diff --git a/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals.csproj b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals.csproj
index 3e64d4a8e..693973e43 100644
--- a/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals.csproj
+++ b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals.csproj
@@ -588,6 +588,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32H7_PWR.cs b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32H7_PWR.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be93432e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32H7_PWR.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Antmicro
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Nu Quantum Ltd
+// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
+// Full license text is available in 'licenses/MIT.txt'.
+using Antmicro.Renode.Core;
+using Antmicro.Renode.Core.Structure.Registers;
+using Antmicro.Renode.Logging;
+namespace Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.Miscellaneous
+ public class STM32H7_PWR : BasicDoubleWordPeripheral, IKnownSize
+ {
+ public STM32H7_PWR(IMachine machine) : base(machine)
+ {
+ IRQ = new GPIO();
+ DefineRegisters();
+ Reset();
+ }
+ public override void Reset()
+ {
+ base.Reset();
+ IRQ.Unset();
+ Voltage = 3.3;
+ prevPvdo = false;
+ }
+ public long Size => 0x400;
+ public GPIO IRQ { get; }
+ public double? ThresholdVoltage { get => PvdLevelToVoltage(pvdLevel.Value); }
+ public double Voltage
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return voltage;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ voltage = value;
+ UpdatePvd();
+ }
+ }
+ public PvdLevelSelection PvdLevel
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return pvdLevel.Value;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ pvdLevel.Value = value;
+ UpdatePvd();
+ }
+ }
+ private void DefineRegisters()
+ {
+ Registers.Control1.Define(this, 0xF000_C000)
+ // The LPDS flag has no functionality because low-power run mode is not implemented
+ .WithFlag(0, name: "LPDS")
+ .WithReservedBits(1, 3)
+ .WithFlag(4, out pvdEnableFlag, name: "PVDE")
+ .WithEnumField(5, 3, out pvdLevel, writeCallback: (_, value) =>
+ {
+ if(value == PvdLevelSelection.ExternalInput)
+ {
+ this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "External PVD input selected, this is not supported");
+ }
+ UpdatePvd();
+ }, name: "PLS")
+ .WithFlag(8, out backupDomainDisabled, name: "DBP")
+ // The FLPS flag has no functionality as the respective functionality is not implemented
+ .WithFlag(9, name: "FLPS")
+ .WithReservedBits(10, 4)
+ .WithEnumField(14, 2, out vsosValue, name: "VSOS")
+ .WithFlag(16, out avdEnableFlag, name: "AVDEN")
+ .WithEnumField(17, 2, out avdLevel, writeCallback: (_, value) =>
+ {
+ this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"avdLevel set to {value:X}");
+ this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"avdLevel is {avdLevel.Value:X}");
+ UpdateAvd();
+ }, name: "ALS")
+ .WithReservedBits(19, 13);
+ Registers.ControlStatus1.Define(this, 0x0000_4000)
+ .WithReservedBits(0, 4)
+ .WithFlag(4, out pvdoFlag, FieldMode.Read, name: "PVDO")
+ .WithReservedBits(5, 8)
+ .WithFlag(13, mode: FieldMode.Read, name: "ACTVOSRDY", valueProviderCallback: _ => true)
+ .WithValueField(14, 2, FieldMode.Read, name: "ACTVOS", valueProviderCallback: _ => (uint)vosValue.Value)
+ .WithFlag(16, out avdoFlag, FieldMode.Read, name: "AVDO")
+ .WithReservedBits(17, 15);
+ Registers.Control2.Define(this)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("BREN", 0)
+ .WithReservedBits(1, 3)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("MONEN", 4)
+ .WithReservedBits(5, 11)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("BRRDY", 16)
+ .WithReservedBits(17, 3)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("VBATL", 20)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("VBATH", 21)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("TEMPL", 22)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("TEMPH", 23)
+ .WithReservedBits(24, 8);
+ Registers.Control3.Define(this, 0x0000_0046)
+ .WithFlag(0, name: "BYPASS")
+ .WithFlag(1, name: "LDOEN")
+ .WithFlag(2, name: "SCUEN")
+ .WithReservedBits(3, 5)
+ .WithFlag(8, name: "VBE")
+ .WithFlag(9, name: "VBRS")
+ .WithReservedBits(10, 14)
+ .WithFlag(24, name: "USB33DEN")
+ .WithFlag(25, name: "USBREGEN")
+ .WithFlag(26, name: "USB33RDY")
+ .WithReservedBits(27, 5);
+ Registers.CPUControl1.Define(this)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("PDDS_D1", 0)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("PDDS_D2", 1)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("PDDS_D3", 2)
+ .WithReservedBits(3, 2)
+ .WithFlag(5, out stopFlag, FieldMode.Read, name: "STOPF")
+ .WithFlag(6, out standbyFlag, FieldMode.Read, name: "SBF")
+ .WithFlag(7, out standbyFlagD1, FieldMode.Read, name: "SBF_D1")
+ .WithFlag(8, out standbyFlagD2, FieldMode.Read, name: "SBF_D2")
+ .WithFlag(9, FieldMode.WriteOneToClear, name: "CSSF",
+ writeCallback: (_, __) =>
+ {
+ stopFlag.Value = false;
+ standbyFlag.Value = false;
+ standbyFlagD1.Value = false;
+ standbyFlagD2.Value = false;
+ })
+ .WithReservedBits(10, 1)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("RUN_D3", 11)
+ .WithReservedBits(12, 20);
+ Registers.D3DomainControl.Define(this, 0x0000_4000)
+ .WithReservedBits(0, 13)
+ .WithFlag(13, mode: FieldMode.Read, name: "VOSRDY", valueProviderCallback: _ => true)
+ .WithEnumField(14, 2, out vosValue, name: "VOS")
+ .WithReservedBits(16, 16);
+ Registers.WakeupFlag.Define(this)
+ .WithFlags(0, 6, out wakeupFlags, FieldMode.Read, name: "WKUPF")
+ .WithReservedBits(6, 26);
+ Registers.WakeupClear.Define(this)
+ .WithFlags(0, 6, FieldMode.WriteOneToClear, name: "WKUPC",
+ writeCallback: (idx, _, __) => wakeupFlags[idx].Value = false)
+ .WithReservedBits(6, 26);
+ Registers.WakeupEnableAndPolarity.Define(this)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPEN1", 0)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPEN2", 1)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPEN3", 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPEN4", 3)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPEN5", 4)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPEN6", 5)
+ .WithReservedBits(6, 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPP1", 8)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPP2", 9)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPP3", 10)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPP4", 11)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPP5", 12)
+ .WithTaggedFlag("WKUPP6", 13)
+ .WithReservedBits(14, 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlags("WKUPPUPD1", 16, 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlags("WKUPPUPD2", 18, 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlags("WKUPPUPD3", 20, 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlags("WKUPPUPD4", 22, 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlags("WKUPPUPD5", 24, 2)
+ .WithTaggedFlags("WKUPPUPD6", 26, 2)
+ .WithReservedBits(28, 4);
+ }
+ private double? PvdLevelToVoltage(PvdLevelSelection level)
+ {
+ switch(level)
+ {
+ case PvdLevelSelection.V1_95:
+ return 1.95;
+ case PvdLevelSelection.V2_1:
+ return 2.1;
+ case PvdLevelSelection.V2_25:
+ return 2.25;
+ case PvdLevelSelection.V2_4:
+ return 2.4;
+ case PvdLevelSelection.V2_55:
+ return 2.55;
+ case PvdLevelSelection.V2_7:
+ return 2.7;
+ case PvdLevelSelection.V2_85:
+ return 2.85;
+ case PvdLevelSelection.ExternalInput:
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdatePvd()
+ {
+ if(PvdLevel == PvdLevelSelection.ExternalInput)
+ {
+ // External input is not supported yet, skip updating the pvd
+ return;
+ }
+ bool pvdo;
+ if(prevPvdo && Voltage > ThresholdVoltage + Hysteresis)
+ {
+ // PVDO should be false if the voltage was below and is above the threshold
+ pvdo = false;
+ }
+ else if(!prevPvdo && Voltage < ThresholdVoltage - Hysteresis)
+ {
+ // PVDO should be true if the voltage was above and is below the threshold
+ pvdo = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No change (within hysteresis)
+ pvdo = prevPvdo;
+ }
+ prevPvdo = pvdo;
+ pvdo &= pvdEnableFlag.Value;
+ pvdoFlag.Value = pvdo;
+ IRQ.Set(pvdo);
+ }
+ private void UpdateAvd()
+ {
+ this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "REVISIT: AVD not implemented");
+ }
+ private IFlagRegisterField[] wakeupFlags = new IFlagRegisterField[6];
+ private IFlagRegisterField standbyFlag;
+ private IFlagRegisterField standbyFlagD1;
+ private IFlagRegisterField standbyFlagD2;
+ private IFlagRegisterField stopFlag;
+ private IFlagRegisterField avdoFlag;
+ private IFlagRegisterField avdEnableFlag;
+ private IEnumRegisterField avdLevel;
+ private IFlagRegisterField pvdoFlag;
+ private IFlagRegisterField pvdEnableFlag;
+ private IEnumRegisterField pvdLevel;
+ private IEnumRegisterField vosValue;
+ private IEnumRegisterField vsosValue;
+ private IFlagRegisterField backupDomainDisabled;
+ private double voltage;
+ private bool prevPvdo;
+ private const double Hysteresis = 0.1;
+ public enum AvdLevelSelection
+ {
+ V1_7 = 0b00,
+ V2_1 = 0b01,
+ V2_5 = 0b10,
+ V2_8 = 0b11,
+ }
+ public enum PvdLevelSelection
+ {
+ V1_95 = 0b000,
+ V2_1 = 0b001,
+ V2_25 = 0b010,
+ V2_4 = 0b011,
+ V2_55 = 0b100,
+ V2_7 = 0b101,
+ V2_85 = 0b110,
+ ExternalInput = 0b111,
+ }
+ private enum Registers
+ {
+ Control1 = 0x00,
+ ControlStatus1 = 0x04,
+ Control2 = 0x08,
+ Control3 = 0x0C,
+ CPUControl1 = 0x10,
+ // Reserved = 0x14,
+ D3DomainControl = 0x18,
+ WakeupClear = 0x20,
+ WakeupFlag = 0x24,
+ WakeupEnableAndPolarity = 0x28,
+ }
+ private enum VoltageScalingRangeSelection
+ {
+ Reserved = 0b00,
+ Scale3 = 0b01, // Default
+ Scale2 = 0b10,
+ Scale1 = 0b11,
+ }
+ private enum StopModeVoltageScalingSelection
+ {
+ Reserved = 0b00,
+ Scale5 = 0b01,
+ Scale4 = 0b10,
+ Scale3 = 0b00,
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32H7_RCC.cs b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32H7_RCC.cs
index 2d139abdf..b9571fed5 100644
--- a/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32H7_RCC.cs
+++ b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32H7_RCC.cs
@@ -76,6 +76,33 @@ public STM32H7_RCC(IMachine machine)
{(long)Registers.PLLConfigurationRegister, new DoubleWordRegister(this, 0x01FF0000)
+ {(long)Registers.Domain1KernelClockConfiguration, new DoubleWordRegister(this, 0x0)
+ .WithValueField(0, 2, name: "FMCSEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(2, 2)
+ .WithValueField(4, 2, name: "QSPISEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(6, 10)
+ .WithFlag(16, name: "SDMMCSEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(17, 11)
+ .WithValueField(28, 2, name: "CKPERSEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(30, 2)
+ },
+ {(long)Registers.Domain2KernelClockConfiguration, new DoubleWordRegister(this, 0x0)
+ .WithValueField(0, 3, name: "SAI1SEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(3, 3)
+ .WithValueField(6, 3, name: "SAI23SEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(9, 3)
+ .WithValueField(12, 3, name: "SPI123SEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(15, 1)
+ .WithValueField(16, 3, name: "SPI45SEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(19, 1)
+ .WithValueField(20, 2, name: "SPDIFSEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(22, 2)
+ .WithFlag(24, name: "DFSDM1SEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(25, 3)
+ .WithValueField(28, 2, name: "FDCANSEL")
+ .WithReservedBits(30, 1)
+ .WithFlag(31, name: "SVPSEL")
+ },
{(long)Registers.BackupDomainControl, new DoubleWordRegister(this)
.WithFlag(0, out var lseon, name: "LSEON")
.WithFlag(1, FieldMode.Read, valueProviderCallback: _ => lseon.Value, name: "LSERDY")
@@ -92,6 +119,19 @@ public STM32H7_RCC(IMachine machine)
.WithFlag(1, FieldMode.Read, valueProviderCallback: _ => lsion.Value, name: "LSIRDY")
.WithReservedBits(2, 30)
+ {(long)Registers.AHB2Enable, new DoubleWordRegister(this, 0x0)
+ .WithFlag(0, name: "DCMIEN")
+ .WithReservedBits(1, 3)
+ .WithFlag(4, name: "CRYPTEN")
+ .WithFlag(5, name: "HASHEN")
+ .WithFlag(6, name: "RNGEN")
+ .WithReservedBits(7, 2)
+ .WithFlag(9, name: "SDMMC2EN")
+ .WithReservedBits(10, 19)
+ .WithFlag(29, name: "SRAM1EN")
+ .WithFlag(30, name: "SRAM2EN")
+ .WithFlag(31, name: "SRAM3EN")
+ },
{(long)Registers.AHB4Enable, new DoubleWordRegister(this, 0x0)
.WithFlag(0, name: "GPIOAEN")
.WithFlag(1, name: "GPIOBEN")
@@ -117,6 +157,18 @@ public STM32H7_RCC(IMachine machine)
+ for(var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ {
+ registersMap.Add((long)Registers.PLL1DividersConfiguration + i * 0x8, new DoubleWordRegister(this, 0x0101_0280)
+ .WithValueField(0, 9, name: "DIVN1")
+ .WithValueField(9, 7, name: "DIVP1")
+ .WithValueField(16, 7, name: "DIVQ1")
+ .WithReservedBits(23, 1)
+ .WithValueField(24, 7, name: "DIVR1")
+ .WithReservedBits(31, 1)
+ );
+ }
for(var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
registersMap.Add((long)Registers.PLL1FractionalDivider + i * 0x8, new DoubleWordRegister(this, 0x0)
@@ -162,9 +214,13 @@ private enum Registers
PLL3DividersConfiguration = 0x40,
PLL3FractionalDivider = 0x44,
// ...
+ Domain1KernelClockConfiguration = 0x4C,
+ Domain2KernelClockConfiguration = 0x50,
+ // ...
BackupDomainControl = 0x70,
ClockControlAndStatus = 0x74,
// ...
+ AHB2Enable = 0xDC,
AHB4Enable = 0xE0
diff --git a/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32_SYSCFG.cs b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32_SYSCFG.cs
index c5e09e23d..e1f36ec69 100644
--- a/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32_SYSCFG.cs
+++ b/src/Emulator/Peripherals/Peripherals/Miscellaneous/STM32_SYSCFG.cs
@@ -106,6 +106,17 @@ private DoubleWordRegisterCollection CreateRegisters()
map.Add((long)Registers.ExternalInterruptConfiguration1 + 4 * regNumber, reg);
+ map.Add((long)Registers.CompensationCellControl, new DoubleWordRegister(this)
+ .WithFlag(0, name: "EN")
+ .WithFlag(1, name: "CS")
+ .WithReservedBits(2, 6)
+ // READY should only be driven to 1 when the CSION flag is set in the RCC_CR register
+ .WithFlag(8, mode: FieldMode.Read, name: "READY", valueProviderCallback: _ => true)
+ .WithReservedBits(9, 7)
+ .WithFlag(16, name: "HSLV")
+ .WithReservedBits(17, 15)
+ );
return new DoubleWordRegisterCollection(this, map);