@@ -405,6 +454,8 @@ export const MDXComponents = {
pre: CodeBlock,
+ ConsoleBlockMulti,
+ ConsoleLogLine,
DeepDive: (props: {
children: React.ReactNode;
title: string;
@@ -425,11 +476,13 @@ export const MDXComponents = {
+ LanguageList,
+ CanaryBadge,
diff --git a/src/components/MDX/TeamMember.tsx b/src/components/MDX/TeamMember.tsx
index 95ae68bb9..f5cee49b3 100644
--- a/src/components/MDX/TeamMember.tsx
+++ b/src/components/MDX/TeamMember.tsx
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ export function TeamMember({
+ className="hover:text-primary hover:underline dark:text-primary-dark flex flex-row items-center">
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ export function TeamMember({
+ className="hover:text-primary hover:underline dark:text-primary-dark flex flex-row items-center">
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ export function TeamMember({
{tags.map((tag) => (
diff --git a/src/components/Search.tsx b/src/components/Search.tsx
index 8bc47297a..cff7f8852 100644
--- a/src/components/Search.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Search.tsx
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ export function Search({
- {deployedTranslations.map((languageCode) => (
+ {finishedTranslations.map((languageCode) => (
>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
const bannerLink = 'https://conf.react.dev/';
const bannerLinkText = 'En savoir plus';
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2020/12/21/data-fetching-with-react-server-components.md b/src/content/blog/2020/12/21/data-fetching-with-react-server-components.md
index d1549b2d6..c3140b26d 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2020/12/21/data-fetching-with-react-server-components.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2020/12/21/data-fetching-with-react-server-components.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "Découvrez les React Server Components qui n'impactent pas votre bundle"
+title: "Introducing Zero-Bundle-Size React Server Components"
+author: Dan Abramov, Lauren Tan, Joseph Savona, and Sebastian Markbage
+date: 2020/12/21
+description: 2020 has been a long year. As it comes to an end we wanted to share a special Holiday Update on our research into zero-bundle-size React Server Components.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 21 décembre 2020 par [Dan Abramov](https://twitter.com/dan_abramov), [Lauren Tan](https://twitter.com/potetotes), [Joseph Savona](https://twitter.com/en_JS) et [Sebastian Markbåge](https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage)
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2021/06/08/the-plan-for-react-18.md b/src/content/blog/2021/06/08/the-plan-for-react-18.md
index 0bcfbe621..0fbe5f3c1 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2021/06/08/the-plan-for-react-18.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2021/06/08/the-plan-for-react-18.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "Nos plans pour React 18"
+title: "The Plan for React 18"
+author: Andrew Clark, Brian Vaughn, Christine Abernathy, Dan Abramov, Rachel Nabors, Rick Hanlon, Sebastian Markbage, and Seth Webster
+date: 2021/06/08
+description: The React team is excited to share a few updates. We’ve started work on the React 18 release, which will be our next major version. We’ve created a Working Group to prepare the community for gradual adoption of new features in React 18. We’ve published a React 18 Alpha so that library authors can try it and provide feedback...
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 8 juin 2021 par [Andrew Clark](https://twitter.com/acdlite), [Brian Vaughn](https://github.com/bvaughn), [Christine Abernathy](https://twitter.com/abernathyca), [Dan Abramov](https://twitter.com/dan_abramov), [Rachel Nabors](https://twitter.com/rachelnabors), [Rick Hanlon](https://twitter.com/rickhanlonii), [Sebastian Markbåge](https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage) et [Seth Webster](https://twitter.com/sethwebster)
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2021/12/17/react-conf-2021-recap.md b/src/content/blog/2021/12/17/react-conf-2021-recap.md
index 186d1ac06..e63fbc450 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2021/12/17/react-conf-2021-recap.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2021/12/17/react-conf-2021-recap.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "La React Conf 2021 en bref"
+title: "React Conf 2021 Recap"
+author: Jesslyn Tannady and Rick Hanlon
+date: 2021/12/17
+description: Last week we hosted our 6th React Conf. In previous years, we've used the React Conf stage to deliver industry changing announcements such as React Native and React Hooks. This year, we shared our multi-platform vision for React, starting with the release of React 18 and gradual adoption of concurrent features.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 17 décembre 2021 par [Jesslyn Tannady](https://twitter.com/jtannady) et [Rick Hanlon](https://twitter.com/rickhanlonii)
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2022/03/08/react-18-upgrade-guide.md b/src/content/blog/2022/03/08/react-18-upgrade-guide.md
index dc82efdcf..c72a238c0 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2022/03/08/react-18-upgrade-guide.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2022/03/08/react-18-upgrade-guide.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "Comment migrer sur React 18"
+title: "How to Upgrade to React 18"
+author: Rick Hanlon
+date: 2022/03/08
+description: As we shared in the release post, React 18 introduces features powered by our new concurrent renderer, with a gradual adoption strategy for existing applications. In this post, we will guide you through the steps for upgrading to React 18.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 8 mars 2022 par [Rick Hanlon](https://twitter.com/rickhanlonii)
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18.md b/src/content/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18.md
index 98250105d..0df96c3b3 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18.md
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: "React v18.0"
+author: The React Team
+date: 2022/03/08
+description: React 18 is now available on npm! In our last post, we shared step-by-step instructions for upgrading your app to React 18. In this post, we'll give an overview of what's new in React 18, and what it means for the future.
Le 29 mars 2022 par [l'équipe React](/community/team)
@@ -237,7 +240,11 @@ Avec le Mode Strict de React 18, React simule ensuite, en mode développement, l
#### useTransition {/*usetransition*/}
+<<<<<<< HEAD
`useTransition` et `startTransition` vous permettent d'indiquer que certaines mises à jour d'état ne sont pas urgentes. Les autres mises à jour d'état sont considérées comme urgentes par défaut. React permettra aux mises à jour d'état urgentes (par exemple la mise à jour d'un champ de saisie) d'interrompre les mises à jour d'état non urgentes (par exemple le rendu d'une liste de résultats de recherche). [Voir la documentation](/reference/react/useTransition).
+`useTransition` and `startTransition` let you mark some state updates as not urgent. Other state updates are considered urgent by default. React will allow urgent state updates (for example, updating a text input) to interrupt non-urgent state updates (for example, rendering a list of search results). [See docs here](/reference/react/useTransition).
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
#### useDeferredValue {/*usedeferredvalue*/}
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2022/06/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-june-2022.md b/src/content/blog/2022/06/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-june-2022.md
index 019081154..12da0eabf 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2022/06/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-june-2022.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2022/06/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-june-2022.md
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: "React Labs: What We've Been Working On – June 2022"
+author: Andrew Clark, Dan Abramov, Jan Kassens, Joseph Savona, Josh Story, Lauren Tan, Luna Ruan, Mengdi Chen, Rick Hanlon, Robert Zhang, Sathya Gunasekaran, Sebastian Markbage, and Xuan Huang
+date: 2022/06/15
+description: React 18 was years in the making, and with it brought valuable lessons for the React team. Its release was the result of many years of research and exploring many paths. Some of those paths were successful; many more were dead-ends that led to new insights. One lesson we’ve learned is that it’s frustrating for the community to wait for new features without having insight into these paths that we’re exploring.
Le 15 juin 2022 par [Andrew Clark](https://twitter.com/acdlite), [Dan Abramov](https://twitter.com/dan_abramov), [Jan Kassens](https://twitter.com/kassens), [Joseph Savona](https://twitter.com/en_JS), [Josh Story](https://twitter.com/joshcstory), [Lauren Tan](https://twitter.com/potetotes), [Luna Ruan](https://twitter.com/lunaruan), [Mengdi Chen](https://twitter.com/mengdi_en), [Rick Hanlon](https://twitter.com/rickhanlonii), [Robert Zhang](https://twitter.com/jiaxuanzhang01), [Sathya Gunasekaran](https://twitter.com/_gsathya), [Sebastian Markbåge](https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage) et [Xuan Huang](https://twitter.com/Huxpro)
@@ -73,7 +76,11 @@ Nous travaillons sur une nouvelle version de l'API de pistage d'interactions (ap
## Nouvelles docs React {/*new-react-docs*/}
+<<<<<<< HEAD
Nous avons annoncé l'année dernière une version beta du nouveau site web de documentation de React ([finalement livrée en tant que react.dev](/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-react-dev)). Ces nouveaux contenus pédagogiques sont basés sur les Hooks et comprennent de nouveaux diagrammes et illustrations, ainsi que de nombreux exemples et défis interactifs. Nous avons mis ce chantier en pause le temps de nous concentrer sur la sortie de React 18, mais maintenant que celui-ci est sorti, nous avons repris le travail pour boucler et sortir la nouvelle documentation.
+We are currently writing a detailed section about effects, as we’ve heard that is one of the more challenging topics for both new and experienced React users. [Synchronizing with Effects](/learn/synchronizing-with-effects) is the first published page in the series, and there are more to come in the following weeks. When we first started writing a detailed section about effects, we’ve realized that many common effect patterns can be simplified by adding a new primitive to React. We’ve shared some initial thoughts on that in the [useEvent RFC](https://github.com/reactjs/rfcs/pull/220). It is currently in early research, and we are still iterating on the idea. We appreciate the community’s comments on the RFC so far, as well as the [feedback](https://github.com/reactjs/react.dev/issues/3308) and contributions to the ongoing documentation rewrite. We’d specifically like to thank [Harish Kumar](https://github.com/harish-sethuraman) for submitting and reviewing many improvements to the new website implementation.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Nous sommes en train d'écrire une section très détaillée sur les Effets, puisque vous nous avez souvent dit que c'était un des sujets les plus délicats à maîtriser pour les utilisateurs de React tant novices que chevronnés. La première page de la série s'appelle [Synchroniser grâce aux Effets](/learn/synchronizing-with-effects), et vous en verrez d'autres dans les prochaines semaines. Lorsque nous avons commencé cette section sur les Effets, nous avons réalisé que de nombreuses approches usuelles utilisant les Effets peuvent être simplifiées en ajoutant une nouvelle primitive à React. Nous avons partagé nos premières réflexions à ce sujet dans la [RFC pour useEvent](https://github.com/reactjs/rfcs/pull/220). Elle en est aux premiers stades de la recherche, et nous itérons sur le concept. Nous apprécions les commentaires de la communauté dans la RFC jusqu'ici, ainsi que les [retours](https://github.com/reactjs/reactjs.org/issues/3308) et contributions sur le chantier en cours de la nouvelle documentation. Nous aimerions notamment remercier [Harish Kumar](https://github.com/harish-sethuraman) pour avoir envoyé ou revu de nombreuses améliorations à l'implémentation du nouveau site web.
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-react-dev.md b/src/content/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-react-dev.md
index b42cc9877..568e5fe9d 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-react-dev.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-react-dev.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "Découvrez react.dev"
+title: "Introducing react.dev"
+author: Dan Abramov and Rachel Nabors
+date: 2023/03/16
+description: Today we are thrilled to launch react.dev, the new home for React and its documentation. In this post, we would like to give you a tour of the new site.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 16 mars 2023 par [Dan Abramov](https://twitter.com/dan_abramov) et [Rachel Nabors](https://twitter.com/rachelnabors)
@@ -611,7 +618,11 @@ Nous espérons que cette approche rendra la référence API utile non seulement
## Et maintenant ? {/*whats-next*/}
+<<<<<<< HEAD
Voilà qui conclut notre visite guidée ! Baladez-vous sur le nouveau site, voyez ce que vous aimez ou pas, et n'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos retours *via* le [sondage anonyme](https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PYRPF3X) ou dans notre [gestion de tickets](https://github.com/reactjs/react.dev/issues).
+That's a wrap for our little tour! Have a look around the new website, see what you like or don't like, and keep the feedback coming in our [issue tracker](https://github.com/reactjs/react.dev/issues).
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Nous sommes conscients que ce projet a mis longtemps à voir le jour. Nous voulions mettre très haut la barre de la qualité, car nous estimons que la communauté React le mérite. Durant l'écriture de ces docs et la création de tous les exemples, nous avons repéré des erreurs dans nos propres explications, des bugs dans React, et même des trous dans la conception de React que nous travaillons désormais à régler. Nous espérons que cette documentation nous aidera à garder la barre très haut pour React à l'avenir.
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023.md b/src/content/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023.md
index b205b64e8..7e02d3545 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "React Labs : ce sur quoi nous bossons – mars 2023"
+title: "React Labs: What We've Been Working On – March 2023"
+author: Joseph Savona, Josh Story, Lauren Tan, Mengdi Chen, Samuel Susla, Sathya Gunasekaran, Sebastian Markbage, and Andrew Clark
+date: 2023/03/22
+description: In React Labs posts, we write about projects in active research and development. We've made significant progress on them since our last update, and we'd like to share what we learned.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 22 mars 2023 par [Joseph Savona](https://twitter.com/en_JS), [Josh Story](https://twitter.com/joshcstory), [Lauren Tan](https://twitter.com/potetotes), [Mengdi Chen](https://twitter.com/mengdi_en), [Samuel Susla](https://twitter.com/SamuelSusla), [Sathya Gunasekaran](https://twitter.com/_gsathya), [Sebastian Markbåge](https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage) et [Andrew Clark](https://twitter.com/acdlite).
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2023/05/03/react-canaries.md b/src/content/blog/2023/05/03/react-canaries.md
index f9dca1719..b31e0d01f 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2023/05/03/react-canaries.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2023/05/03/react-canaries.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "React Canaries : livraison incrémentale de fonctionnalités hors de Meta"
+title: "React Canaries: Enabling Incremental Feature Rollout Outside Meta"
+author: Dan Abramov, Sophie Alpert, Rick Hanlon, Sebastian Markbage, and Andrew Clark
+date: 2023/05/03
+description: We'd like to offer the React community an option to adopt individual new features as soon as their design is close to final, before they're released in a stable version--similar to how Meta has long used bleeding-edge versions of React internally. We are introducing a new officially supported [Canary release channel](/community/versioning-policy#canary-channel). It lets curated setups like frameworks decouple adoption of individual React features from the React release schedule.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 3 mai 2023 par [Dan Abramov](https://twitter.com/dan_abramov), [Sophie Alpert](https://twitter.com/sophiebits), [Rick Hanlon](https://twitter.com/rickhanlonii), [Sebastian Markbåge](https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage) et [Andrew Clark](https://twitter.com/acdlite)
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024.md b/src/content/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024.md
index 9a0228721..213921a95 100644
--- a/src/content/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024.md
+++ b/src/content/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
title: "React Labs : ce sur quoi nous bossons – février 2024"
+title: "React Labs: What We've Been Working On – February 2024"
+author: Joseph Savona, Ricky Hanlon, Andrew Clark, Matt Carroll, and Dan Abramov
+date: 2024/02/15
+description: In React Labs posts, we write about projects in active research and development. We’ve made significant progress since our last update, and we’d like to share our progress.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Le 15 février 2024 par [Joseph Savona](https://twitter.com/en_JS), [Ricky Hanlon](https://twitter.com/rickhanlonii), [Andrew Clark](https://twitter.com/acdlite), [Matt Carroll](https://twitter.com/mattcarrollcode) et [Dan Abramov](https://twitter.com/dan_abramov).
@@ -51,7 +58,11 @@ Nous appelons cette collection plus large de fonctionnalités simplement « Act
+<<<<<<< HEAD
La fonction `action` peut être synchrone ou asynchrone. Vous pouvez la définir côté client avec du JavaScript classique, ou côté serveur avec la directive [`'use server'`](/reference/react/use-server). Lorsque vous utilisez une Action, React gère le cycle de vie de l'envoi de données pour vous, en fournissant des Hooks tels que [`useFormStatus`](/reference/react-dom/hooks/useFormStatus) et [`useFormState`](/reference/react-dom/hooks/useFormState) pour accéder à l'état courant et la réponse à l'action du formulaire.
+The `action` function can operate synchronously or asynchronously. You can define them on the client side using standard JavaScript or on the server with the [`'use server'`](/reference/rsc/use-server) directive. When using an action, React will manage the life cycle of the data submission for you, providing hooks like [`useFormStatus`](/reference/react-dom/hooks/useFormStatus), and [`useActionState`](/reference/react/useActionState) to access the current state and response of the form action.
+>>>>>>> 4c91abc78b20be10e7d40cf57a80a6a6247e6e9a
Par défaut, les Actions sont exécutées au sein d'une [transition](/reference/react/useTransition), ce qui permet de conserver une page interactive pendant leur traitement. Dans la mesure où les Actions autorisent les fonctions asynchrones, nous avons ajouté la possibilité d'utiliser `async/await` dans les transitions. Ça vous permet d'afficher une UI avec l'état `isPending` d'une transition lorsqu'une requête asynchrone telle que `fetch` démarre, et de maintenir cette UI d'attente tout le temps de la mise à jour.
@@ -71,13 +82,21 @@ Les Canaries changent la façon dont nous développons React. Par le passé, cha
Les Composants Serveur, le Chargement de ressources, les Métadonnées de documents et les Actions sont autant de fonctionnalités disponibles dans React Canary, et nous avons ajouté de la documentation pour ces fonctionnalités sur fr.react.dev :
+<<<<<<< HEAD
- **Directives** : [`"use client"`](/reference/react/use-client) et [`"use server"`](/reference/react/use-server) sont des marqueurs de *bundling* conçus pour les frameworks React full-stack. Ils indiquent des « points de césure » entre deux environnements : `"use client"` indique au *bundler* de générer une balise `
+### Libraries depending on React internals may block upgrades {/*libraries-depending-on-react-internals-may-block-upgrades*/}
+This release includes changes to React internals that may impact libraries that ignore our pleas to not use internals like `SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED`. These changes are necessary to land improvements in React 19, and will not break libraries that follow our guidelines.
+Based on our [Versioning Policy](https://react.dev/community/versioning-policy#what-counts-as-a-breaking-change), these updates are not listed as breaking changes, and we are not including docs for how to upgrade them. The recommendation is to remove any code that depends on internals.
+To reflect the impact of using internals, we have renamed the `SECRET_INTERNALS` suffix to:
+In the future we will more aggressively block accessing internals from React to discourage usage and ensure users are not blocked from upgrading.
+## TypeScript changes {/*typescript-changes*/}
+### Removed deprecated TypeScript types {/*removed-deprecated-typescript-types*/}
+We've cleaned up the TypeScript types based on the removed APIs in React 19. Some of the removed have types been moved to more relevant packages, and others are no longer needed to describe React's behavior.
+We've published [`types-react-codemod`](https://github.com/eps1lon/types-react-codemod/) to migrate most type related breaking changes:
+npx types-react-codemod@latest preset-19 ./path-to-app
+If you have a lot of unsound access to `element.props`, you can run this additional codemod:
+npx types-react-codemod@latest react-element-default-any-props ./path-to-your-react-ts-files
+Check out [`types-react-codemod`](https://github.com/eps1lon/types-react-codemod/) for a list of supported replacements. If you feel a codemod is missing, it can be tracked in the [list of missing React 19 codemods](https://github.com/eps1lon/types-react-codemod/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+label%3A%22React+19%22+label%3Aenhancement).
+### `ref` cleanups required {/*ref-cleanup-required*/}
+_This change is included in the `react-19` codemod preset as [`no-implicit-ref-callback-return
+Due to the introduction of ref cleanup functions, returning anything else from a ref callback will now be rejected by TypeScript. The fix is usually to stop using implicit returns:
+```diff [[1, 1, "("], [1, 1, ")"], [2, 2, "{", 15], [2, 2, "}", 1]]
(instance = current)} />
{instance = current}} />
+The original code returned the instance of the `HTMLDivElement` and TypeScript wouldn't know if this was supposed to be a cleanup function or not.
+### `useRef` requires an argument {/*useref-requires-argument*/}
+_This change is included in the `react-19` codemod preset as [`refobject-defaults`](https://github.com/eps1lon/types-react-codemod/#refobject-defaults)._
+A long-time complaint of how TypeScript and React work has been `useRef`. We've changed the types so that `useRef` now requires an argument. This significantly simplifies its type signature. It'll now behave more like `createContext`.
+// @ts-expect-error: Expected 1 argument but saw none
+// Passes
+// @ts-expect-error: Expected 1 argument but saw none
+// Passes
+This now also means that all refs are mutable. You'll no longer hit the issue where you can't mutate a ref because you initialised it with `null`:
+const ref = useRef
+// Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a read-only property
+ref.current = 1;
+`MutableRef` is now deprecated in favor of a single `RefObject` type which `useRef` will always return:
+interface RefObject {
+ current: T
+declare function useRef: RefObject
+`useRef` still has a convenience overload for `useRef(null)` that automatically returns `RefObject`. To ease migration due to the required argument for `useRef`, a convenience overload for `useRef(undefined)` was added that automatically returns `RefObject`.
+Check out [[RFC] Make all refs mutable](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/pull/64772) for prior discussions about this change.
+### Changes to the `ReactElement` TypeScript type {/*changes-to-the-reactelement-typescript-type*/}
+_This change is included in the [`react-element-default-any-props`](https://github.com/eps1lon/types-react-codemod#react-element-default-any-props) codemod._
+The `props` of React elements now default to `unknown` instead of `any` if the element is typed as `ReactElement`. This does not affect you if you pass a type argument to `ReactElement`:
+type Example2 = ReactElement<{ id: string }>["props"];
+// ^? { id: string }
+But if you relied on the default, you now have to handle `unknown`:
+type Example = ReactElement["props"];
+// ^? Before, was 'any', now 'unknown'
+You should only need it if you have a lot of legacy code relying on unsound access of element props. Element introspection only exists as an escape hatch, and you should make it explicit that your props access is unsound via an explicit `any`.
+### The JSX namespace in TypeScript {/*the-jsx-namespace-in-typescript*/}
+This change is included in the `react-19` codemod preset as [`scoped-jsx`](https://github.com/eps1lon/types-react-codemod#scoped-jsx)
+A long-time request is to remove the global `JSX` namespace from our types in favor of `React.JSX`. This helps prevent pollution of global types which prevents conflicts between different UI libraries that leverage JSX.
+You'll now need to wrap module augmentation of the JSX namespace in `declare module "....":
+// global.d.ts
++ declare module "react" {
+ namespace JSX {
+ interface IntrinsicElements {
+ "my-element": {
+ myElementProps: string;
+ };
+ }
+ }
++ }
+The exact module specifier depends on the JSX runtime you specified in the `compilerOptions` of your `tsconfig.json`:
+- For `"jsx": "react-jsx"` it would be `react/jsx-runtime`.
+- For `"jsx": "react-jsxdev"` it would be `react/jsx-dev-runtime`.
+- For `"jsx": "react"` and `"jsx": "preserve"` it would be `react`.
+### Better `useReducer` typings {/*better-usereducer-typings*/}
+`useReducer` now has improved type inference thanks to [@mfp22](https://github.com/mfp22).
+However, this required a breaking change where `useReducer` doesn't accept the full reducer type as a type parameter but instead either needs none (and rely on contextual typing) or needs both the state and action type.
+The new best practice is _not_ to pass type arguments to `useReducer`.
+- useReducer>(reducer)
++ useReducer(reducer)
+This may not work in edge cases where you can explicitly type the state and action, by passing in the `Action` in a tuple:
+- useReducer>(reducer)
++ useReducer(reducer)
+If you define the reducer inline, we encourage to annotate the function parameters instead:
+- useReducer>((state, action) => state)
++ useReducer((state: State, action: Action) => state)
+This is also what you'd also have to do if you move the reducer outside of the `useReducer` call:
+const reducer = (state: State, action: Action) => state;
+## Changelog {/*changelog*/}
+### Other breaking changes {/*other-breaking-changes*/}
+- **react-dom**: Error for javascript URLs in src/href [#26507](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/26507)
+- **react-dom**: Remove `errorInfo.digest` from `onRecoverableError` [#28222](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/28222)
+- **react-dom**: Remove `unstable_flushControlled` [#26397](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/26397)
+- **react-dom**: Remove `unstable_createEventHandle` [#28271](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/28271)
+- **react-dom**: Remove `unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer` [#28271](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/28271)
+- **react-dom**: Remove `unstable_runWithPrioirty` [#28271](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/28271)
+- **react-is**: Remove deprecated methods from `react-is` [28224](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/28224)
+### Other notable changes {/*other-notable-changes*/}
+- **react**: Batch sync, default and continuous lanes [#25700](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/25700)
+- **react**: Don't prerender siblings of suspended component [#26380](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/26380)
+- **react**: Detect infinite update loops caused by render phase updates [#26625](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/26625)
+- **react-dom**: Transitions in popstate are now synchronous [#26025](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/26025)
+- **react-dom**: Remove layout effect warning during SSR [#26395](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/26395)
+- **react-dom**: Warn and don’t set empty string for src/href (except anchor tags) [#28124](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/28124)
+We'll publish the full changelog with the stable release of React 19.
+Thanks to [Andrew Clark](https://twitter.com/acdlite), [Eli White](https://twitter.com/Eli_White), [Jack Pope](https://github.com/jackpope), [Jan Kassens](https://github.com/kassens), [Josh Story](https://twitter.com/joshcstory), [Matt Carroll](https://twitter.com/mattcarrollcode), [Noah Lemen](https://twitter.com/noahlemen), [Sophie Alpert](https://twitter.com/sophiebits), and [Sebastian Silbermann](https://twitter.com/sebsilbermann) for reviewing and editing this post.
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2024/04/25/react-19.md b/src/content/blog/2024/04/25/react-19.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b19c3546
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+title: "React 19 RC"
+author: The React Team
+date: 2024/04/25
+description: React 19 RC is now available on npm! In this post, we'll give an overview of the new features in React 19, and how you can adopt them.
+April 25, 2024 by [The React Team](/community/team)
+React 19 RC is now available on npm!
+In our [React 19 RC Upgrade Guide](/blog/2024/04/25/react-19-upgrade-guide), we shared step-by-step instructions for upgrading your app to React 19. In this post, we'll give an overview of the new features in React 19, and how you can adopt them.
+- [What's new in React 19](#whats-new-in-react-19)
+- [Improvements in React 19](#improvements-in-react-19)
+- [How to upgrade](#how-to-upgrade)
+For a list of breaking changes, see the [Upgrade Guide](/blog/2024/04/25/react-19-upgrade-guide).
+## What's new in React 19 {/*whats-new-in-react-19*/}
+### Actions {/*actions*/}
+A common use case in React apps is to perform a data mutation and then update state in response. For example, when a user submits a form to change their name, you will make an API request, and then handle the response. In the past, you would need to handle pending states, errors, optimistic updates, and sequential requests manually.
+For example, you could handle the pending and error state in `useState`:
+// Before Actions
+function UpdateName({}) {
+ const [name, setName] = useState("");
+ const [error, setError] = useState(null);
+ const [isPending, setIsPending] = useState(false);
+ const handleSubmit = async () => {
+ setIsPending(true);
+ const error = await updateName(name);
+ setIsPending(false);
+ if (error) {
+ setError(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ redirect("/path");
+ };
+ return (
setName(event.target.value)} />
+ {error &&
+ );
+In React 19, we're adding support for using async functions in transitions to handle pending states, errors, forms, and optimistic updates automatically.
+For example, you can use `useTransition` to handle the pending state for you:
+// Using pending state from Actions
+function UpdateName({}) {
+ const [name, setName] = useState("");
+ const [error, setError] = useState(null);
+ const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();
+ const handleSubmit = () => {
+ startTransition(async () => {
+ const error = await updateName(name);
+ if (error) {
+ setError(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ redirect("/path");
+ })
+ };
+ return (
setName(event.target.value)} />
+ {error &&
+ );
+The async transition will immediately set the `isPending` state to true, make the async request(s), and switch `isPending` to false after any transitions. This allows you to keep the current UI responsive and interactive while the data is changing.
+#### By convention, functions that use async transitions are called "Actions". {/*by-convention-functions-that-use-async-transitions-are-called-actions*/}
+Actions automatically manage submitting data for you:
+- **Pending state**: Actions provide a pending state that starts at the beginning of a request and automatically resets when the final state update is committed.
+- **Optimistic updates**: Actions support the new [`useOptimistic`](#new-hook-optimistic-updates) hook so you can show users instant feedback while the requests are submitting.
+- **Error handling**: Actions provide error handling so you can display Error Boundaries when a request fails, and revert optimistic updates to their original value automatically.
+- **Forms**: `
+Building on top of Actions, React 19 introduces [`useOptimistic`](#new-hook-optimistic-updates) to manage optimistic updates, and a new hook [`React.useActionState`](#new-hook-useactionstate) to handle common cases for Actions. In `react-dom` we're adding [`
+ );
+In the next section, we'll break down each of the new Action features in React 19.
+### New hook: `useActionState` {/*new-hook-useactionstate*/}
+To make the common cases easier for Actions, we've added a new hook called `useActionState`:
+const [error, submitAction, isPending] = useActionState(
+ async (previousState, newName) => {
+ const error = await updateName(newName);
+ if (error) {
+ // You can return any result of the action.
+ // Here, we return only the error.
+ return error;
+ }
+ // handle success
+ return null;
+ },
+ null,
+`useActionState` accepts a function (the "Action"), and returns a wrapped Action to call. This works because Actions compose. When the wrapped Action is called, `useActionState` will return the last result of the Action as `data`, and the pending state of the Action as `pending`.
+`React.useActionState` was previously called `ReactDOM.useFormState` in the Canary releases, but we've renamed it and deprecated `useFormState`.
+See [#28491](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/28491) for more info.
+For more information, see the docs for [`useActionState`](/reference/react/useActionState).
+### React DOM: `}>
+ )
+#### `use` does not support promises created in render. {/*use-does-not-support-promises-created-in-render*/}
+If you try to pass a promise created in render to `use`, React will warn:
+A component was suspended by an uncached promise. Creating promises inside a Client Component or hook is not yet supported, except via a Suspense-compatible library or framework.
+To fix, you need to pass a promise from a suspense powered library or framework that supports caching for promises. In the future we plan to ship features to make it easier to cache promises in render.
+You can also read context with `use`, allowing you to read Context conditionally such as after early returns:
+```js {1,11}
+import {use} from 'react';
+import ThemeContext from './ThemeContext'
+function Heading({children}) {
+ if (children == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // This would not work with useContext
+ // because of the early return.
+ const theme = use(ThemeContext);
+ return (
+ {children}
+ );
+The `use` API can only be called in render, similar to hooks. Unlike hooks, `use` can be called conditionally. In the future we plan to support more ways to consume resources in render with `use`.
+For more information, see the docs for [`use`](/reference/react/use).
+## React Server Components {/*react-server-components*/}
+### Server Components {/*server-components*/}
+Server Components are a new option that allows rendering components ahead of time, before bundling, in an environment separate from your client application or SSR server. This separate environment is the "server" in React Server Components. Server Components can run once at build time on your CI server, or they can be run for each request using a web server.
+React 19 includes all of the React Server Components features included from the Canary channel. This means libraries that ship with Server Components can now target React 19 as a peer dependency with a `react-server` [export condition](https://github.com/reactjs/rfcs/blob/main/text/0227-server-module-conventions.md#react-server-conditional-exports) for use in frameworks that support the [Full-stack React Architecture](/learn/start-a-new-react-project#which-features-make-up-the-react-teams-full-stack-architecture-vision).
+#### How do I build support for Server Components? {/*how-do-i-build-support-for-server-components*/}
+While React Server Components in React 19 are stable and will not break between major versions, the underlying APIs used to implement a React Server Components bundler or framework do not follow semver and may break between minors in React 19.x.
+To support React Server Components as a bundler or framework, we recommend pinning to a specific React version, or using the Canary release. We will continue working with bundlers and frameworks to stabilize the APIs used to implement React Server Components in the future.
+For more, see the docs for [React Server Components](/reference/rsc/server-components).
+### Server Actions {/*server-actions*/}
+Server Actions allow Client Components to call async functions executed on the server.
+When a Server Action is defined with the `"use server"` directive, your framework will automatically create a reference to the server function, and pass that reference to the Client Component. When that function is called on the client, React will send a request to the server to execute the function, and return the result.
+#### There is no directive for Server Components. {/*there-is-no-directive-for-server-components*/}
+A common misunderstanding is that Server Components are denoted by `"use server"`, but there is no directive for Server Components. The `"use server"` directive is used for Server Actions.
+For more info, see the docs for [Directives](/reference/rsc/directives).
+Server Actions can be created in Server Components and passed as props to Client Components, or they can be imported and used in Client Components.
+For more, see the docs for [React Server Actions](/reference/rsc/server-actions).
+## Improvements in React 19 {/*improvements-in-react-19*/}
+### `ref` as a prop {/*ref-as-a-prop*/}
+Starting in React 19, you can now access `ref` as a prop for function components:
+```js [[1, 1, "ref"], [1, 2, "ref", 45], [1, 6, "ref", 14]]
+function MyInput({placeholder, ref}) {
+ return
+New function components will no longer need `forwardRef`, and we will be publishing a codemod to automatically update your components to use the new `ref` prop. In future versions we will deprecate and remove `forwardRef`.
+`refs` passed to classes are not passed as props since they reference the component instance.
+### Diffs for hydration errors {/*diffs-for-hydration-errors*/}
+We also improved error reporting for hydration errors in `react-dom`. For example, instead of logging multiple errors in DEV without any information about the mismatch:
+Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "Server" Client: "Client"
+{' '}at span
+{' '}at App
+Warning: An error occurred during hydration. The server HTML was replaced with client content in \.
+Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "Server" Client: "Client"
+{' '}at span
+{' '}at App
+Warning: An error occurred during hydration. The server HTML was replaced with client content in \.
+Uncaught Error: Text content does not match server-rendered HTML.
+{' '}at checkForUnmatchedText
+{' '}...
+We now log a single message with a diff of the mismatch:
+Uncaught Error: Hydration failed because the server rendered HTML didn't match the client. As a result this tree will be regenerated on the client. This can happen if an SSR-ed Client Component used:{'\n'}
+\- A server/client branch `if (typeof window !== 'undefined')`.
+\- Variable input such as `Date.now()` or `Math.random()` which changes each time it's called.
+\- Date formatting in a user's locale which doesn't match the server.
+\- External changing data without sending a snapshot of it along with the HTML.
+\- Invalid HTML tag nesting.{'\n'}
+It can also happen if the client has a browser extension installed which messes with the HTML before React loaded.{'\n'}
+https://react.dev/link/hydration-mismatch {'\n'}
+{' '}\
+{' '}\
+{'+ '}Client
+{'- '}Server{'\n'}
+{' '}at throwOnHydrationMismatch
+{' '}...
+### `
` as a provider {/*context-as-a-provider*/}
+In React 19, you can render `` as a provider instead of ``:
+```js {5,7}
+const ThemeContext = createContext('');
+function App({children}) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ );
+New Context providers can use `` and we will be publishing a codemod to convert existing providers. In future versions we will deprecate ``.
+### Cleanup functions for refs {/*cleanup-functions-for-refs*/}
+We now support returning a cleanup function from `ref` callbacks:
+```js {7-9}
+ {
+ // ref created
+ // NEW: return a cleanup function to reset
+ // the ref when element is removed from DOM.
+ return () => {
+ // ref cleanup
+ };
+ }}
+When the component unmounts, React will call the cleanup function returned from the `ref` callback. This works for DOM refs, refs to class components, and `useImperativeHandle`.
+Previously, React would call `ref` functions with `null` when unmounting the component. If your `ref` returns a cleanup function, React will now skip this step.
+In future versions, we will deprecate calling refs with `null` when unmounting components.
+Due to the introduction of ref cleanup functions, returning anything else from a `ref` callback will now be rejected by TypeScript. The fix is usually to stop using implicit returns, for example:
+```diff [[1, 1, "("], [1, 1, ")"], [2, 2, "{", 15], [2, 2, "}", 1]]
+- (instance = current)} />
{instance = current}} />
+The original code returned the instance of the `HTMLDivElement` and TypeScript wouldn't know if this was _supposed_ to be a cleanup function or if you didn't want to return a cleanup function.
+You can codemod this pattern with [`no-implicit-ref-callback-return`](https://github.com/eps1lon/types-react-codemod/#no-implicit-ref-callback-return).
+### `useDeferredValue` initial value {/*use-deferred-value-initial-value*/}
+We've added an `initialValue` option to `useDeferredValue`:
+```js [[1, 1, "deferredValue"], [1, 4, "deferredValue"], [2, 4, "''"]]
+function Search({deferredValue}) {
+ // On initial render the value is ''.
+ // Then a re-render is scheduled with the deferredValue.
+ const value = useDeferredValue(deferredValue, '');
+ return (
+ );
initialValue is provided, `useDeferredValue` will return it as `value` for the initial render of the component, and schedules a re-render in the background with the
deferredValue returned.
+For more, see [`useDeferredValue`](/reference/react/useDeferredValue).
+### Support for Document Metadata {/*support-for-metadata-tags*/}
+In HTML, document metadata tags like `
`, ``, and `` are reserved for placement in the `` section of the document. In React, the component that decides what metadata is appropriate for the app may be very far from the place where you render the `` or React does not render the `` at all. In the past, these elements would need to be inserted manually in an effect, or by libraries like [`react-helmet`](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet), and required careful handling when server rendering a React application.
+In React 19, we're adding support for rendering document metadata tags in components natively:
+```js {5-8}
+function BlogPost({post}) {
+ return (
+ {post.title}
+ {post.title}
+ Eee equals em-see-squared...
+ );
+When React renders this component, it will see the `` `` and `` tags, and automatically hoist them to the `` section of document. By supporting these metadata tags natively, we're able to ensure they work with client-only apps, streaming SSR, and Server Components.
+#### You may still want a Metadata library {/*you-may-still-want-a-metadata-library*/}
+For simple use cases, rendering Document Metadata as tags may be suitable, but libraries can offer more powerful features like overriding generic metadata with specific metadata based on the current route. These features make it easier for frameworks and libraries like [`react-helmet`](https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet) to support metadata tags, rather than replace them.
+For more info, see the docs for [``](/reference/react-dom/components/title), [``](/reference/react-dom/components/link), and [``](/reference/react-dom/components/meta).
+### Support for stylesheets {/*support-for-stylesheets*/}
+Stylesheets, both externally linked (``) and inline (``), require careful positioning in the DOM due to style precedence rules. Building a stylesheet capability that allows for composability within components is hard, so users often end up either loading all of their styles far from the components that may depend on them, or they use a style library which encapsulates this complexity.
+In React 19, we're addressing this complexity and providing even deeper integration into Concurrent Rendering on the Client and Streaming Rendering on the Server with built in support for stylesheets. If you tell React the `precedence` of your stylesheet it will manage the insertion order of the stylesheet in the DOM and ensure that the stylesheet (if external) is loaded before revealing content that depends on those style rules.
+```js {4,5,17}
+function ComponentOne() {
+ return (
+ {...}
+ )
+function ComponentTwo() {
+ return (
<-- will be inserted between foo & bar
+ )
+During Server Side Rendering React will include the stylesheet in the ``, which ensures that the browser will not paint until it has loaded. If the stylesheet is discovered late after we've already started streaming, React will ensure that the stylesheet is inserted into the `` on the client before revealing the content of a Suspense boundary that depends on that stylesheet.
+During Client Side Rendering React will wait for newly rendered stylesheets to load before committing the render. If you render this component from multiple places within your application React will only include the stylesheet once in the document:
+```js {5}
+function App() {
+ return <>
+ ...
+ // won't lead to a duplicate stylesheet link in the DOM
+ >
+For users accustomed to loading stylesheets manually this is an opportunity to locate those stylesheets alongside the components that depend on them allowing for better local reasoning and an easier time ensuring you only load the stylesheets that you actually depend on.
+Style libraries and style integrations with bundlers can also adopt this new capability so even if you don't directly render your own stylesheets, you can still benefit as your tools are upgraded to use this feature.
+For more details, read the docs for [``](/reference/react-dom/components/link) and [`