- Bug fixes related to distance predictions parsers and data storage
- Added contact diff track with smoothed values (MCC for contacts and RMSD for distograms)
- Increased contrast in sequence hydrophobicity color palettes
- Use AMISE to estimate bandwidth required to calculate contact density
- Updated track selector layout
- Added contact density, sequence hydrophobicity and MSA coverage tracks
- Added support for trRosetta NPZ and MapPred residue distance formats
- Added support of residue distance superposition
- New heatmap color palette
- Changed to vertical layout for verbose labels and increased verbosity
- Parse PDB files as a residue distance format file
- Citation on home page
- Added more exhaustive tests
- Account recovery is automated: users will receive an automated email with instructions to reset password
- Docker image now deployed on fedora 33 instead of CentOS 8
- Users can upload both VFORMAT and HFORMAT psipred files instead of only VFORMAT
- Added an account recovery site that enables users to reset their password after they get in touch
- Added support for file upload of CASPRR RMODE 2 files (inter-residue distance predictions)
- Added heatmap mode for visualisation of iner-residue distance predictions and/or contact maps
- Fixed minor bugs (issues #115 and #116)
- Server status table added to the Help page
- Added Tutorial 4: Residue-Residue distance predictions
- Added verbose label switch for descriptive tooltips
- Text in the Help and Home pages refer to support of inter-residue distance predictions
- Example button at the Plot page now loads an example session instead of trigerring file download
- Spike button on the mode bar now shows spikes accross the axis
- Fixed minor bugs (issues #101, #104 and #106)
- Added references to web-app hosting by CCP4-online
- Updated help page and tutorials to match latest version
- Figure and display settings are now stored in the cache
- Ensure user reads GDPR before creating account
- Created tutorial about ab initio model validation by superimposing contact maps
- Handle database conection errors
- Moved all docker related files to a separate repository
- Migrate cache to KeyDB
- Several improvements to UI based on user feedback
- Bug fix: handle exceptions when uploading binary files
- Bug fix: superimposing a contact prediction with a PDB file shows all contacts in the PDB model indepdently of L/ filter
- Implement PDB parser based on biopython. Only reads first chain for performance.
- Changed ROOT to /conplot for deployment
- Enabled deployment with docker containers
- Superimpose contact maps: if more than one contact map is uploaded users can choose to superimpose them
- Control over half squares of the contact map: users can select which data to display on each half of the map
- Transparent tracks switch: users can choose if they want transparent tracks or not
- Help page contents have been created: tutorials, layout information...etc.
- Multiple colour palettes are available for each track
- Added GDPR privacy policy banner
- Upload multiple files per track: users can now upload more than one file for each dataset type
- Changed contents on home and rigden lab pages
- Updated layout of navigation bar
- Several bug fixes and small performance improvements
- Upload up to one file per track: contact map, secondary structure, membrane topology, disorder, conservation and custom files
- Support for creation of user accounts, session storage and session sharing
- User contact forms submitted via Slack channel
- Unite testing of modules
- Conducted usability testing with real users