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1652 lines (1390 loc) · 202 KB

File metadata and controls

1652 lines (1390 loc) · 202 KB



Supported platforms License

[!TIP] Github 地址


请到三方库的 Releases 发布地址查看配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib Releases 。对于未发布到npm的旧版本,请参考安装指南安装tgz包。

本库 HarmonyOS 侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-reanimated和 @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gesture-handler的原生端代码,如已在 HarmonyOS 工程中引入过这些库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。





npm install @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib


yarn add @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib


[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Colors, Typography, Spacings, ThemeManager, View, Text, Card, Button} from 'react-native-ui-lib';

  primaryColor: '#2364AA',
  secondaryColor: '#81C3D7',
  textColor: '##221D23',
  errorColor: '#E63B2E',
  successColor: '#ADC76F',
  warnColor: '##FF963C'

  heading: {fontSize: 36, fontWeight: '600'},
  subheading: {fontSize: 28, fontWeight: '500'},
  body: {fontSize: 18, fontWeight: '400'}

  page: 20,
  card: 12,
  gridGutter: 16

// with plain object
ThemeManager.setComponentTheme('Card', {
  borderRadius: 8

// with a dynamic function
ThemeManager.setComponentTheme('Button', (props, context) => {
  // 'square' is not an original Button prop, but a custom prop that can
  // be used to create different variations of buttons in your app
  if (props.square) {
    return {
      borderRadius: 0

class MyScreen extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View flex padding-page>
        <Text heading marginB-s4>
          My Screen
        <Card height={100} center padding-card marginB-s4>
          <Text body>This is an example card </Text>

        <Button label="Button" body bg-primaryColor square></Button>

使用 Codegen

本库已经适配了 Codegen ,在使用前需要主动执行生成三方库桥接代码,详细请参考 Codegen 使用文档


目前 HarmonyOS 暂不支持 AutoLink,所以 Link 步骤需要手动配置。

首先需要使用 DevEco Studio 打开项目里的 HarmonyOS 工程 harmony

1.在工程根目录的 oh-package.json5 添加 overrides 字段

  "overrides": {
    "@rnoh/react-native-openharmony" : "./react_native_openharmony"



  1. 通过 har 包引入(在 IDE 完善相关功能后该方法会被遗弃,目前首选此方法);
  2. 直接链接源码。

方法一:通过 har 包引入(推荐)

[!TIP] har 包位于三方库安装路径的 harmony 文件夹下。

打开 entry/oh-package.json5,添加以下依赖

"dependencies": {
    "@rnoh/react-native-openharmony": "file:../react_native_openharmony",
    "@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib": "file:../../node_modules/@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib/harmony/ui_lib.har"

点击右上角的 sync 按钮


cd entry
ohpm install


[!TIP] 如需使用直接链接源码,请参考直接链接源码说明

3.配置 CMakeLists 和引入 UiLibPackage

打开 entry/src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt,添加:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
set(NODE_MODULES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../../../node_modules")
+ set(OH_MODULES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../oh_modules")
set(RNOH_CPP_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../../../../react-native-harmony/harmony/cpp")
set(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS "-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument -Qunused-arguments")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fstack-protector-strong -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now,-z,noexecstack -s -fPIE -pie")
set(WITH_HITRACE_SYSTRACE 1) # for other CMakeLists.txt files to use

add_subdirectory("${RNOH_CPP_DIR}" ./rn)

# RNOH_BEGIN: manual_package_linking_1
add_subdirectory("../../../../sample_package/src/main/cpp" ./sample-package)
+ add_subdirectory("${OH_MODULES}/@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib/src/main/cpp" ./ui-lib)
# RNOH_END: manual_package_linking_1

file(GLOB GENERATED_CPP_FILES "./generated/*.cpp")

add_library(rnoh_app SHARED
target_link_libraries(rnoh_app PUBLIC rnoh)

# RNOH_BEGIN: manual_package_linking_2
target_link_libraries(rnoh_app PUBLIC rnoh_sample_package)
+ target_link_libraries(rnoh_app PUBLIC rnoh_ui_lib)
# RNOH_END: manual_package_linking_2

打开 entry/src/main/cpp/PackageProvider.cpp,添加:

#include "RNOH/PackageProvider.h"
#include "generated/RNOHGeneratedPackage.h"
#include "SamplePackage.h"
+ #include "UiLibPackage.h"

using namespace rnoh;

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Package>> PackageProvider::getPackages(Package::Context ctx) {
    return {
+       std::make_shared<UiLibPackage>(ctx),

4.在 ArkTs 侧引入 HighlighterView组件

找到 function buildCustomRNComponent(),一般位于 entry/src/main/ets/pages/index.etsentry/src/main/ets/rn/LoadBundle.ets,添加:

+ import { HighlighterView } from "@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib";

export function buildCustomRNComponent(ctx: ComponentBuilderContext) {
+ if (ctx.componentName === HighlighterView.NAME) {
+   HighlighterView({
+     ctx: ctx.rnComponentContext,
+     tag: ctx.tag
+   })
+ }

[!TIP] 本库使用了混合方案,需要添加组件名。(如使用混合方案)

entry/src/main/ets/pages/index.etsentry/src/main/ets/rn/LoadBundle.ets 找到常量 arkTsComponentNames 在其数组里添加组件名

const arkTsComponentNames: Array<string> = [
+ HighlighterView.NAME

5.在 ArkTs 侧引入 UiLibPackage

打开 entry/src/main/ets/RNPackagesFactory.ts,添加:

+ import { UiLibPackage } from '@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib/ts';

export function createRNPackages(ctx: RNPackageContext): RNPackage[] {
  return [
    new SamplePackage(ctx),
+   new UiLibPackage(ctx)


点击右上角的 sync 按钮


cd entry
ohpm install




要使用此库,需要使用正确的 React-Native 和 RNOH 版本。另外,还需要使用配套的 DevEco Studio 和 手机 ROM。

请到三方库相应的 Releases 发布地址查看 Release 配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib Releases


详细请查看 react-native-ui-lib的文档介绍

[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animated Use Animated.Text as a container boolean no iOS/Android yes
center Whether to center the text (using textAlign) boolean no iOS/Android yes
color Color of the text string no iOS/Android yes
highlightString Substring to highlight. Can be a simple string or a HighlightStringProps object, or an array of the above HighlightString |HighlightString[] no iOS/Android yes
highlightStyle Custom highlight style for highlight string TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
recorderTag Recorder Tag 'mask' |'unmask' no iOS/Android yes
underline Whether to add an underline boolean no iOS/Android yes
uppercase Whether to change the text to uppercase boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
activeBackgroundColor Apply background color on TouchableOpacity when active (press is on) string no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor Background color for TouchableOpacity string no iOS/Android yes
customValue Custom value of any type to pass on to TouchableOpacity and receive back in onPress callback any no iOS/Android yes
onPress On press callback (props?: TouchableOpacityProps & {event: GestureResponderEvent} |any) => void no iOS/Android yes
recorderTag Recorder Tag 'mask'|'unmask' no iOS/Android yes
style Custom style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
throttleOptions Throttle options ThrottleOptions no iOS/Android yes
throttleTime Throttle time in MS for onPress callback number no iOS/Android yes
useNative Should use an enhanced native implementation with extra features boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animated Use Animate.View as a container boolean no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor Set background color string no iOS/Android yes
inaccessible Turn off accessibility for this view and its nested children boolean no iOS/Android yes
reanimated Use Animate.View (from react-native-reanimated) as a container boolean no iOS/Android yes
recorderTag Recorder Tag 'mask'|'unmask' no iOS/Android yes
renderDelay Experimental: Pass time in ms to delay render number no iOS/Android yes
style Custom style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
useSafeArea If true, will render as SafeAreaView boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
actions The actions for the action bar ButtonProps[] no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor Background color string no iOS/Android yes
centered Should action be equally centered boolean no iOS/Android yes
height Height number no iOS/Android yes
keepRelative Keep the action bar position relative instead of it absolute position boolean no iOS/Android yes
style Component's style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
useSafeArea In iOS, use safe area, in case component attached to the bottom boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animateLayout should animate layout change. Note: For Android you must set ' setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental (true) ' via RN's 'UIManager' boolean no iOS/Android yes
animateTo the direction of the animation ('left' and 'right' will effect the button's own alignment) ButtonAnimationDirection no iOS/Android yes
avoidInnerPadding avoid inner button padding boolean no iOS/Android yes
avoidMinWidth avoid minimum width constraints boolean no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor Color of the button background string no iOS/Android yes
borderRadius Custom border radius. number no iOS/Android yes
color The Button text color (inherited from Text component) string no iOS/Android yes
disabled Disable interactions for the component boolean no iOS/Android yes
disabledBackgroundColor Color of the disabled button background string no iOS/Android yes
enableShadow Control shadow visibility (iOS-only) boolean no iOS no
fullWidth should the button act as a coast to coast button (no border radius) boolean no iOS/Android yes
getActiveBackgroundColor callback for getting activeBackgroundColor (e.g. (calculatedBackgroundColor, prop) => {...}). Better set using ThemeManager (backgroundColor: string, props: any) => string no iOS/Android yes
hyperlink Button will look like a hyperlink boolean no iOS/Android yes
iconOnRight Should the icon be right to the label boolean no iOS/Android yes
iconProps Icon image props Partial no iOS/Android yes
iconSource Icon image source or a callback function that returns a source ImageProps['source']|Function no iOS/Android yes
iconStyle Icon image style ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
label Text to show inside the button string no iOS/Android yes
labelProps Props that will be passed to the button's Text label. TextProps no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Additional styles for label text TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
link Button will look like a link boolean no iOS/Android yes
linkColor label color for when it's displayed as link or hyperlink string no iOS/Android yes
onPress Actions handler (props: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
outline Button will have outline style boolean no iOS/Android yes
outlineColor The outline color string no iOS/Android yes
outlineWidth The outline width number no iOS/Android yes
round should the button be a round button boolean no iOS/Android yes
size Size of the button [large, medium, small, xSmall] ButtonSize no iOS/Android yes
supportRTL whether the icon should flip horizontally on RTL locals boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
borderRadius The Checkbox border radius number no iOS/Android yes
color The Checkbox color string no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Custom styling for the checkbox and label container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
disabled Whether the checkbox should be disabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
iconColor The selected icon color string no iOS/Android yes
label Add a label to the Checkbox string no iOS/Android yes
labelProps Props to pass on to the label component TextProps no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Pass to style the label TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
onChangeValidity Callback for when field validity has changed (isValid: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Callback function for value change event (value) => void no iOS/Android yes
outline Alternative Checkbox outline style boolean no iOS/Android yes
required Whether the checkbox is required boolean no iOS/Android yes
selectedIcon The icon asset to use for the selected indication ImageRequireSource no iOS/Android yes
size The Checkbox size, affect both width and height number no iOS/Android yes
style Custom styling for the Checkbox ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
value The Checkbox value. If true the switch will be turned on. Default value is false boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
avatarProps Avatar props object AvatarProps no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor Background color string no iOS/Android yes
badgeProps Badge props object BadgeProps no iOS/Android yes
borderRadius Border radius number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Component's container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
dismissColor Dismiss color string no iOS/Android yes
dismissContainerStyle Dismiss container style ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
dismissIcon Dismiss asset ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
dismissIconStyle Dismiss style ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
iconProps Additional icon props Omit<ImageProps, 'source'> no iOS/Android yes
iconSource Left icon's source ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
iconStyle Icon style ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
label Main Chip text string no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Label's style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
leftElement Left custom element JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
onDismiss Adds a dismiss button and serves as its callback (props: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
onPress On Chip press callback (props: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
resetSpacings Disables all internal elements default spacings. Helps reach a custom design boolean no iOS/Android yes
rightElement Right custom element JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
rightIconSource Right icon's source ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
size Chip's size. Number or a width and height object number|{{width: number, height: number}} no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
useCounter Display badge as counter (no background) boolean no iOS/Android yes
useSizeAsMinimum Uses size as minWidth and minHeight boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
borderRadius The radio button border radius number no iOS/Android yes
color The color of the radio button string no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional styling for the container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
contentOnLeft Should the content be rendered left to the button boolean no iOS/Android yes
disabled Whether the radio button should be disabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
iconOnRight Should the icon be on the right side of the label boolean no iOS/Android yes
iconSource Icon image source ImageSource no iOS/Android yes
iconStyle Icon image style ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
label A label for the radio button description string no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Label style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
onPress Invoked when pressing the button (selected: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
selected When using RadioButton without a RadioGroup, use this prop to toggle selection boolean no iOS/Android yes
size The size of the radio button, affect both width & height number no iOS/Android yes
value The identifier value of the radio button. must be different than other RadioButtons in the same group string | number | boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
initialValue The initial value of the selected radio button string | number | boolean no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Invoked once when value changes, by selecting one of the radio buttons in the group ((value?: string) => void)|((value?: number) => void)|((value?: boolean) => void)|((value?: any) => void) no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
accessible If true the component will have accessibility features enabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
activeThumbStyle The active (during press) thumb style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle The container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
disableActiveStyling If true the Slider will not change it's style on press boolean no iOS/Android yes
disableRTL If true the Slider will stay in LTR mode even if the app is on RTL mode boolean no iOS/Android yes
disabled If true the Slider will be disabled and will appear in disabled color boolean no iOS/Android yes
initialMaximumValue Only when useRange is true, Initial maximum value number no iOS/Android yes
initialMinimumValue Only when useRange is true, Initial minimum value number no iOS/Android yes
maximumTrackTintColor The track color string no iOS/Android yes
maximumValue Track maximum value number no iOS/Android yes
migrate Temporary prop required for migration to the Slider's new implementation boolean no iOS/Android yes
minimumTrackTintColor The color used for the track from minimum value to current value string no iOS/Android yes
minimumValue Track minimum value number no iOS/Android yes
onRangeChange Callback for onRangeChange. Returns values object with the min and max values SliderOnRangeChange no iOS/Android yes
onReset Callback that notifies when the reset function was invoked () => void no iOS/Android yes
onSeekEnd Callback that notifies about slider seeking is finished () => void no iOS/Android yes
onSeekStart Callback that notifies about slider seeking is started () => void no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Callback for onValueChange SliderOnValueChange no iOS/Android yes
renderTrack Custom render instead of rendering the track () => ReactElement | ReactElement[] no iOS/Android yes
step Step value of the slider. The value should be between 0 and (maximumValue - minimumValue) number no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes
thumbStyle The thumb style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
thumbTintColor Thumb color string no iOS/Android yes
trackStyle The track style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
useGap If true the min and max thumbs will not overlap boolean no iOS/Android yes
useRange If true the Slider will display a second thumb for the min value boolean no iOS/Android yes
value Initial value number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
disabled Whether the switch should be disabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
disabledColor The Switch background color when it's disabled string no iOS/Android yes
height The Switch height number no iOS/Android yes
id Component id string no iOS/Android yes
offColor The Switch background color when it's turned off string no iOS/Android yes
onColor The Switch background color when it's turned on string no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Invoked with the new value when the value changes (value: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
style Custom style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID Component test id string no iOS/Android yes
thumbColor The Switch's thumb color string no iOS/Android yes
thumbSize The Switch's thumb size (width & height) number no iOS/Android yes
thumbStyle The Switch's thumb style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
value The value of the switch. If true the switch will be turned on. Default value is false boolean no iOS/Android yes
width The Switch width number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
chips List of chips to render ChipProps[] no iOS/Android yes
defaultChipProps Default set of props to pass by default to all chips ChipProps no iOS/Android yes
maxChips The maximum chips to allow adding number no iOS/Android yes
onChange Callback for chips change (adding or removing chip) (newChips, changeReason, updatedChip) => void no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animatedIndex Default is last,The index of the item to animate at first render number no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor The ColorPalette's background color string no iOS/Android yes
colors Array of colors to render in the palette string[] no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Component's container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
containerWidth The container margins number no iOS/Android yes
loop Whether the colors pagination scrolls in a loop boolean no iOS/Android yes
numberOfRows The number of color rows from 2 to 5 number no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Invoked once when value changes by selecting one of the swatches in the palette (value: string, colorInfo: ColorInfo) => void no iOS/Android yes
style Component's style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
swatchStyle Style to pass all the ColorSwatches in the palette ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
usePagination Whether to use pagination when number of colors exceeds the number of rows boolean no iOS/Android yes
value The value of the selected swatch string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
accessibilityLabels Accessibility labels as an object of strings { addButton: string, dismissButton: string, doneButton: string, input: string} no iOS/Android yes
animatedIndex Default is last,The index of the item to animate at first render number no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor The ColorPicker's background color string no iOS/Android yes
colors Array of colors for the picker's color palette (hex values) string[] no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Callback for the picker's color palette change (value: string, colorInfo: ColorInfo) => void no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
value The value of the selected swatch string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animated Is first render should be animated boolean no iOS/Android yes
color The color of the ColorSwatch string no iOS/Android yes
index The index of the Swatch if in array number no iOS/Android yes
onPress Callback from press event (value: string, colorInfo: ColorInfo) => void no iOS/Android yes
selected Is the initial state is selected boolean no iOS/Android yes
size Color Swatch size number no iOS/Android yes
style Component's style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
unavailable Is the initial state is unavailable boolean no iOS/Android yes
value Must be different than other ColorSwatches in the same group,The identifier value of the ColorSwatch in a ColorSwatch palette string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
dateTimeFormatter A callback function to format the time or date (value: Date, mode: DateTimePickerMode) => string no iOS/Android yes
dialogProps Props to pass the Dialog component DialogProps no iOS/Android yes
display Defines the visual display of the picker. The default value is 'spinner' on iOS and 'default' on Android. The list of all possible values are default, spinner, calendar or clock on Android and default, spinner, compact or inline for iOS. Full list can be found here:react-native-datetimepicker string no iOS/Android yes
editable Should this input be editable or disabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
headerStyle Style to apply to the iOS dialog header ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
is24Hour Android only, Allows changing of the time picker to a 24 hour format boolean no Android no
locale iOS only, Allows changing of the locale of the component string no iOS yes
maximumDate The maximum date or time value to use Date no iOS/Android yes
minimumDate The minimum date or time value to use Date no iOS/Android yes
minuteInterval iOS only, The interval at which minutes can be selected. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 number no iOS yes
mode The type of picker to display ('date' or 'time') DATE |TIME no iOS/Android yes
onChange Called when the date/time change () => Date no iOS/Android yes
renderInput Render custom input JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
themeVariant Override system theme variant (dark or light mode) used by the date picker LIGHT |DARK no iOS/Android yes
timeZoneOffsetInMinutes iOS only, Allows changing of the timeZone of the date picker. By default it uses the device's time zone number no iOS yes
value Defaults to device's date and time, The initial value to set the picker to Date no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
containerStyle container style for the masked input container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
renderMaskedText callback for rendering the custom input out of the value returns from the actual input React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
containerStyle Container style of the whole component ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
contextMenuHidden Requires @react-native-community/clipboard to be installed. If true, context menu is hidden. boolean no iOS/Android yes
fractionDigits Number of digits after the decimal point. Must be in the range 0 - 20, inclusive. number no iOS/Android yes
initialNumber A valid number (in en locale, i.e. only digits and a decimal point). number no iOS/Android yes
leadingText A leading text string no iOS/Android yes
leadingTextStyle The style of the leading text TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
onChangeNumber Callback that is called when the number value has changed. (data: NumberInputData) => void no iOS/Android yes
textFieldProps Most of TextField's props can be applied, except for ones that are passed directly via named props. TextFieldProps no iOS/Android yes
trailingText A trailing text string no iOS/Android yes
trailingTextStyle The style of the trailing text ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
customPickerProps Custom picker props (when using renderPicker, will apply on the button wrapper) object no iOS/Android yes
enableModalBlur iOS only,Adds blur effect to picker modal boolean no iOS yes
fieldType Pass for different field type UI (form, filter or settings) PickerFieldTypes no iOS/Android yes
getLabel A function that returns the label to show for the selected Picker value (value: string | number) => void no iOS/Android yes
items Data source for Picker {label: string, value: string | number}[] no iOS/Android yes
listProps Pass props to the list component that wraps the picker options (allows to control FlatList behavior) FlatListProps no iOS/Android yes
migrate Temporary prop required for migration to Picker's new API boolean no iOS/Android yes
mode SINGLE mode or MULTI mode SINGLE | MULTI no iOS/Android yes
onChange Callback for when picker value change (value: string | number) => void no iOS/Android yes
onPress Add onPress callback for when pressing the picker () => void no iOS/Android yes
onSearchChange Callback for picker modal search input text change (only when passing showSearch) (searchValue: string) => void no iOS/Android yes
pickerModalProps Pass props to the picker modal ModalProps no iOS/Android yes
renderCustomModal Render custom picker modal ({visible, children, toggleModal}) => void) no iOS/Android yes
renderCustomSearch Render custom search input (only when passing showSearch) (props) => void no iOS/Android yes
renderItem Render custom picker item (value, {{...props, isSelected}}, itemLabel) => void no iOS/Android yes
renderPicker Render custom picker - input will be value (see above)\Example:\renderPicker = (selectedItem) => {...} (selectedItem, itemLabel) => void no iOS/Android yes
searchPlaceholder Placeholder text for the search input (only when passing showSearch) string no iOS/Android yes
searchStyle Style object for the search input (only when passing showSearch) {color: string, placeholderTextColor: string, selectionColor: string} no iOS/Android yes
selectionLimit Limit the number of selected items number no iOS/Android yes
showSearch Show search input to filter picker items by label boolean no iOS/Android yes
topBarProps The picker modal top bar props Modal's TopBarProps no iOS/Android yes
useSafeArea Add safe area in the Picker modal view boolean no iOS/Android yes
useWheelPicker Use wheel picker instead of a list picker boolean no iOS/Android yes
value Picker current value string | number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
disabled Is the item disabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
getItemLabel Custom function for the item label (value: string | number) => string no iOS/Android yes
isSelected Is the item selected boolean no iOS/Android yes
label Item's label string no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Item's label style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
onPress Callback for onPress action, will stop selection if false is returned (selected: boolean | undefined, props: any) => void | Promise; no iOS/Android yes
onSelectedLayout Callback for onLayout event (event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void no iOS/Android yes
selectedIcon Pass to change the selected icon string no iOS/Android yes
selectedIconColor Pass to change the selected icon color ImageSource no iOS/Android yes
value Item's value string | number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
activeTextColor Text color for the focused row string no iOS/Android yes
faderProps Custom props for fader. FaderProps no iOS/Android yes
inactiveTextColor Text color for other, non-focused rows string no iOS/Android yes
itemHeight Describe the height of each item in the WheelPicker number no iOS/Android yes
numberOfVisibleRows Describe the number of rows visible number no iOS/Android yes
sections Array of sections WheelPickerProps no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes
textStyle Row text style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
activeBackgroundColor The background color of the active segment string no iOS/Android yes
activeColor The color of the active segment label string no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor The background color of the inactive segments string no iOS/Android yes
borderRadius The segmentedControl borderRadius number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional spacing styles for the container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
iconOnRight Should the icon be on right of the label boolean no iOS/Android yes
initialIndex Initial index to be active number no iOS/Android yes
onChangeIndex Callback for when index has change. (index: number) => void no iOS/Android yes
outlineColor The color of the active segment outline string no iOS/Android yes
outlineWidth The width of the active segment outline number no iOS/Android yes
segmentLabelStyle Segment label style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
segments Array on segments SegmentedControlItemProps no iOS/Android yes
segmentsStyle Additional style for the segments ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
style Custom style to inner container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID Component test id string no iOS/Android yes
throttleTime Trailing throttle time of changing index in ms. number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
accessibilityLabel Component accessibility label string no iOS/Android yes
disabled Disables interaction with the stepper boolean no iOS/Android yes
maxValue Maximum value number no iOS/Android yes
minValue Minimum value number no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Value change callback function (value: number, testID?: string) => void no iOS/Android yes
small Renders a small sized Stepper boolean no iOS/Android yes
step The step to increase and decrease by (default is 1) number no iOS/Android yes
testID Test id for component string no iOS/Android yes
value Stepper value number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
centered Whether to center the TextField - container and label boolean no iOS/Android yes
charCounterStyle Pass custom style to character counter text TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
color Input color ColorType no iOS/Android yes
containerProps Container props of the whole component Omit<ViewProps, 'style'> no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Container style of the whole component ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
enableErrors Should support showing validation error message boolean no iOS/Android yes
fieldStyle Internal style for the field container to style the field underline, outline and fill color ViewStyle | (context: FieldContextType, props) => ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
floatOnFocus Should placeholder float on focus or when start typing boolean no iOS/Android yes
floatingPlaceholder Pass to add floating placeholder support boolean no iOS/Android yes
floatingPlaceholderColor The floating placeholder color ColorType no iOS/Android yes
floatingPlaceholderStyle Custom style for the floating placeholder TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
formatter Custom formatter for the input value (used only when input if not focused) (value) => string | undefined no iOS/Android yes
hint A hint text to display when focusing the field string no iOS/Android yes
label Field label string no iOS/Android yes
labelColor Field label color. Either a string or color by state map ({default, focus, error, disabled, readonly}) ColorType no iOS/Android yes
labelProps Pass extra props to the label Text element TextProps no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Custom style for the field label TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
leadingAccessory Pass to render a leading element ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
onChangeValidity Callback for when field validity has changed (isValid: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
onValidationFailed Callback for when field validated and failed (failedValidatorIndex: number) => void no iOS/Android yes
placeholder The placeholder for the field string no iOS/Android yes
placeholderTextColor Placeholder text color ColorType no iOS/Android yes
preset Predefined preset to use for styling the field 'default' | null |string no iOS/Android yes
readonly A UI preset for read only state boolean no iOS/Android yes
recorderTag Recorder Tag 'mask' | 'unmask' no iOS/Android yes
retainValidationSpace Keep the validation space even if there is no validation message boolean no iOS/Android yes
showCharCounter Should show a character counter (works only with maxLength) boolean no iOS/Android yes
showMandatoryIndication Whether to show a mandatory field indication boolean no iOS/Android yes
trailingAccessory Pass to render a trailing element ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
useGestureHandlerInput Use react-native-gesture-handler instead of react-native for the base TextInput boolean no iOS/Android yes
validate A single or multiple validator. Can be a string (required, email) or custom function. Validator | Validator [] no iOS/Android yes
validateOnBlur Should validate when losing focus of TextField boolean no iOS/Android yes
validateOnChange Should validate when the TextField value changes boolean no iOS/Android yes
validateOnStart Should validate when the TextField mounts boolean no iOS/Android yes
validationMessage The validation message to display when field is invalid (depends on validate) string | string[] no iOS/Android yes
validationMessagePosition The position of the validation message (top/bottom) ValidationMessagePosition no iOS/Android yes
validationMessageStyle Custom style for the validation message TextStyle no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
activeTextColor Text color for the focused row string no iOS/Android yes
align Align the content to center, right ot left WheelPickerAlign no iOS/Android yes
flatListProps Props to be sent to the FlatList. FlatListProps no iOS/Android yes
inactiveTextColor Text color for other, non-focused rows string no iOS/Android yes
initialValue Initial value (uncontrolled) number | string no iOS/Android yes
itemHeight Height of each item in the WheelPicker number no iOS/Android yes
items Data source for WheelPicker WheelPickerItemProps[] no iOS/Android yes
label Additional label to render next to the items text string no iOS/Android yes
labelProps Additional label's props TextProps no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Additional label's style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
numberOfVisibleRows Number of rows visible number no iOS/Android yes
onChange Change item event callback (item: string | number, index: number) => void no iOS/Android yes
separatorsStyle Extra style for the separators ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
style height is computed according to itemHeight * numberOfVisibleRows. Container's custom style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID test identifier string no iOS/Android yes
textStyle Row text custom style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
containerProps Extra props for the container ViewProps no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle The Dialogs container style (it is set to {position: 'absolute'}) ViewStyle ` ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
direction The direction from which and to which the dialog is animating \ panning (default down). up |down |left |right no iOS/Android yes
headerProps The Dialog's header (title, subtitle etc) DialogHeaderProps no iOS/Android yes
ignoreBackgroundPress Whether or not to ignore background press. boolean no iOS/Android yes
modalProps Pass props to the dialog modal ModalProps no iOS/Android yes
onDismiss Callback that is called after the dialog's dismiss (after the animation has ended). (props?: DialogProps) => void no iOS/Android yes
testID Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.The container has the original id.Supported inner elements IDs:${TestID}.modal - the Modal's id.${TestID}. overlayFadingBackground - the fading background id. string no iOS/Android yes
visible The visibility of the dialog boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
bottomAccessory Pass to render a bottom element below the subtitle ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
contentContainerStyle Style for the leading + content + trailing components (without the bottomAccessory) ViewProps['style'] no iOS/Android yes
leadingAccessory Pass to render a leading element ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
onPress onPress callback for the inner content () => void no iOS/Android yes
showDivider Show the header's divider boolean no iOS/Android yes
showKnob Show the header's knob boolean no iOS/Android yes
subtitle Subtitle string no iOS/Android yes
subtitleProps Subtitle extra props TextProps no iOS/Android yes
subtitleStyle Subtitle text style StyleProp no iOS/Android yes
title Title string no iOS/Android yes
titleProps Title extra props TextProps no iOS/Android yes
titleStyle Title text style StyleProp no iOS/Android yes
topAccessory Pass to render a top element above the title ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
trailingAccessory Pass to render a trailing element ReactElement no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
accessible If true the component will have accessibility features enabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
activeThumbStyle The active (during press) thumb style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle The container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
disableActiveStyling If true the Slider will not change it's style on press boolean no iOS/Android yes
disableRTL If true the Slider will stay in LTR mode even if the app is on RTL mode boolean no iOS/Android yes
disabled If true the Slider will be disabled and will appear in disabled color boolean no iOS/Android yes
disabledThumbTintColor Disabled thumb color string no iOS/Android yes
enableThumbShadow Whether the thumb will have a shadow (with 'migrate' true only) boolean no iOS/Android yes
initialMaximumValue Only when useRange is true. Initial maximum value number no iOS/Android yes
initialMinimumValue Only when useRange is true. Initial minimum value number no iOS/Android yes
maximumTrackTintColor The track color string no iOS/Android yes
maximumValue Track maximum value number no iOS/Android yes
minimumTrackTintColor The color used for the track from minimum value to current value string no iOS/Android yes
minimumValue Track minimum value number no iOS/Android yes
onRangeChange Callback for onRangeChange. Returns values object with the min and max values SliderOnRangeChange no iOS/Android yes
onReset Callback that notifies when the reset function was invoked () => void no iOS/Android yes
onSeekEnd Callback that notifies about slider seeking is finished () => void no iOS/Android yes
onSeekStart Callback that notifies about slider seeking is started () => void no iOS/Android yes
onValueChange Callback for onValueChange SliderOnValueChange no iOS/Android yes
renderTrack Custom render instead of rendering the track () => ReactElement | ReactElement[] no iOS/Android yes
step Step value of the slider. The value should be between 0 and (maximumValue - minimumValue) number no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes
throttleTime Control the throttle time of the onValueChange and onRangeChange callbacks number no iOS/Android yes
thumbHitSlop Defines how far a touch event can start away from the thumb number no iOS/Android yes
thumbStyle The thumb style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
thumbTintColor Thumb color string no iOS/Android yes
trackStyle The track style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
useGap If true the min and max thumbs will not overlap boolean no iOS/Android yes
useRange If true the Slider will display a second thumb for the min value boolean no iOS/Android yes
value Initial value number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
action A single action for the user (showLoader will override this) ButtonProps no iOS/Android yes
autoDismiss Time of milliseconds to automatically invoke the onDismiss callback number no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor The toast background color string no iOS/Android yes
centerMessage Should message be centered in the toast boolean no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Toast container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
elevation Android only. Custom elevation number no Android no
enableHapticFeedback Whether to trigger an haptic feedback once the toast is shown (requires react-native-haptic-feedback dependency) boolean no iOS/Android yes
icon A custom icon to render on the left side of the toast ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
iconColor The icon color string no iOS/Android yes
message Toast message string no iOS/Android yes
messageProps Toast message props TextProps no iOS/Android yes
messageStyle Toast message style StyleProp no iOS/Android yes
onAnimationEnd Callback for end of toast animation (visible?: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
onDismiss Callback for the toast dismissal () => void no iOS/Android yes
position The position of the toast. 'top' or 'bottom'. 'top' | 'bottom' no iOS/Android yes
preset Pass to have preset UI ToastPreset ('success' | 'failure' | 'general' | 'offline') no iOS/Android yes
renderAttachment Render a custom view that will appear permanently above or below a Toast, depends on the Toast's position and animate with it when the Toast is made visible or dismissed () => JSX.Element | undefined no iOS/Android yes
showLoader Whether to show a loader boolean no iOS/Android yes
style Toast style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
swipeable Whether to support dismissing the toast with a swipe gesture. Requires to pass onDismiss method to control visibility boolean no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes
visible Whether to show or hide the toast boolean no iOS/Android yes
zIndex Custom zIndex for toast number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
color The color of the dashes string no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle The container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
gap The gap between the dashes number no iOS/Android yes
length The length of the dashes number no iOS/Android yes
style Additional style to the dashes ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
thickness The thickness of the dashes number no iOS/Android yes
vertical Is the dashed line should be vertical boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
children The expandable's children React.ReactNode no iOS/Android yes
expanded Should the ExpandableSection be expanded boolean no iOS/Android yes
onPress Called when pressing the header of the ExpandableSection () => void no iOS/Android yes
sectionHeader Header element JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
testID testing identifier string no iOS/Android yes
top Should it open above the 'sectionHeader' boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
position The position of the fader (the image is different) START |END | TOP | BOTTOM no iOS/Android yes
size change the size of the fade view number no iOS/Android yes
tintColor Change the tint color of the fade view string no iOS/Android yes
visible Whether the fader is visible (default is true) boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
color The color of the gradient string no iOS/Android yes
numberOfSteps The number of steps number no iOS/Android yes
style Additional style to the component ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
type hue | lightness | saturation GradientTypes no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
kbComponent The keyboard ID (the componentID sent to KeyboardRegistry) string no iOS/Android no
kbInitialProps The props that will be sent to the KeyboardComponent any no iOS/Android no
kbInputRef iOS only. The reference to the actual text input (or the keyboard may not reset when instructed to, etc.). any no iOS no
onHeightChanged A callback for when the height is changed (height: number) => void no iOS/Android no
onItemSelected Callback that will be called when an item on the keyboard has been pressed. () => void no iOS/Android no
onKeyboardResigned Callback that will be called once the keyboard has been closed () => void no iOS/Android no
onRequestShowKeyboard Callback that will be called if KeyboardRegistry.requestShowKeyboard is called. () => void no iOS/Android no
renderContent Content to be rendered above the keyboard () => React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
KeyboardAwareInsetsView Used to add an inset when a keyboard is used and might hide part of the screen. Component no iOS no


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
addListener Add a listener for a callback. globalID (string) - ID that includes the componentID and the event name (i.e. if componentID='kb1' globalID='kb1.onItemSelected') callback (function) - the callback to be called when the said event happens static function no iOS/Android yes
getAllKeyboards Get all keyboards static function no iOS/Android yes
getKeyboard Get a specific keyboard componentID (string) - the ID of the keyboard. static function no iOS/Android yes
getKeyboards Get keyboards by IDs componentIDs (string[]) - the ID of the keyboard. static function no iOS/Android yes
notifyListeners Notify that an event has occurred. globalID (string) - ID that includes the componentID and the event name (i.e. if componentID='kb1' globalID='kb1.onItemSelected') args (object) - data to be sent to the listener. static function no iOS/Android yes
onItemSelected Default event to be used for when an item on the keyboard has been pressed. componentID (string) - the ID of the keyboard. args (object) - data to be sent to the listener. static function no iOS/Android yes
registerKeyboard Register a new keyboard. componentID (string) - the ID of the keyboard. generator (function) - a function for the creation of the keyboard. params (object) - to be returned when using other methods (i.e. getKeyboards and getAllKeyboards). static function no iOS/Android yes
removeListeners Remove a listener for a callback. globalID (string) - ID that includes the componentID and the event name (i.e. if componentID='kb1' globalID='kb1.onItemSelected') static function no iOS/Android yes
requestShowKeyboard Request to show the keyboard componentID (string) - the ID of the keyboard. static function no iOS/Android yes

KeyboardTrackingView:为该视图及其子视图启用“键盘跟踪”的 UI 组件。通常用于该视图内有 TextField 或 TextInput 的情况,该组件仅适用于iOS。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
addBottomView Add a view beneath the KeyboardAccessoryView. boolean no iOS no
allowHitsOutsideBounds Allow hitting sub-views that are placed beyond the view bounds. boolean no iOS no
bottomViewColor The bottom view's color. string no iOS no
manageScrollView Set to false to turn off inset management and manage it yourself. boolean no iOS no
ref Ref any no iOS no
requiresSameParentToManageScrollView Set to true manageScrollView is set to true and still does not work, it means that the ScrollView found is the wrong one and you'll have to have the KeyboardAccessoryView and the ScrollView as siblings and set this to true. boolean no iOS no
revealKeyboardInteractive Show the keyboard on a negative scroll. boolean no iOS no
scrollBehavior The scrolling behavior (use KeyboardTrackingView. scrollBehaviors.NONE |SCROLL_TO_BOTTOM_INVERTED_ONLY | FIXED_OFFSET) number no iOS no
scrollToFocusedInput Should the scrollView scroll to the focused input boolean no iOS no
style Style ViewStyle no iOS no
trackInteractive Enables tracking of the keyboard when it's dismissed interactively (false by default). Why? When using an external keyboard (BT), you still get the keyboard events and the view just hovers when you focus the input. Also, if you're not using interactive style of dismissing the keyboard (or if you don't have an input inside this view) it doesn't make sense to track it anyway. (This is caused because of the usage of inputAccessory to be able to track the keyboard interactive change and it introduces this bug) boolean no iOS no
useSafeArea Whether or not to handle SafeArea. boolean no iOS no
usesBottomTabs Whether or not to include bottom tab bar inset. boolean no iOS no


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
color The overlay color string no iOS/Android yes
customContent Custom overlay content to be rendered on top of the image JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
intensity The intensity of the gradient. low |medium |high no iOS/Android yes
type The type of overlay to set on top of the image vertical | top | bottom | solid (OverlayTypeType) no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
blurOptions Blur options for blur effect according to @react-native-community/blur lib (make sure enableBlur is on) object no iOS/Android yes
borderRadius Card border radius (will be passed to inner Card.Image component) number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional styles for the card container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
elevation Android only. Elevation value number no Android no
enableBlur iOS only. Enable blur effect boolean no iOS no
enableShadow Whether the card should have shadow or not boolean no iOS/Android yes
height Card custom height number | string no iOS/Android yes
onPress Callback function for card press event function no iOS/Android yes
row Should inner card flow direction be horizontal boolean no iOS/Android yes
selected Adds visual indication that the card is selected boolean no iOS/Android yes
selectionOptions Custom options for styling the selection indication CardSelectionOptions no iOS/Android yes
width Card custom width number | string no iOS/Android yes

Card.Image:Card 组件的内部组件(最好是直接子组件),扩展了Image组件。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
height Height number no iOS/Android yes
position The Image position which determines the appropriate flex-ness of the image and border radius (for Android) this prop derived automatically from Card parent component if it rendered as a direct child of the Card component string[] no iOS/Android yes
width Width number no iOS/Android yes

Card.Section:用于在 Card 组件内轻松渲染内容的内部组件,扩展了View组件。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
backgroundColor Background color string no iOS/Android yes
content Text content. Example: content={[{text: 'You’re Invited!', text70: true, grey10: true}]} ContentType[] no iOS/Android yes
contentStyle Component's container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
imageProps Other image props that will be passed to the image ImageProps no iOS/Android yes
imageSource Will be used for the background when provided ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
imageStyle The style for the background image ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
leadingIcon Image props for a leading icon to render before the text ImageProps no iOS/Android yes
trailingIcon Image props for a trailing icon to render after the text ImageProps no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
allowAccessibleLayout Whether to layout Carousel for accessibility boolean no iOS/Android yes
animated Should the container be animated (send the animation style via containerStyle) boolean no iOS/Android yes
animatedScrollOffset Pass to attach to ScrollView's Animated.event in order to animated elements base on Carousel scroll offset (pass new Animated.ValueXY()) Animated.ValueXY no iOS/Android yes
autoplay Enable to switch automatically between the pages boolean no iOS/Android yes
autoplayInterval Time is ms to wait before switching to the next page (requires 'autoplay' to be enabled) number no iOS/Android yes
containerMarginHorizontal Horizontal margin for the carousel container number no iOS/Android yes
containerPaddingVertical Vertical padding for the carousel container (Sometimes needed when there are overflows that are cut in Android). number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle The carousel container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
counterTextStyle The counter's text style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
horizontal Whether pages will be rendered horizontally or vertically boolean no iOS/Android yes
initialPage The initial page to start at number no iOS/Android yes
itemSpacings The spacing between the pages number no iOS/Android yes
loop If true, will have infinite scroll (works only for horizontal carousel) boolean no iOS/Android yes
onChangePage Callback for page change event (pageIndex, oldPageIndex, info) => void no iOS/Android yes
onScroll Attach a callback for onScroll event of the internal ScrollView function no iOS/Android yes
pageControlPosition The position of the PageControl component ['over', 'under'], otherwise it won't display PageControlPosition no iOS/Android yes
pageControlProps PageControl component props PageControlProps no iOS/Android yes
pageHeight The page height (all pages should have the same height). number no iOS/Android yes
pageWidth The page width (all pages should have the same width). Does not work if passing 'loop' prop number no iOS/Android yes
pagingEnabled Will block multiple pages scroll (will not work with 'pageWidth' prop) boolean no iOS/Android yes
showCounter Whether to show a page counter (will not work with 'pageWidth' prop) boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
backgroundColor Color of the loader background (only when passing 'overlay') string no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Custom container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
customLoader Custom loader React.ReactChild no iOS/Android yes
loaderColor Color of the loading indicator string no iOS/Android yes
message loader message string no iOS/Android yes
messageStyle message style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
overlay Show the screen as an absolute overlay boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
buttonProps Props passed to the 'show less' button ButtonProps no iOS/Android yes
children Component Children JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] no iOS/Android yes
collapsed The initial state of the stack boolean no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle The container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
contentContainerStyle The content container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
disablePresses A setting that disables pressability on cards boolean no iOS/Android yes
itemBorderRadius The items border radius number no iOS/Android yes
onCollapseChanged A callback for collapse state change (value is collapsed state) (changed: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
onCollapseWillChange A callback for collapse state will change (value is future collapsed state) (changed: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
onItemPress A callback for item press (index: number) => void no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
ctaLabel Text to to show in the CTA button string no iOS/Android yes
imageSource The image source that's showing at the top. use an image that was required locally ImageURISource no iOS/Android yes
onCtaPress Action handler for CTA button () => void no iOS/Android yes
testID Use to identify the container in tests string no iOS/Android yes
title To to show as the title string no iOS/Android yes

Drawer:抽屉组件,如果您的应用程序与 RNN 配合使用,则您的屏幕必须使用“react-native-gesture-handler”中的gestureHandlerRootHOC 进行包装。请参阅这里

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
bounciness The drawer animation bounciness number no iOS/Android yes
customValue Custom value of any type to pass on to the component and receive back in the action callbacks any no iOS/Android yes
disableHaptic Whether to disable the haptic boolean no iOS/Android yes
fullLeftThreshold Threshold for a left full swipe (0-1) number no iOS/Android yes
fullRightThreshold Threshold for a right full swipe (0-1) number no iOS/Android yes
fullSwipeLeft Whether to allow a full left swipe boolean no iOS/Android yes
fullSwipeRight Whether to allow a full right swipe boolean no iOS/Android yes
itemsIconSize The items' icon size number no iOS/Android yes
itemsMinWidth Set a different minimum width number no iOS/Android yes
itemsTextStyle The items' text style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
itemsTintColor The color for the text and icon tint of the items string no iOS/Android yes
leftItem The bottom layer's item to appear when opened from the left (a single item) ItemProps no iOS/Android yes
onDragStart Called when drag gesture starts () => any no iOS/Android yes
onFullSwipeLeft Callback for left item full swipe () => void no iOS/Android yes
onFullSwipeRight Callback for right item full swipe () => void no iOS/Android yes
onSwipeableWillClose Callback for close action () => void no iOS/Android yes
onSwipeableWillOpen Callback for open action () => void no iOS/Android yes
onToggleSwipeLeft Callback for left item toggle swipe () => {rowWidth, leftWidth, dragX, resetItemPosition} no iOS/Android yes
onWillFullSwipeLeft Callback for just before left item full swipe () => void no iOS/Android yes
onWillFullSwipeRight Callback for just before right item full swipe () => void no iOS/Android yes
rightItems The bottom layer's items to appear when opened from the right ItemProps[] no iOS/Android yes
style Component's style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
useNativeAnimations Perform the animation in natively boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
containerWidth Pass when you want to use a custom container width for calculation number no iOS/Android yes
contentContainerStyle Custom content container style ScrollView[ contentContainerStyle ] no iOS/Android yes
itemSpacing Spacing between each item number no iOS/Android yes
keepItemSize whether to keep the items initial size when orientation changes, in which case the apt number of columns will be calculated automatically. boolean no iOS/Android yes
listPadding List padding (used for item size calculation) number no iOS/Android yes
maxItemWidth Allow a responsive item width to the maximum item width number no iOS/Android yes
numColumns Number of items to show in a row (ignored when passing maxItemWidth) number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
alignToStart Should content be align to start boolean no iOS/Android yes
containerProps Props to pass on to the touchable container TouchableOpacityProps | ViewProps no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Custom container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
description Description content text string | React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
descriptionColor Description content color string no iOS/Android yes
descriptionLines Description content number of lines number no iOS/Android yes
descriptionTypography Description content typography string no iOS/Android yes
horizontalAlignment Content horizontal alignment HorizontalAlignment no iOS/Android yes
imageProps Image props object for rendering an image item ImageProps no iOS/Android yes
itemSize The item size number | ImageSize no iOS/Android yes
onPress The item's action handler TouchableOpacityProps ['onPress'] no iOS/Android yes
overlayText Renders the title, subtitle and description inside the item boolean no iOS/Android yes
overlayTextContainerStyle Custom container styling for inline text ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
renderCustomItem Custom GridListItem to be rendered in the GridView () => React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
renderOverlay Renders an overlay on top of the image () => React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
subtitle Subtitle content text string | React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
subtitleColor Subtitle content color string no iOS/Android yes
subtitleLines Subtitle content number of lines number no iOS/Android yes
subtitleTypography Subtitle content typography string no iOS/Android yes
testID Test ID for component string no iOS/Android yes
title Title content text string | React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
titleColor Title content color string no iOS/Android yes
titleLines Title content number of lines number no iOS/Android yes
titleTypography Title content typography string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
itemSpacing Spacing between each item number no iOS/Android yes
items The list of items based on GridListItem props GridListItemProps[] no iOS/Android yes
keepItemSize whether to keep the items initial size when orientation changes, in which case the apt number of columns will be calculated automatically. boolean no iOS/Android yes
lastItemLabel overlay label for the last item string | number no iOS/Android yes
lastItemOverlayColor color of overlay label for the last item string no iOS/Android yes
numColumns Number of items to show in a row number no iOS/Android yes
renderCustomItem Pass to render a custom item (item: GridListItemProps) => React.ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
viewWidth pass the desired grid view width (will improve loading time) number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
containerElement The container element to wrap the ListItem React.ComponentType <ListItemProps | TouchableOpacityProps> no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional styles for the top container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
height the list item height ViewStyle['height'] no iOS/Android yes
onLongPress action for when long pressing the item () => void no iOS/Android yes
onPress action for when pressing the item () => void no iOS/Android yes
style The inner element style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
underlayColor The inner element pressed backgroundColor string no iOS/Android yes

ListItem.Part:用于在 ListItem 内进行布局的子 ListItem 组件。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
column this part content direction will be column boolean no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
left this part content will be aligned to left boolean no iOS/Android yes
middle this part content will be aligned to spreaded boolean no iOS/Android yes
right this part content will be aligned to right boolean no iOS/Android yes
row this part content direction will be row boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
data Do not update 'data' in 'onOrderChange' (i.e. for each order change); only update it when you change the items (i.g. adding and removing an item). Data of items with an id prop as unique identifier any[] & {id: string} no iOS/Android yes
extraData Pass any extra data that should trigger a re-render any no iOS/Android yes
onOrderChange Order change callback (newData: T[], newOrder: ItemsOrder) => void no iOS/Android yes
renderItem Custom render item callback FlatListProps ['renderItem'] no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
data Do not update 'data' in 'onOrderChange' (i.e. for each order change); only update it when you change the items (i.g. adding and removing an item).The data of the list, with an id prop as unique identifier. ItemT[] (ItemT extends {id: string}) no iOS/Android yes
enableHaptic Whether to enable the haptic feedback. (please note that react-native-haptic-feedback does not support the specific haptic type on Android starting on an unknown version, you can use 1.8.2 for it to work properly) boolean no iOS/Android yes
itemProps Extra props for the item. {margins?: {marginTop?: number; marginBottom?: number; marginLeft?: number; marginRight?: number}} no iOS/Android yes
onOrderChange A callback to get the new order (or swapped items). (data: ItemT[]) => void no iOS/Android yes
scale Scale the item once dragged. number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
backgroundColor Background color for the item string no iOS/Android yes
bottomLine The bottom line props LineProps no iOS/Android yes
point The point props PointProps no iOS/Android yes
renderContent Custom content to render right to the timeline indicator any no iOS/Android yes
state The state of the timeline. Will affect the color of the indication (use static 'states') current | next | error |success no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
topLine The top line props LineProps no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animationDuration Duration for the fade animation when the image is loaded number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional spacing styles for the container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
loader A component to render while the image is loading JSX.element no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
backgroundColor Background color string no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Component's container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
duration Duration of current break (can be change between breaks) number no iOS/Android yes
hideScannerLine Whether to hide the scanner line boolean no iOS/Android yes
onBreakpoint Breakpoint callback ({progress, isDone}) => void no iOS/Android yes
opacity Opacity number no iOS/Android yes
progress Animated value between 0 and 100 number no iOS/Android yes
testID Used as a testing identifier string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
animate Adds fade in animation when Avatar image loads boolean no iOS/Android yes
autoColorsConfig Send this to use the name to infer a backgroundColor AutoColorsProps no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor Background color for Avatar string no iOS/Android yes
badgePosition Badge location on Avatar TOP_RIGHT |TOP_LEFT |BOTTOM_RIGHT |BOTTOM_LEFT no iOS/Android yes
badgeProps Badge props passed down to Badge component BadgeProps no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional spacing styles for the container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
customRibbon Custom ribbon JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
imageProps Image props object ImageProps no iOS/Android yes
imageStyle Image style object used to pass additional style props by components which render image ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
isOnline Determine if to show online badge boolean no iOS/Android yes
label Label that can represent initials string no iOS/Android yes
labelColor The label color string no iOS/Android yes
name The name of the avatar user. If no label is provided, the initials will be generated from the name. autoColorsConfig will use the name to create the background color of the Avatar. string no iOS/Android yes
onImageLoadEnd Listener-callback for when an image's (uri) loading either succeeds or fails (equiv. to Image.onLoadEnd()). ImagePropsBase ['onLoadEnd'] no iOS/Android yes
onImageLoadError Listener-callback for when an image's (uri) loading fails (equiv. to Image.onError()). ImagePropsBase ['onError'] no iOS/Android yes
onImageLoadStart Listener-callback for when an image's (uri) loading starts (equiv. to Image.onLoadStart()). ImagePropsBase ['onLoadStart'] no iOS/Android yes
onPress Press handler (props: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
ribbonLabel Ribbon label to display on the avatar string no iOS/Android yes
ribbonLabelStyle Ribbon label custom style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
ribbonStyle Ribbon custom style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
size Custom size for the Avatar number no iOS/Android yes
source The image source (external or from assets) ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
status AWAY, ONLINE, OFFLINE or NONE mode (if set to a value other then 'NONE' will override isOnline prop) StatusModes no iOS/Android yes
testID Test identifier string no iOS/Android yes
useAutoColors Hash the name (or label) to get a color, so each name will have a specific color. Default is false. boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
assetGroup the asset group, default is icons string no iOS/Android yes
assetName if provided icon source will be driven from asset name string no iOS/Android yes
recorderTag Recorder Tag 'mask' |'unmask' no iOS/Android yes
size The icon size number no iOS/Android yes
supportRTL whether the image should flip horizontally on RTL locals boolean no iOS/Android yes
tintColor The icon tint string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
aspectRatio The aspect ratio for the image number no iOS/Android yes
assetGroup the asset group, default is icons string no iOS/Android yes
assetName if provided image source will be driven from asset name string no iOS/Android yes
cover Show image as a cover, full width, image (according to aspect ratio, default: 16:8) boolean no iOS/Android yes
customOverlayContent Render an overlay with custom content JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
errorSource Default image source in case of an error ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
imageId An imageId that can be used in sourceTransformer logic string no iOS/Android yes
overlayColor Pass a custom color for the overlay string no iOS/Android yes
overlayIntensity OverlayIntensityType LOW |MEDIUM |HIGH no iOS/Android yes
overlayType the image MUST have proper size, The type of overlay to place on top of the image. VERTICAL |TOP |BOTTOM |SOLID no iOS/Android yes
recorderTag Recorder Tag 'mask' | 'unmask' no iOS/Android yes
sourceTransformer custom source transform handler for manipulating the image source (great for size control) (props: any) => ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
supportRTL whether the image should flip horizontally on RTL locals boolean no iOS/Android yes
tintColor the asset tint string no iOS/Android yes
useBackgroundContainer Use a container for the Image, this can solve issues on Android when animation needs to be performed on the same view; i.e. animation related crashes on Android. boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
containerStyle Custom container style ViewProps['style'] no iOS/Android yes
direction Marquee direction MarqueeDirections no iOS/Android yes
duration Marquee animation duration number no iOS/Android yes
label Marquee label string no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Marquee label style TextProps['style'] no iOS/Android yes
numberOfReps Marquee animation number of repetitions number no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
thumbnailSource Small thumbnail source to display while the full-size image is loading ImageSource no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
color Color of the selected page dot and, if inactiveColor not passed, the border of the not selected pages string no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional styles for the top container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
currentPage Zero-based index of the current page number no iOS/Android yes
enlargeActive Whether to enlarge the active page indicator. Irrelevant when limitShownPages is in effect. boolean no iOS/Android yes
inactiveColor Color of the unselected page dots and the border of the not selected pages string no iOS/Android yes
limitShownPages Limit the number of page indicators shown.\enlargeActive prop is disabled in this state, when set to true there will be maximum of 7 shown.\Only relevant when numOfPages > 5. boolean no iOS/Android yes
numOfPages Total number of pages number no iOS/Android yes
onPagePress Action handler for clicking on a page indicator (index: number) => void no iOS/Android yes
size The size of the page indicator.\When setting limitShownPages the medium sized will be 2/3 of size and the small will be 1/3 of size.\An alternative is to send an array [smallSize, mediumSize, largeSize]. number | [number, number, number] no iOS/Android yes
spacing The space between the siblings page indicators number no iOS/Android yes
testID Used to identify the pageControl in tests string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
asCarousel When using TabController.PageCarousel this should be turned on boolean no iOS/Android yes
carouselPageWidth Pass for custom carousel page width number no iOS/Android yes
initialIndex Initial selected index number no iOS/Android yes
items The list of tab bar items TabControllerItemProps [] no iOS/Android yes
onChangeIndex Callback for when index has change (will not be called on ignored items) (index: number, prevIndex: number | null) => void no iOS/Android yes

TabController.PageCarousel:TabController 的 PageCarousel 组件,该组件扩展了ScrollView组件属性。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
TabController.PageCarousel TabController's PageCarousel component,You must pass asCarousel flag to TabController and render your TabPages inside a PageCarousel Component no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
activeBackgroundColor Apply background color on press for tab item string no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor The TabBar background Color string no iOS/Android yes
centerSelected Pass to center selected item boolean no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional styles for the container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
containerWidth The TabBar container width number no iOS/Android yes
enableShadow Show Tab Bar bottom shadow boolean no iOS/Android yes
height Tab Bar height number no iOS/Android yes
iconColor Icon tint color string no iOS/Android yes
indicatorInsets The indicator insets number no iOS/Android yes
indicatorStyle Custom style for the selected indicator ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
labelColor The default label color string no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Custom label style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
selectedIconColor Icon selected tint color string no iOS/Android yes
selectedLabelColor The selected label color string no iOS/Android yes
selectedLabelStyle Custom selected label style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
shadowStyle Custom shadow style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
spreadItems Whether the tabBar should be spread boolean no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes
uppercase Whether to change the text to uppercase boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
activeBackgroundColor Apply background color on press for TouchableOpacity string no iOS/Android yes
activeOpacity The active opacity when pressing a tab number no iOS/Android yes
backgroundColor Apply background color for the tab bar item string no iOS/Android yes
badge Badge component props to display next the item label BadgeProps no iOS/Android yes
icon Icon of the tab number no iOS/Android yes
iconColor Icon tint color string no iOS/Android yes
ignore Ignore tab presses boolean no iOS/Android yes
label Label of the tab string no iOS/Android yes
labelColor The default label color string no iOS/Android yes
labelProps Extra label props to pass to label Text element TextProps no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Custom label style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
leadingAccessory Pass to render a leading element ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
onPress Callback for when pressing a tab (index: number) => void no iOS/Android yes
selectedIconColor Icon selected tint color string no iOS/Android yes
selectedLabelColor The selected label color string no iOS/Android yes
selectedLabelStyle Custom selected label style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
style Pass custom style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
testID Used as a testing identifier string no iOS/Android yes
trailingAccessory Pass to render a trailing element ReactElement no iOS/Android yes
uppercase Whether to change the text to uppercase boolean no iOS/Android yes
width A fixed width for the item number no iOS/Android yes

TabController.TabPage:TabController的TabPage 组件。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
index The index of the the TabPage number no iOS/Android yes
lazy Whether this page should be loaded lazily boolean no iOS/Android yes
lazyLoadTime How long to wait till lazy load complete (good for showing loader screens) number no iOS/Android yes
renderLoading Render a custom loading page when lazy loading () => JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
activeConfig The configuration of the active step (see Wizard.Step.propTypes) WizardStepProps no iOS/Android yes
activeIndex The active step's index number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Add or override style of the container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
onActiveIndexChanged Callback that is called when the active step is changed (i.e. a step was clicked on). The new activeIndex will be the input of the callback (index: number) => void no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
accessibilityInfo Extra text to be read in accessibility mode string no iOS/Android yes
circleBackgroundColor Circle's background color string no iOS/Android yes
circleColor Color of the circle string no iOS/Android yes
circleSize The step's circle size (diameter) number no iOS/Android yes
color Color of the step index (or of the icon, when provided) string no iOS/Android yes
connectorStyle Additional styles for the connector ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
enabled Whether the step should be enabled boolean no iOS/Android yes
icon Icon to replace the (default) index ImageProps no iOS/Android yes
indexLabelStyle Additional styles for the index's label (when icon is not provided) TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
label The label of the item string no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Additional styles for the label TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
state The state of the step (Wizard.States.X) WizardStepStates no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
cancelButtonIndex Index of the option represents the cancel action (to be displayed as the separated bottom bold button) number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Add or override style of the action sheet (wraps the title and actions) ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
destructiveButtonIndex Index of the option represents the destructive action (will display red text. Usually used for delete or abort actions) number no iOS/Android yes
dialogStyle Add or override style of the dialog wrapping the action sheet ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
message Message of the action sheet string no iOS/Android yes
onDismiss Called when dismissing the action sheet (usually used for setting 'visible' prop to false) DialogProps['onDismiss'] no iOS/Android yes
onModalDismissed iOS only, modal only. Called once the modal has been dismissed DialogProps ['onDialogDismissed'] no iOS no
options List of options for the action sheet, follows the Button prop types (supply 'label' string and 'onPress' function) Array no iOS/Android yes
optionsStyle Add or override style of the options list ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
renderAction You will need to call 'onOptionPress' so the option's 'onPress' will be called. Render custom action ( option: ButtonProps, index: number, onOptionPress: ActionSheetOnOptionPress ) => JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
renderTitle Render custom title () => JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
showCancelButton When passed (only with useNativeIOS), will display a cancel button at the bottom (overrides cancelButtonIndex) boolean no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
title If both 'title' and 'message' are not passed will not render the title view at all. Title of the action sheet string no iOS/Android yes
useNativeIOS Should use the native action sheet for iOS boolean no iOS/Android yes
useSafeArea In iOS, use safe area, in case component attached to the bottom boolean no iOS/Android yes
visible Whether to show the action sheet or not boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
containerStyle Component's container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
height Height string |number no iOS/Android yes
ignoreBackgroundPress Whether or not to ignore background press boolean no iOS/Android yes
onDialogDismissed Called once the dialog has been dismissed completely (props: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
onDismiss Called when clicking on the background (props?: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
overlayBackgroundColor The color of the overlay background string no iOS/Android yes
panDirection The direction of the allowed pan UP |DOWN |LEFT |RIGHT no iOS/Android yes
pannableHeaderProps The props that will be passed to the pannable header any no iOS/Android yes
renderPannableHeader If this is added only the header will be pannable. Props are transferred to the 'renderPannableHeader'. For scrollable content (the children of the dialog) (props: any) => JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
useSafeArea In iOS, use safe area, in case component attached to the bottom boolean no iOS/Android yes
visible Control visibility of the component boolean no iOS/Android yes
width Width string | number no iOS/Android yes

FeatureHighlight:功能发现组件,FeatureHighlight 组件必须是 render() 返回的根视图的直接子级,如果要突出显示的元素没有样式属性,请添加 'style={{opacity: 1}}' 以便 Android 操作系统可以检测到它,FeatureHighlight 使用native库,你需要引入它。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
borderColor Color of the border around the highlighted element string no iOS/Android yes
borderRadius Border radius for the border corners around the highlighted element number no iOS/Android yes
borderWidth Width of the border around the highlighted element number no iOS/Android yes
confirmButtonProps Props that will be passed to the dismiss button ButtonProps no iOS/Android yes
getTarget Callback that extract the ref of the element to be highlighted () => any no iOS/Android yes
highlightFrame Frame of the area to highlight {x, y, width, height} HighlightFrame no iOS/Android yes
innerPadding The padding of the highlight frame around the highlighted element's frame (only when passing ref in 'getTarget') number no iOS/Android yes
message Message to be displayed string no iOS/Android yes
messageNumberOfLines Message's max number of lines number no iOS/Android yes
messageStyle Message text style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
minimumRectSize Android API 21+, and only when passing a ref in 'getTarget'. The minimum size of the highlighted component RectSize no iOS/Android yes
onBackgroundPress Called the background pressed TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps ['onPress'] no iOS/Android yes
overlayColor Color of the content's background (usually includes alpha for transparency) string no iOS/Android yes
pageControlProps PageControl component's props PageControlProps no iOS/Android yes
testID The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
textColor Color of the content's text string no iOS/Android yes
title Title of the content to be displayed string no iOS/Android yes
titleNumberOfLines Title's max number of lines number no iOS/Android yes
titleStyle Title text style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
visible Determines if to present the feature highlight component boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
bottomMargin The bottom margin of the button, or secondary button if passed number no iOS/Android yes
button Props for the Button component ButtonProps no iOS/Android yes
buttonLayout Button layout direction: vertical or horizontal FloatingButtonLayouts no iOS/Android yes
duration The duration of the button's animations (show/hide) number no iOS/Android yes
fullWidth Relevant to vertical layout only. Whether the buttons get the container's full with boolean no iOS/Android yes
hideBackgroundOverlay Whether to show background overlay boolean no iOS/Android yes
secondaryButton Props for the secondary Button component ButtonProps no iOS/Android yes
testID Use testID.button for the main button or testID.secondaryButton for the secondary. The test id for e2e tests string no iOS/Android yes
visible Whether the component is visible boolean no iOS/Android yes
withoutAnimation Whether to show/hide the button without animation boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
accessibilityLabel Overrides the text that's read by the screen reader when the user interacts with the element.\By default, the label is constructed by traversing all the children and accumulating all the Text nodes separated by space. string no iOS/Android yes
blurView A custom view to use as a BlurView instead of the default one JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
enableModalBlur iOS only. Blurs the modal background when transparent boolean no iOS no
onBackgroundPress allow dismissing a modal when clicking on its background (event: GestureResponderEvent) => void no iOS/Android yes
overlayBackgroundColor The background color of the overlay string no iOS/Android yes
testID The modal's end-to-end test identifier string no iOS/Android yes
useGestureHandlerRootView Android only. Should add a GestureHandlerRootView boolean no Android no


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
cancelButtonProps Cancel action props ButtonProps no iOS/Android yes
cancelIcon Cancel action icon ImageSource no iOS/Android yes
cancelLabel Cancel action label string no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Style for the TopBar container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
doneButtonProps Done action props ButtonProps no iOS/Android yes
doneIcon Done action icon ImageSource no iOS/Android yes
doneLabel Done action label string no iOS/Android yes
includeStatusBar Whether to include status bar or not (height calculations) boolean no iOS/Android yes
leftButtons Buttons to render on the left side of the top bar topBarButtonProp| topBarButtonProp[] no iOS/Android yes
onCancel Cancel action callback (props?: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
onDone Done action callback (props?: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
rightButtons Buttons to render on the right side of the top bar topBarButtonProp | topBarButtonProp[] no iOS/Android yes
subtitle Subtitle to display below the top bar title string no iOS/Android yes
subtitleStyle Subtitle custom style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
title Title to display in the center of the top bar string no iOS/Android yes
titleStyle Title custom style TextStyle no iOS/Android yes

Toast:非中断式弹窗组件, 请考虑转向我们新的 Toast 实现并使用 Incubator.Toast 代替。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
Toast A customizable Toast component Component no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
backgroundColor Background color string no iOS/Android yes
borderColor Color of border around the badge ImageStyle ['borderColor'] no iOS/Android yes
borderRadius Radius of border around the badge number no iOS/Android yes
borderWidth Width of border around the badge number no iOS/Android yes
containerStyle Additional styles for the top container ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
customElement Custom element to render instead of an icon JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
hitSlop Defines how far a touch event can start away from the badge ViewProps['hitSlop'] no iOS/Android yes
icon Renders an icon badge ImageSourcePropType no iOS/Android yes
iconProps Additional props passed to icon ImageProps no iOS/Android yes
iconStyle Additional styling to badge icon ImageStyle no iOS/Android yes
label Passing a label (undefined) will present a pimple badge. Text to show inside the badge string no iOS/Android yes
labelFormatterLimit Beyond the max number for that digit length, a '+' will show at the end. If set to a value not included in LABEL_FORMATTER_VALUES, no formatting will occur. Example: labelLengthFormatter={2}, label={124}, label will present '99+' Receives a number from 1 to 4, representing the label's max digit length LabelFormatterValues no iOS/Android yes
labelStyle Additional styles for the badge label TextStyle no iOS/Android yes
onPress Called when the badge is pressed (props: any) => void no iOS/Android yes
size Badge's size number no iOS/Android yes

ConnectionStatusBar:顶部栏显示无网络连接状态,该组件依赖@react-native-community/netinfo 库。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
allowDismiss Whethere to allow the user to dismiss boolean no iOS/Android yes
label Text to show as the status string no iOS/Android yes
onConnectionChange Handler to get connection change events propagation (isConnected: boolean, isInitial: boolean) => void no iOS/Android yes
useAbsolutePosition Use absolute position for the component boolean no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
customElement Custom element to render on top of the animated progress JSX.Element no iOS/Android yes
fullWidth FullWidth Ui preset boolean no iOS/Android yes
progress The progress of the bar from 0 to 100 number no iOS/Android yes
progressColor Progress color string no iOS/Android yes
style Override container style ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
borderRadius The border radius of the skeleton view number no iOS/Android yes
circle Whether the skeleton is a circle (will override the borderRadius) boolean no iOS/Android yes
colors The colors of the skeleton view, the array length has to be >=2 string[] no iOS/Android yes
customValue Custom value of any type to pass on to SkeletonView and receive back in the renderContent callback. any no iOS/Android yes
height The height of the skeleton view number no iOS/Android yes
listProps Props that are available when using template={SkeletonView.templates.LIST_ITEM} SkeletonListProps no iOS/Android yes
renderContent A function that will render the content once the content is ready (i.e. showContent is true). The method will be called with the Skeleton's customValue (i.e. renderContent(props?.customValue)) (customValue?: any) => React.ReactNode no iOS/Android yes
shimmerStyle Additional style to the skeleton view ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
showContent The content has been loaded, start fading out the skeleton and fading in the content boolean no iOS/Android yes
style Override container styles ViewStyle no iOS/Android yes
template Accessible through The type of the skeleton view. listItem |content no iOS/Android yes
testID The component test id string no iOS/Android yes
times Generates duplicate skeletons number no iOS/Android yes
timesKey A key prefix for the duplicated SkeletonViews string no iOS/Android yes
width The width of the skeleton view number no iOS/Android yes


[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

Color: 可以进行全局样式预设,通过Color获取预设样式。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
loadColors Load a set of colors to be used in the app. ({[key: string]: string}) => void no iOS/Android yes
loadSchemes Load a set of scheme colors to support dark/light mode. ({[name: string]: {[key: string]: any}}) => void no iOS/Android yes
rgba Return rgba string with color and transparency (color: string, num: number) => string no iOS/Android yes
getColorTint Get color tint (color: string, num: number) => string no iOS/Android yes
isDark returns true if a color is considered dark (bright colors will return false) (color: string) => boolean no iOS/Android yes

ThemeManager: 使用 ThemeManager 为您的应用程序设置默认的全局行为。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
setComponentTheme Set default props for a component by passing an object or a callback (componentName, defaultPropsObject) => void | (componentName, componentProps => newDefaultPropsObject) => void no iOS/Android yes

Typography: 设置样式属性,可直接通过“属性”的方式给组件设置样式。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
loadTypographies Set style attribute variables ({[name: string]: {[key: string]: any}}) => void no iOS/Android yes

Spacings: 设置空间大小变量,可通过 “属性-变量名” 的方式设置样式。

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
loadTypographies Set space size variable ({ [key: string]: number }) => void no iOS/Android yes


  • KeyboardTrackingView组件,将输入框子节点保持在键盘上方后点击事件位置异常: issue#4
  • 原生组件KeyboardAccessoryView切换自定义键盘未实现: issue#3



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