This repository holds a cron job to update OpenShift Operator Snapshots. It is configured to run every Monday at 2am.
This repo needs a Pull Secret to work! |
The cronjob can be deployed simply using oc apply -k
as any user with permission to create projects.
cd $HOME
git clone
cd $HOME/update-catalog-snapshots
# Create your Pull Secret - see below
# When on OpenShift earlier than 4.8 change the cronjob API to v1beta1
sed -i 's/v1/v1beta1/g' cronjob-update-snapshots.yaml
# This will create the cronjob in Project gpte-update-snapshots
oc apply -k .
You will need credentials to both the Red Hat registries (use the OpenShift Pull Secret) and the Quay registries holding the catalog snapshot images. Note that this process will override the OpenShift Quay Pull secret - but because you don’t need to pull any protected images from Quay this is fine.
Create a file
containing the OpenShift Pull Secret (e.g. from -
Go to, select organization
and create a robot account. -
Click the settings icon next to the new robot account and select View Credentials
Click Docker Configuration, then View <your token>.json
Copy the contents of this file into
Merge the two pull secrets:
jq -c --argjson var "$(jq .auths $HOME/quay_pullsecret.json)" '.auths += $var' $HOME/ocp_pullsecret.json > $HOME/merged_pullsecret.json jq . $HOME/merged_pullsecret.json
Create a Secret from the merged pull secret:
oc create --dry-run='client' secret generic pullsecret --from-file=pullsecret.json=$HOME/merged_pullsecret.json -o yaml >$HOME/update-catalog-snapshots/secret-pullsecret.yaml
Now you are ready to create the cronjob:
oc apply -k .
The CronJob is configured to run every Monday at 2am. If you need to create an updated snapshot - either to seed the registry or because you can’t wait until Monday for an updated snapshot you can run the job manually:
oc -n gpte-update-snapshots create job --from=cronjob/update-snapshots update-snapshot-now