- {% comment %} {% image_with_class "./node_modules/@uswds/uswds/dist/img/icon-https.svg" "usa-banner__icon usa-media-block__img" "Https" %} {% endcomment %}
Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
diff --git a/sass/uswds/_usa-banner.scss b/sass/uswds/_usa-banner.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d006290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sass/uswds/_usa-banner.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+@use "sass:math";
+@use "sass:list";
+@use "uswds-core" as *;
+$banner-context: "Banner";
+$banner-guidance-measure: 3;
+$banner-icon-colors: get-link-tokens-from-bg(
+ $theme-banner-background-color,
+ $theme-banner-link-color,
+ $context: $banner-context
+$banner-icon-color: list.nth($banner-icon-colors, 1);
+$banner-icon-hover: list.nth($banner-icon-colors, 2);
+$banner-icon-chevron: (
+ "name": "expand_more",
+ "svg-height": 40,
+ "svg-width": 40,
+ "height": 2,
+ "color": $banner-icon-color,
+ "color-variant": "white",
+ "color-hover": $banner-icon-hover,
+$banner-icon-chevron-up: map-merge(
+ $banner-icon-chevron,
+ (
+ "name": "expand_less",
+ )
+$banner-icon-close: (
+ "name": "close",
+ "svg-height": 40,
+ "svg-width": 40,
+ "height": 3,
+ "color": "blue-60v",
+ "color-variant": "white",
+ "container-height": $size-touch-target,
+ "container-width": $size-touch-target,
+.usa-banner {
+ @include typeset($theme-banner-font-family);
+ @include border-box-sizing;
+ background-color: color($theme-banner-background-color);
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ font-size: font-size($theme-banner-font-family, "3xs");
+ padding-bottom: units(0);
+ }
+ .usa-accordion {
+ @include typeset($theme-banner-font-family);
+ }
+ // ! Stylelint will complain about BEM formatting.
+ // Added grid classes in #5000 to remove layout grid dependency.
+ // stylelint-disable selector-class-pattern
+ .grid-row {
+ @include grid-row;
+ &.grid-gap-lg {
+ @include grid-gap("lg");
+ }
+ .tablet\:grid-col-6 {
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ @include grid-col(6);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // stylelint-enable
+.usa-banner__content {
+ @include set-text-from-bg(
+ $theme-banner-background-color,
+ $context: $banner-context
+ );
+.usa-banner__content {
+ @include grid-container($theme-banner-max-width);
+ @include add-responsive-site-margins;
+ background-color: color("transparent");
+ font-size: font-size($theme-banner-font-family, 4);
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-bottom: units(2);
+ padding-left: units($theme-site-margins-mobile-width) - units(1);
+ padding-top: units(0.5);
+ width: 100%;
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ @include u-padding-y(3);
+ }
+ p {
+ &:first-child {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ }
+.usa-banner__guidance {
+ @include u-display("flex");
+ @include u-flex("align-start");
+ @include u-measure($banner-guidance-measure);
+ padding-top: units(2);
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ padding-top: units(0);
+ }
+.usa-banner__lock-image {
+ $lock-h: 64; // unitless height of svg
+ $lock-w: 52; // unitless width of svg
+ $lock-aspect: math.div($lock-w, $lock-h);
+ $icon-height: 1.5ex; // height of the lock icon; use ex for resilience
+ height: $icon-height;
+ width: $icon-height * $lock-aspect;
+ path {
+ fill: currentColor;
+ @media (forced-colors: active) {
+ fill: CanvasText;
+ }
+ }
+.usa-banner__inner {
+ @include add-responsive-site-margins;
+ @include grid-container($theme-banner-max-width);
+ @include grid-row;
+ @include u-flex("align-start");
+ padding-right: units(0);
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ @include u-flex("align-center");
+ }
+.usa-banner__header {
+ @include u-padding-y(1);
+ font-size: font-size($theme-banner-font-family, 1);
+ font-weight: font-weight("normal");
+ min-height: units($size-touch-target);
+ position: relative;
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ @include u-padding-y(0.5);
+ min-height: 0;
+ }
+.usa-banner__header-text {
+ @include u-margin-y(0);
+ font-size: font-size($theme-banner-font-family, 1);
+ line-height: line-height($theme-banner-font-family, 2);
+.usa-banner__header-action {
+ @include place-icon($banner-icon-chevron, "after");
+ @include set-link-from-bg(
+ $theme-banner-background-color,
+ $theme-banner-link-color,
+ $context: $banner-context
+ );
+ line-height: line-height($theme-banner-font-family, 2);
+ margin-bottom: units(0);
+ margin-top: units(2px);
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ .usa-banner__header--expanded & {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ @media (forced-colors: active) {
+ color: LinkText;
+ &::after {
+ background-color: ButtonText;
+ }
+ }
+.usa-banner__header-flag {
+ @include u-float("left");
+ margin-right: units(1);
+ width: units(2);
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ margin-right: units(1);
+ padding-top: units(0);
+ }
+.usa-banner__header--expanded {
+ padding-right: units($size-touch-target) + units(1);
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: font-size($theme-banner-font-family, 1);
+ font-weight: font-weight("normal");
+ min-height: units(0);
+ padding-right: units(0);
+ }
+ .usa-banner__inner {
+ margin-left: units(0);
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ margin-left: units(auto);
+ }
+ }
+ .usa-banner__header-action {
+ display: none;
+ }
+.usa-banner__button {
+ @include button-unstyled;
+ @include u-pin("left");
+ @include u-pin("y");
+ @include u-text("primary", underline);
+ @include set-link-from-bg(
+ $theme-banner-background-color,
+ $theme-banner-link-color,
+ $context: $banner-context
+ );
+ display: block;
+ font-size: font-size($theme-banner-font-family, 1);
+ height: auto;
+ line-height: line-height($theme-banner-font-family, 2);
+ padding-top: units(0);
+ padding-left: units(0);
+ text-decoration: none;
+ width: auto;
+ @include at-media-max("tablet") {
+ width: 100%;
+ &:enabled:focus {
+ // adjust outline to render within the viewport
+ outline-offset: units(-0.5);
+ }
+ }
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ @include place-icon($banner-icon-chevron, "after", "2px");
+ @include set-link-from-bg(
+ $theme-banner-background-color,
+ $theme-banner-link-color,
+ $context: $banner-context
+ );
+ @include u-pin("none");
+ display: inline;
+ margin-left: units(1);
+ position: relative;
+ &::after,
+ &:hover::after {
+ position: absolute;
+ @media (forced-colors: active) {
+ background-color: ButtonText;
+ }
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ // Underline added to inner text instead.
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove icon set from usa-accordion.
+ // Also removed in _usa-nav.scss.
+ &[aria-expanded="false"],
+ &[aria-expanded="false"]:hover,
+ &[aria-expanded="true"],
+ &[aria-expanded="true"]:hover {
+ background-image: none;
+ @media (forced-colors: active) {
+ &::before {
+ content: none;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &[aria-expanded="true"] {
+ @include at-media-max("tablet") {
+ @include place-icon(
+ $banner-icon-close,
+ "after",
+ 0,
+ middle,
+ "base-lighter"
+ );
+ &::before {
+ @include u-pin("y");
+ @include u-pin("right");
+ background-color: color("base-lighter");
+ content: "";
+ display: block;
+ height: units($size-touch-target);
+ width: units($size-touch-target);
+ }
+ &::after {
+ @include u-pin("y");
+ @include u-pin("right");
+ }
+ }
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ @include place-icon(
+ $banner-icon-chevron-up,
+ "after",
+ "2px",
+ middle,
+ $theme-banner-background-color
+ );
+ height: auto;
+ padding: units(0);
+ position: relative;
+ &::after,
+ &:hover::after {
+ position: absolute;
+ @media (forced-colors: active) {
+ background-color: ButtonText;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+.usa-banner__button-text {
+ @include add-sr-only;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ @include at-media("tablet") {
+ @include add-no-sr-only;
+ display: inline;
+ }
+ @media (forced-colors: active) {
+ color: LinkText;
+ }
+.usa-banner__icon {
+ width: units(5);
+// [uswds-init.js] Offscreen content while js is loading
+.usa-js-loading {
+ .usa-banner__content {
+ @include add-sr-only;
+ }
diff --git a/sass/uswds/_uswds-theme.scss b/sass/uswds/_uswds-theme.scss
index eead761..5281ac1 100644
--- a/sass/uswds/_uswds-theme.scss
+++ b/sass/uswds/_uswds-theme.scss
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
-USWDS with settings overrides
-Uncomment the following lines and add a list of changed settings
-in the form $setting: value,
+/* _uswds-theme.scss */
-// @use "uswds-core" with (
-// $setting: value,
-// $setting: value
-// );
+@use "uswds-core" with (
+ $theme-show-compile-warnings: false,
+ $theme-show-notifications: false,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sass/uswds/styles.scss b/sass/uswds/styles.scss
index 6897863..931eee5 100644
--- a/sass/uswds/styles.scss
+++ b/sass/uswds/styles.scss
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-@forward "uswds-theme";
-@forward "uswds";
-@forward "uswds-theme-custom-styles";
+@forward "../../sass/uswds/uswds-theme";
+@forward "./node_modules/@uswds/uswds/packages/uswds/_index.scss";
+@forward "../../sass/uswds/uswds-theme-custom-styles";