- Control two servo motors.
- Use digital pin 9, 10.
- Use PWM
- Receive x, y, z data from H5883L sensor module. Use analog pin 4 and 5.
- Equations are:
$\theta_{bottom}=arctan(\frac{y}{x})$ $\theta_{top}=arccos(\frac{z}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}})$
- Use L293N DC motor controller.
- Receive rotation speed using bluetooth connection.
- Use digital pin 2 and 3 for IN1, IN2, respectively.
- Make bluetooth connection with mobile phone.
- Receive serial data.
- Use HC-06 bluetooth module.
- Get RPM control, on, off commands.
I - on
O - off
'RPM' - rpm