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Revar Desmera edited this page Mar 6, 2020 · 25 revisions

Belfry OpenScad Library Documentation

The library files are as follows:

Commonly Used

  • transforms.scad: The most commonly used transformations, manipulations, and shortcuts are in this file.
  • shapes.scad: Common useful shapes and structured objects.
  • masks.scad: Shapes that are useful for masking with difference() and intersect().
  • threading.scad: Modules to make triangular and trapezoidal threaded rods and nuts.
  • paths.scad: Functions and modules to work with arbitrary 3D paths.
  • beziers.scad: Functions and modules to work with bezier curves.

Standard Parts



For purposes of these library files, the following terms apply:

  • Left: Towards X-

  • Right: Towards X+

  • Front/Forward: Towards Y-

  • Back/Behind: Towards Y+

  • Bottom/Down/Below: Towards Z-

  • Top/Up/Above: Towards Z+

  • Axis-Negative: Towards the negative end of the axis the object is oriented on. IE: X-, Y-, or Z-.

  • Axis-Positive: Towards the positive end of the axis the object is oriented on. IE: X+, Y+, or Z+.

Common Arguments:

Args What it is
fillet Radius of rounding for interior or exterior edges.
chamfer Size of chamfers/bevels for interior or exterior edges.
orient Axis a part should be oriented along. Given as an XYZ triplet of rotation angles. It is recommended that you use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default is usually ORIENT_Z for vertical orientation.
align Side of the origin that the part should be on. Given as a vector away from the origin. It is recommended that you use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default is usually V_ZERO for centered.
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