diff --git a/brs_tests.adoc b/brs_tests.adoc
index 65b6982..232b3e4 100644
--- a/brs_tests.adoc
+++ b/brs_tests.adoc
@@ -180,9 +180,8 @@
 | `OE_SMBIOS_070_010`  | _FIXME_
 | `OE_SMBIOS_080_010`  | _FIXME_
 | `OE_SMBIOS_090_010`  | _FIXME_
-| `OE_SMBIOS_100_010`  | _FIXME_
-| `ME_SMBIOS_110_010`  | _FIXME_
-| `OE_SMBIOS_120_010`  | _FIXME_
+| `ME_SMBIOS_100_010`  | _FIXME_
+| `OE_SMBIOS_110_010`  | _FIXME_
diff --git a/smbios.adoc b/smbios.adoc
index 0470957..c634b28 100644
--- a/smbios.adoc
+++ b/smbios.adoc
@@ -18,19 +18,18 @@ NOTE: The structures and fields in this section are defined in a manner consiste
 | ID#     ^| Requirement
 | `SMBIOS_010` | A Baseboard/Module Information (Type 02) structure SHOULD be implemented.
 2+|_This relaxes the SMBIOS specification requirement._
-| `SMBIOS_020` | A Processor Information (Type 04) structure, meeting the additional <<smbios-type04>> clarifications, MUST be implemented.
+| `SMBIOS_020` | Processor Information (Type 04) structures, meeting the additional <<smbios-type04>> clarifications, MUST be implemented.
 2+|_This supersedes the RISC-V specific language in the SMBIOS specification (cite:[SMBIOS], Section
-| `SMBIOS_030` | A Port Connector Information (Type 08) SHOULD be implemented.
-| `SMBIOS_040` | A BIOS Language Information (Type 13) structure SHOULD be implemented.
-| `SMBIOS_050` | A Group Associations (Type 14) structure SHOULD be implemented.
-| `SMBIOS_060` | An IPMI Device Information (Type 38) structure MUST be implemented, when an IPMIv1.0 host interface is present.
-| `SMBIOS_070` | A System Power Supplies (Type 39) structure SHOULD be implemented.
-| `SMBIOS_080` | An Onboard Devices Extended Information (Type 41) structure SHOULD be implemented.
-| `SMBIOS_090` | A Redfish Host Interface (Type 42) structure MUST be implmented, when a Redfish host interface is present.
-| `SMBIOS_100` | A TPM Device (Type 43) structure MUST be implemented, when a TPM is present.
-| `SMBIOS_110` | A Processor Additional Information (Type 44) structure MUST be implemented.
+| `SMBIOS_030` | Port Connector Information (Type 08) structures SHOULD be implemented.
+| `SMBIOS_040` | BIOS Language Information (Type 13) structures SHOULD be implemented.
+| `SMBIOS_050` | An IPMI Device Information (Type 38) structure MUST be implemented, when an IPMIv1.0 host interface is present.
+| `SMBIOS_060` | System Power Supply (Type 39) structures SHOULD be implemented.
+| `SMBIOS_070` | Onboard Devices Extended Information (Type 41) structures SHOULD be implemented.
+| `SMBIOS_080` | A Redfish Host Interface (Type 42) structure MUST be implemented, when a Redfish host interface is present.
+| `SMBIOS_090` | A TPM Device (Type 43) structure MUST be implemented, when a TPM is present.
+| `SMBIOS_100` | Processor Additional Information (Type 44) structures MUST be implemented.
 2+| _See the <<smbios-type44, structure definitions below>>_.
-| `SMBIOS_120` | A Firmware Inventory Information (Type 45) structure SHOULD be implemented.
+| `SMBIOS_110` | Firmware Inventory Information (Type 45) structures SHOULD be implemented.
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ the overall physical processor package vendor and version. For some implementati
 this may also be known as the SoC ID. The first `DWORD` (offsets 08h-0Bh) is the JEP-106 code for
 the vendor, where bits 6:0 is the ID without the parity and bits 31:7 represent the number of continuation codes. The second `DWORD` (offsets 0Ch-0Fh) reflects vendor-specific part versioning.
-For hart-specific vendor and revision information, please see Type 44 Processor-Specific Data structures.
+For hart-specific vendor and revision information, please see <<smbios-type44>>.
 === Type 44 Processor-Specific Data