diff --git a/.github/scripts/count-repos.sh b/.github/scripts/count-repos.sh
index 469033df2f..513c0dc487 100644
--- a/.github/scripts/count-repos.sh
+++ b/.github/scripts/count-repos.sh
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
-if [ "$1x" == "-vx" ]; then
# count the repos we have in our example apps page and the number we have in our organization and make sure they match
#fusionauth-containers, fusionauth-theme-helper, etc
# fusionauth-example-template and (temporarily) fusionauth-example-vue-sdk
cat astro/src/content/json/exampleapps.json|jq '.[]|.url' |sed 's/"//g'|sed 's!https://github.com/!!i' > json.list
COUNT_IN_JSON=`wc -l json.list |sed 's/^ *//' |sed 's/ .*//'`
@@ -22,10 +17,8 @@ COUNT_EXAMPLE_REPOS=`wc -l ex.list |sed 's/^ *//' |sed 's/ .*//'`
gh repo list fusionauth --no-archived --visibility public -L 300 |grep fusionauth-quickstart | sed 's/\t.*//g'> qs.list
COUNT_QUICKSTART_REPOS=`wc -l qs.list |sed 's/^ *//' |sed 's/ .*//'`
-if [ $SHOW_DIFF -eq 1 ]; then
- sort json.list > json.sorted
- sort ex.list qs.list > gh.sorted
- diff json.sorted gh.sorted
+sort json.list > json.sorted
+sort ex.list qs.list > gh.sorted
+diff json.sorted gh.sorted
diff --git a/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-android-java-native.mdx b/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-android-java-native.mdx
index 2419d1ea5a..ced1073748 100644
--- a/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-android-java-native.mdx
+++ b/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-android-java-native.mdx
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ cd fusionauth-quickstart-java-android-native
### Configure FusionAuth Instance
-Now that you have [exposed your instance](#expose-fusionauth-instance), you need to update the Tenant issuer to make sure it matches the given address.
+Now that you have [exposed your instance](#set-up-a-public-url-for-fusionauth), you need to update the Tenant issuer to make sure it matches the given address.
Log into the [FusionAuth admin UI](http://localhost:9011/admin), browse to `Tenants` in the sidebar, click on the **Default** tenant to edit it. Paste the complete address _(with protocol and domain)_ you copied from ngrok into the `Issuer` field (e.g. `https://6d1e-2804-431-c7c9-739-4703-98a7-4b81-5ba6.ngrok-free.app`). Save the application by clicking the icon in the top right corner.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ We'll use the [AppAuth Library](https://github.com/openid/AppAuth-Android), whic
### Configure AppAuth
-Modify `app/res/raw/auth_config.json` to use the values provisioned by Kickstart. Update the `discovery_uri` value; change `https://[YOUR-NGROK-MAIN-DOMAIN]` to the URL you wrote when [exposing your instance](#expose-fusionauth-instance).
+Modify `app/res/raw/auth_config.json` to use the values provisioned by Kickstart. Update the `discovery_uri` value; change `https://[YOUR-NGROK-MAIN-DOMAIN]` to the URL you wrote when [exposing your instance](#set-up-a-public-url-for-fusionauth).
diff --git a/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-react-native.mdx b/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-react-native.mdx
index a1c71d9e3f..d176b8403d 100644
--- a/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-react-native.mdx
+++ b/astro/src/content/quickstarts/quickstart-react-native.mdx
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Install `expo-auth-session`, its dependency `expo-crypto` to handle cryptographi
npx expo install expo-auth-session expo-crypto expo-web-browser
-Create a `.env` file to hold information about your FusionAuth instance and application, replacing the value in `EXPO_PUBLIC_FUSIONAUTH_URL` with the address you copied from `ngrok` when [exposing your instance](#expose-your-instance).
+Create a `.env` file to hold information about your FusionAuth instance and application, replacing the value in `EXPO_PUBLIC_FUSIONAUTH_URL` with the address you copied from `ngrok` when [exposing your instance](#set-up-a-public-url-for-fusionauth).