- Physical Resources chameleon cloud and cloudlab
- Steps to leasing a server from Chameleon cloud chameleon-lease
Do the steps in the following orders to setup the environment:
Server Utility Tools zsh and ohmyzsh
- Installation of zsh
- Installation of ohmyzsh
- Installation of zsh autosuggestion
Python Environment
Download and install miniconda
Create conda virtual-environment
conda create --name central python=3.9.15
Activate conda environment
conda activate central
Install the followings
sudo apt install cmake libz-dev
For Open-CV to work install:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y
Project Data Project data are stored in the google bucket
- Install Gcloud CLI for downloading data.
Infrastracture Kubernetes
- Install Helm
- Setup a K8S cluster k8s-setup
- Set up multi node cluster Multi-node cluster
Network Service Mesh Tool Istio
- Setup Istio on Chameleon istio-setup
ML Inference DAG Technology Seldon Core
- Setup the Seldon core operator on your cluster seldon-core-installation
- See Overview of Component for an overview of the Seldon core framework
- Also see the link to the shortlisted parts of the documentation
Testing Installation
- Up to this point you should have a complete working installation
- To test the installation use test-installation
Resources Observibility Tool Prometheus and Grafana
- Setup the observibitliy tools for services resource usage monitoring setup-observibility
- check out the guide-obervibility for usefule information about using the observability tools
- For compiling model images of the pipeline you'll need Dcoker
- Install them using the offical documentation for docker-doc. Also do the post-installation-steps
Chameleon Object Storage
- we keep the datasets and models in the Chameleon object storage to moount it on a directory use the guide on chameleon website
Minio and nfs
- Minio and nfs are needed for the storage
- Setup them using setup-storage
Multi Node server
- How to set multiNode cluster MultiNode
Installing Gurobi Sovler