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homogenize fpca2s inputs & outputs, scale eigenfunctions correctly (a…
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fabian-s committed Jun 20, 2016
1 parent cffc7bb commit 61db505
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Showing 3 changed files with 113 additions and 47 deletions.
101 changes: 71 additions & 30 deletions R/fpca2s.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,27 +4,37 @@
##' value decomposition on the functional data matrix, then smoothing the right
##' singular vectors by smoothing splines.
##' The eigenvalues are the same as those obtained from eigendecomposition of
##' the sample covariance matrix. Please note that we expect to merge this
##' function into \code{\link{fpca.ssvd}} in future versions of the package.
##' Note that \code{fpca2s} computes smoothed orthonormal eigenvectors
#' of the supplied function evaluations (and associated scores), not (!)
#' evaluations of the smoothed orthormal eigenfunctions. The smoothed
#' orthonormal eigenvectors are then rescaled by the length of the domain
#' defined by \code{argvals} to have a quadratic integral approximately equal
#' to one (instead of crossproduct equal to one), so they approximate the behavior
#' of smooth eigenfunctions. If \code{argvals} is not equidistant,
#' \code{fpca2s} will simply return the smoothed eigenvectors without rescaling,
#' with a warning.
##' @param Y data matrix (rows: observations; columns: grid of eval. points)
##' @param npc how many smooth SVs to try to extract. If \code{NA} (the
##' default), the hard thresholding rule of Gavish and Donoho (2014) is used.
##' Application of this rule to functional PCA should be regarded as
##' experimental.
##' @param center center \code{Y} so that its column-means are 0? Defaults to
##' \code{TRUE}
##' @param argvals index vector of \eqn{J} entries for data in \code{Y}; defaults to a
##' regular sequence from 0 to 1.
#'@param Y data matrix (rows: observations; columns: grid of eval. points)
#'@param ydata a data frame \code{ydata} representing
#' irregularly observed functions. NOT IMPLEMENTED for this method.
#'@param argvals the argument values of the function evaluations in \code{Y},
#' defaults to a equidistant grid from 0 to 1. See Details.
#'@param npc how many smooth SVs to try to extract, if \code{NA} (the default)
#' the hard thresholding rule of Donoho, Gavish (2013) is used (see Details,
#' References).
#'@param center center \code{Y} so that its column-means are 0? Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}
##' @param smooth logical; defaults to TRUE, if NULL, no smoothing of
##' eigenvectors.
##' @return An \code{fpca} object with components \item{Yhat}{predicted data matrix}
##' \item{Y}{Observed data}
##' \item{scores}{matrix of scores} \item{mu}{mean function} \item{npc}{number
##' of principal components} \item{efunctions}{matrix of eigenvectors}
##' \item{evalues}{vector of eigenvalues}
##' @author Luo Xiao \email{}
#'@return an \code{fpca} object like that returned from \code{\link{}},
#' with entries \code{Yhat}, the smoothed trajectories, \code{Y}, the observed
#' data, \code{scores}, the estimated FPC loadings, \code{mu}, the column means
#' of \code{Y} (or a vector of zeroes if \code{!center}), \code{efunctions},
#' the estimated smooth FPCs (note that these are orthonormal vectors, not
#' evaluations of orthonormal functions if \code{argvals} is not equidistant),
#' \code{evalues}, their associated eigenvalues, and \code{npc}, the number of
#' smooth components that were extracted.
##' @author Luo Xiao \email{}, Fabian Scheipl
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats smooth.spline
##' @seealso \code{\link{}} and \code{\link{fpca.face}} for FPCA based
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,10 +99,17 @@
##' lines(t[seq],phi[seq,k],lwd = 2, col = "black")
##' }
fpca2s <-
function(Y, npc=NA, center = TRUE, argvals = NULL,smooth=TRUE){
function(Y=NULL, ydata = NULL, argvals = NULL, npc = NA, center = TRUE, smooth=TRUE){

## data: Y, I by J data matrix
## argvals: vector of J
if(any( stop("No missing values in <Y> allowed.")
if(!is.null(ydata)) {
stop(paste("<ydata> argument for irregular data is not supported,",
"please use instead."))

X <- Y
data_dim <- dim(X)
I <- data_dim[1]
Expand All @@ -102,7 +119,22 @@ function(Y, npc=NA, center = TRUE, argvals = NULL,smooth=TRUE){
npc <- getNPC.DonohoGavish(X)

if(is.null(argvals)) argvals <- seq(0, 1, length=J)
irregular <- FALSE
if(!is.null(argvals)) {
length(argvals) == J,
if(any(diff(argvals)/mean(diff(argvals)) > 1.05 |
diff(argvals)/mean(diff(argvals)) < 0.95)) {
warning(paste("non-equidistant <argvals>-grid detected:",
"fpca2s will return orthonormal eigenvectors of the function evaluations",
"not evaluations of the orthonormal eigenvectors.",
"Use for the latter instead."))
irregular <- TRUE
} else {
argvals <- seq(0, 1, length = J)

meanX <- rep(0,J)
if(center) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,24 +173,33 @@ function(Y, npc=NA, center = TRUE, argvals = NULL,smooth=TRUE){
#### smoothing
for(j in 1:npc){
#temp = pspline(U[,j],argvals,knots=knots,p=p,m=m)$fitted.values
temp = smooth.spline(argvals,U[,j],all.knots =TRUE)$y
U[,j] = temp/sqrt(sum(temp^2))
U[,j] = temp
eigenvalues = lambda[1:npc]
scores = X%*%U[,1:npc]/sqrt(J)
# scale smooth eigenvectors so they're scaled as realizations of orthonormal
# eigenfunctions i.e. so that colSums(diff(argvals) * U^2) == 1 instead of
# crossprod(U) == diag(npc)
scale <- sqrt(mean(diff(argvals)))
} else {
scale <- 1

eigenvectors=U[,1:npc, drop=FALSE] / scale
scores = unname(t( = eigenvectors, y = t(X))$coefficients))
eigenvalues = diag(var(scores))

Yhat = t(eigenvectors%*%t(scores)*sqrt(J) + meanX)
Yhat = t(eigenvectors%*%t(scores) + meanX)
ret = list(Yhat = Yhat,
Y = Y,
scores = scores,
scores = scores,
mu = meanX,
argvals =argvals)
class(ret) = "fpca"

46 changes: 29 additions & 17 deletions man/fpca2s.Rd

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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-fpca.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ test_that("all fpca functions agree on toy example", {
expect_equal(sc$efunctions, ssvd$efunctions, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sc$evalues, ssvd$evalues, tolerance=.1)

twos$efunctions <- flip_efunctions(sc$efunctions, twos$efunctions)
expect_equal(sc$efunctions, twos$efunctions, tolerance=.1)
expect_equal(sc$evalues, twos$evalues, tolerance=.1)

##TODO: - fix quadrature weights first
## - flip sign of efunctions if necessary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,3 +69,12 @@ test_that("fpca.ssvd options work", {
expect_true(ncol(ssvd_npc1$efunctions) == 1)
expect_equal(ssvd_d2$efunctions, ssvd$efunctions, tol=.01)

test_that("fpca2s options work", {
expect_error(fpca2s(Y = 1:10, ydata=data.frame()), "irregular data")
expect_warning(fpca2s(Y = Y, argvals=sqrt(t)), "non-equidistant")
twos <- fpca2s(Y)
twos_npc1 <- fpca2s(Y, npc=1)
expect_equal(twos_npc1$efunctions[,1], twos$efunctions[,1])
expect_true(ncol(twos_npc1$efunctions) == 1)

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