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82930c7 · May 12, 2022




keycloak tools


protobuf 스키마에 들어있는 rpc -> keycloak group 매핑을 추출합니다.

Extract the rpc -> keycloak group mapping from the protobuf schema.

설치 Installation

toolbelt를 설치하면 바로 사용할 수 있습니다.

Install the toolbelt and you're ready to go.

직접 설치 Manual installation

git clone
deno install -n riiid-extract-keycloak-groups -A --unstable toolbelt/keycloak/extract-group-mapping-from-proto-services.ts

사용 Usage

이런 내용이 들어있는 .proto 스키마 파일이 있을 때

When there is a .proto schema file that contains these contents

syntax = "proto3";
package toeic.backoffice;
import "riiid/interface-common-model/common.proto";

service BackofficeCouponService {
  rpc ListCoupons(ListCouponsRequest) returns (ListCouponsResponse) {
    option (inside.keycloak_group) = "toeic/backoffice/coupon";
  rpc GetCoupon(GetCouponRequest) returns (GetCouponResponse) {
    option (inside.keycloak_group) = "toeic/backoffice/coupon";

다음과 같은 결과를 뽑아볼 수 있습니다.

You can extract below results.

riiid-extract-keycloak-groups <proto-files-path>

  "toeic.backoffice.BackofficeCouponService/ListCoupons": [
  "toeic.backoffice.BackofficeCouponService/GetCoupon": [

riiid-extract-keycloak-groups <proto-files-path> --invert

  "toeic/backoffice/coupon": [

riiid-extract-keycloak-groups <proto-files-path> --invert --yaml

  - toeic.backoffice.BackofficeCouponService/ListCoupons
  - toeic.backoffice.BackofficeCouponService/GetCoupon

응용 Application

jq를 사용해서 특정 keycloak group을 가지는 rpc 목록만 추출할 수도 있습니다.

You can use jq to extract only the list of rpc with a specific keycloak group.

riiid-extract-keycloak-groups <proto-files-path> --invert | jq '."toeic/backoffice/coupon"'
