replicaCount |
Number of replications which should be created. |
1 |
deploymentStrategy |
Deployment strategy which should be used. |
{} |
image.repository |
The repository of the Docker image. | |
image.tag |
The tag of the Docker image which should be used. |
v1.26.0 |
image.digest |
The image digest of the Docker image which should be used |
"" |
image.pullPolicy |
The pull policy for the Docker image, |
IfNotPresent |
image.volumeMounts |
Mount additional volumns to the container. |
[] |
imagePullSecrets |
Secrets which can be used to pull the Docker image. |
[] |
nameOverride |
Expand the name of the chart. |
"" |
fullnameOverride |
Override the name of the app. |
"" |
args |
Set the arguments for the operator. |
["-leader-elect"] |
environmentVars |
Pass environment variables from a secret to the containers. This must be used if you use the Token auth method of Vault. |
[] |
vault.address |
The address where Vault listen on (e.g. ). |
"http://vault:8200" |
vault.authMethod |
The authentication method, which should be used by the operator. Can by token (Token auth method), aws (AWS auth method), gcp (GCP auth method), kubernetes (Kubernetes auth method), or approle (AppRole auth method). |
token |
vault.tokenPath |
Path to file with the Vault token if the used auth method is token . Can be used to read the token from a file and not from the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable. If the used auth method kubernetes the file path of service account will set. |
"" |
vault.kubernetesPath |
If the Kubernetes auth method is used, this is the path where the Kubernetes auth method is enabled. |
auth/kubernetes |
vault.kubernetesRole |
The name of the role which is configured for the Kubernetes auth method. |
vault-secrets-operator |
vault.awsPath |
If the AWS auth method is used, this is the path where the AWS auth method is enabled. |
auth/aws |
vault.awsAuthType |
If the AWS auth method is used, this is the auth type AWS auth method should use. ec2 or iam |
iam |
vault.awsRole |
The name of the role which is configured for the AWS auth method. |
vault-secrets-operator |
vault.gcpPath |
If the GCP auth method is used, this is the path where the GCP auth method is enabled. |
auth/gcp |
vault.gcpAuthType |
If the GCP auth method is used, this is the auth type GCP auth method should use. gce or iam |
iam |
vault.gcpServiceAccountEmail |
If the GCP auth method and iam auth type are used, this is the email of the service account to authenticate as. If not specified, vault-secrets-operator will try to deduce it from GCP metadata server |
"" |
vault.gcpRole |
The name of the role which is configured for the GCP auth method. |
vault-secrets-operator |
vault.appRolePath |
If the AppRole auth method is used, this is the path where the AppRole auth method is enabled. |
auth/approle |
vault.reconciliationTime |
The time after which the reconcile function for the CR is rerun. If the value is 0, automatic reconciliation is skipped. |
0 |
vault.namespaces |
Comma serpareted list of namespaces the operator will watch. If empty the operator will watch all namespaces. |
"" |
rbac.create |
Create RBAC object, enable (Cluster)Role and (Cluster)Role binding creation. |
true |
rbac.createrole |
Finetune RBAC, enable or disable (Cluster)Role creation. NOTE: ignored when rbac.create is not true . |
true |
rbac.namespaced |
Deploy in isolated namespace. Creates RoleBinding instead of a ClusterRoleBinding |
false |
serviceAccount.create |
Create the service account. |
true | |
The name of the service account, which should be created/used by the operator. |
vault-secrets-operator |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to be added to service account. |
{} |
serviceAccount.createSecret |
Create a secret for the service account. |
true |
podAnnotations |
Annotations for vault-secrets-operator pod(s). |
{} |
podSecurityContext : |
Security context policies to add to the operator pod. |
{} |
securityContext : |
Security context policies to add to the containers. |
{} |
podLabels |
Additional labels for the vault-secrets-operator pod(s). |
{} |
testPodAnnotations |
Annotations for vault-secrets-operator-test-connection pod. |
{} |
testPodLabels |
Additional labels for the vault-secrets-operator-test-connection pod. |
{} |
resources |
Set resources for the operator. |
{} |
volumes |
Provide additional volumns for the container. |
[] |
nodeSelector |
Set a node selector. |
{} |
tolerations |
Set tolerations. |
[] |
serviceMonitor.enabled |
Enable the creation of a ServiceMonitor for the Prometheus Operator. |
false |
serviceMonitor.labels |
Additional labels which should be set for the ServiceMonitor. |
{} |
serviceMonitor.interval |
Scrape interval. |
10s |
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout |
Scrape timeout. |
10s |
serviceMonitor.honorLabels |
Honor labels option. |
true |
serviceMonitor.relabelings |
Additional relabeling config for the ServiceMonitor. |
[] |
priorityClassName |
Optionally attach priority class to pod spec. |
null |
dnsConfig |
Optionally attach dnsConfig to pod spec and test pod spec. |
null |
dnsPolicy |
Optionally specify the dnsPolicy in pod spec and test pod spec. |
null |