diff --git a/framework/lib/test_generation/bin/randoopBloodhound.sh b/framework/lib/test_generation/bin/randoopBloodhound.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ae8425cbf..000000000
--- a/framework/lib/test_generation/bin/randoopBloodhound.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Wrapper script for Randoop
-# Environment variables exported by Defects4J's gen_tests.pl script:
-# D4J_HOME:                The root directory of the used Defects4J installation.
-# D4J_FILE_TARGET_CLASSES: File that lists all target classes (one per line).
-# D4J_DIR_OUTPUT:          Directory to which the generated test suite sources
-#                          should be written.
-# D4J_DIR_WORKDIR:         Defects4J working directory of the checked-out
-#                          project version.
-# D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_BIN:     Directory that provides all scripts and configs of
-#                          all test-generation tools (directory of this script).
-# D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB:     Directory that provides the libraries of all
-#                          test-generation tools.
-# D4J_TOTAL_BUDGET:        The total budget (in seconds) that the tool should
-#                          spend at most for all target classes.
-# D4J_SEED:                The random seed.
-# D4J_TEST_MODE:           Test mode: "regression" or "error-revealing".
-# D4J_DEBUG:               Run in debug mode: 0 (no) or 1 (yes).
-# Check whether the D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_BIN variable is set
-if [ -z "$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_BIN" ]; then
-    echo "Variable D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_BIN not set!"
-    exit 1
-# General helper functions
-source "$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_BIN/_tool.source"
-# The classpath to compile and run the project
-# Read all additional configuration parameters
-add_config=$(parse_config "$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_BIN/randoop.config")
-# If the user provided a custom set of target classes, invoke Randoop with all
-# classes (as opposed to only relevant classes). This will allow Randoop to
-# generate tests for all target classes, but will likely require a larger budget
-# because many classes irrelevant to the target classes will be explored as
-# well.
-get_modified_classes > "$D4J_DIR_WORKDIR/classes.d4j.modified"
-if diff -q -w "$D4J_DIR_WORKDIR/classes.d4j.modified" "$D4J_FILE_TARGET_CLASSES"; then
-    echo "Running Randoop on relevant classes only"
-    get_relevant_classes > "$D4J_DIR_WORKDIR/classes.randoop"
-    echo "Running Randoop on all classes"
-    get_all_classes > "$D4J_DIR_WORKDIR/classes.randoop"
-# Make sure the provided test mode is supported
-if [ "$D4J_TEST_MODE" == "regression" ]; then
-    add_config="$add_config --no-error-revealing-tests=true"
-elif [ "$D4J_TEST_MODE" == "error-revealing" ]; then
-    add_config="$add_config --no-regression-tests=true"
-    die "Unsupported test mode: $D4J_TEST_MODE"
-# Name of the wrapper regression test suite
-# Print Randoop version
-version=$(java -cp "$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB/randoop-current.jar" randoop.main.Main | head -1)
-printf "\n(%s)" "$version" >&2
-printf ".%.0s" {1..expr 73 - length "$version"} >&2
-printf " " >&2
-# The most common package in file $D4J_FILE_TARGET_CLASSES.
-# TODO: Determine the set of all distinct packages and invoke Randoop multiple times with different packages.
-PACKAGE=$(sed 's/\.[A-Za-z_$][^.]*$//' "$D4J_FILE_TARGET_CLASSES" | uniq -c | sort -rn | sed -E 's/^ *[0-9]+ //g' | head -1)
-# Build the test-generation command
-cmd="java -ea -classpath $project_cp:$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB/randoop-current.jar \
-  -Xbootclasspath/a:$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB/replacecall-current.jar:$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB/jacocoagent.jar \
-  -javaagent:$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB/replacecall-current.jar \
-  -javaagent:$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB/covered-class-current.jar \
-  -javaagent:$D4J_DIR_TESTGEN_LIB/jacocoagent.jar \
-randoop.main.Main gentests \
-  --method-selection=BLOODHOUND \
-  --classlist=$D4J_DIR_WORKDIR/classes.randoop \
-  --require-covered-classes=$D4J_FILE_TARGET_CLASSES \
-  --junit-package-name=$PACKAGE \
-  --junit-output-dir=$D4J_DIR_OUTPUT \
-  --randomseed=$D4J_SEED \
-  --time-limit=$D4J_TOTAL_BUDGET \
-  --regression-test-basename=$REG_BASE_NAME \
-  --error-test-basename=$ERR_BASE_NAME \
-  $add_config"
-if [ "$D4J_DEBUG" == "1" ]; then
-  cmd="$cmd \
-  --log=$D4J_DIR_OUTPUT/randoop-log.txt \
-  --selection-log=$D4J_DIR_OUTPUT/selection-log.txt"
-# Run the test-generation command
-if ! exec_cmd "$cmd"; then
-    exit 1
-# Remove wrapper test suites, which are not used by Defects4J.
-rm -f "$D4J_DIR_OUTPUT/${REG_BASE_NAME}.java"
-rm -f "$D4J_DIR_OUTPUT/${ERR_BASE_NAME}.java"