% ramalama-push 1
ramalama-push - push AI Models from local storage to remote registries
ramalama push [options] model [target]
Push specified AI Model (OCI-only at present)
The model can be from RamaLama model storage in Huggingface, Ollama, or OCI Model format. The model can also just be a model stored on disk.
Users can convert without pushing using the ramalama convert
path of the authentication file for OCI registries
Print usage message
require HTTPS and verify certificates when contacting OCI registries
type of OCI Model Image to push.
Type | Description |
car | Includes base image with the model stored in a /models subdir |
raw | Only the model and a link file model.file to it stored at / |
Only supported for pushing OCI Model Images.
Push and OCI model to registry
$ ramalama push oci://quay.io/rhatdan/tiny:latest
Pushing quay.io/rhatdan/tiny:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob e0166756db86 skipped: already exists
Copying config ebe856e203 done |
Writing manifest to image destination
Generate an oci model out of an Ollama model and push to registry
$ ramalama push ollama://tinyllama:latest oci://quay.io/rhatdan/tiny:latest
Building quay.io/rhatdan/tiny:latest...
STEP 1/2: FROM scratch
STEP 2/2: COPY sha256:2af3b81862c6be03c769683af18efdadb2c33f60ff32ab6f83e42c043d6c7816 /model
--> Using cache 69db4a10191c976d2c3c24da972a2a909adec45135a69dbb9daeaaf2a3a36344
COMMIT quay.io/rhatdan/tiny:latest
--> 69db4a10191c
Successfully tagged quay.io/rhatdan/tiny:latest
Pushing quay.io/rhatdan/tiny:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob e0166756db86 skipped: already exists
Copying config 69db4a1019 done |
Writing manifest to image destination
ramalama(1), ramalama-convert(1)
Aug 2024, Originally compiled by Eric Curtin [email protected]