results.
    Display nothing
Viewport Display Mode How to display the whitewater particles in the viewport.
    Display final quality results.
    Display preview quality results.
    Display nothing

Particle Display Settings

Display Settings Mode How display settings will be applied to the whitewater particles.
    Adjust display settings for all whitewater particles.
Foam Bubble Spray
    Adjust display settings for foam, bubble, and spray particles separately.
Whitewater Display % (Final) The percentage of all whitewater particles to display when the display mode is set to Final. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Whitewater.
Foam Display % (Final) The percentage of foam particles to display when the display mode is set to Final. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.
Bubble Display % (Final) The percentage of bubble particles to display when the display mode is set to Final. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.
Spray Display % (Final) The percentage of spray particles to display when the display mode is set to Final. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.
Whitewater Display % (Preview) The percentage of all whitewater particles to display when the display mode is set to Preview. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Whitewater.
Foam Display % (Preview) The percentage of foam particles to display when the display mode is set to Preview. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.
Bubble Display % (Preview) The percentage of bubble particles to display when the display mode is set to Preview. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.
Spray Display % (Preview) The percentage of spray particles to display when the display mode is set to Preview. This setting is only active when Display Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.

Particle Object Settings

Particle Object Settings Mode How particle object settings will be applied to the whitewater particles.
    Adjust particle object settings for all whitewater particles.
Foam Bubble Spray
    Adjust particle object settings for foam, bubble, and spray particles separately.
Whitewater Object Settings

The following settings are only active when Particle Object Settings Mode is set to Whitewater.

Particle Object Show this object in place of whitewater particles.
Use Icosphere Show a simple icosphere object in place of whitewater particles.
Scale Scale the whitewater particle object by this value.
Render Only If enabled, only show whitewater particle objects during render.
Foam Object Settings

The following settings are only active when Particle Object Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.

Particle Object Show this object in place of foam particles.
Use Icosphere Show a simple icosphere object in place of foam particles.
Scale Scale the foam particle object by this value.
Render Only If enabled, only show foam particle objects during render.
Bubble Object Settings

The following settings are only active when Particle Object Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.

Particle Object Show this object in place of bubble particles.
Use Icosphere Show a simple icosphere object in place of bubble particles.
Scale Scale the bubble particle object by this value.
Render Only If enabled, only show bubble particle objects during render.
Spray Object Settings

The following settings are only active when Particle Object Settings Mode is set to Foam Bubble Spray.

Particle Object Show this object in place of spray particles.
Use Icosphere Show a simple icosphere object in place of spray particles.
Scale Scale the spray particle object by this value.
Render Only If enabled, only show spray particle objects during render.
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