[!TIP] Github 地址
npm install [email protected] --save
yarn add [email protected]
import * as React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View, Text } from 'react-native';
import StepIndicator from 'react-native-step-indicator';
const firstIndicatorStyles = {
stepIndicatorSize: 30,
currentStepIndicatorSize: 40,
separatorStrokeWidth: 3,
currentStepStrokeWidth: 5,
separatorFinishedColor: '#4aae4f',
separatorUnFinishedColor: '#a4d4a5',
stepIndicatorFinishedColor: '#4aae4f',
stepIndicatorUnFinishedColor: '#a4d4a5',
stepIndicatorCurrentColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 15,
currentStepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 15,
stepIndicatorLabelCurrentColor: '#000000',
stepIndicatorLabelFinishedColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicatorLabelUnFinishedColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)',
labelColor: '#666666',
labelSize: 12,
currentStepLabelColor: '#4aae4f',
const secondIndicatorStyles = {
stepIndicatorSize: 30,
currentStepIndicatorSize: 40,
separatorStrokeWidth: 2,
currentStepStrokeWidth: 3,
stepStrokeCurrentColor: '#fe7013',
stepStrokeWidth: 3,
separatorStrokeFinishedWidth: 4,
stepStrokeFinishedColor: '#fe7013',
stepStrokeUnFinishedColor: '#aaaaaa',
separatorFinishedColor: '#fe7013',
separatorUnFinishedColor: '#aaaaaa',
stepIndicatorFinishedColor: '#fe7013',
stepIndicatorUnFinishedColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicatorCurrentColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 13,
currentStepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 13,
stepIndicatorLabelCurrentColor: '#fe7013',
stepIndicatorLabelFinishedColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicatorLabelUnFinishedColor: '#aaaaaa',
labelColor: '#999999',
labelSize: 13,
currentStepLabelColor: '#fe7013',
const thirdIndicatorStyles = {
stepIndicatorSize: 25,
currentStepIndicatorSize: 30,
separatorStrokeWidth: 2,
currentStepStrokeWidth: 3,
stepStrokeCurrentColor: '#7eaec4',
stepStrokeWidth: 3,
stepStrokeFinishedColor: '#7eaec4',
stepStrokeUnFinishedColor: '#dedede',
separatorFinishedColor: '#7eaec4',
separatorUnFinishedColor: '#dedede',
stepIndicatorFinishedColor: '#7eaec4',
stepIndicatorUnFinishedColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicatorCurrentColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 0,
currentStepIndicatorLabelFontSize: 0,
stepIndicatorLabelCurrentColor: 'transparent',
stepIndicatorLabelFinishedColor: 'transparent',
stepIndicatorLabelUnFinishedColor: 'transparent',
labelColor: '#999999',
labelSize: 13,
currentStepLabelColor: '#7eaec4',
export default function App() {
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = React.useState<number>(0);
const onStepPress = (position: number) => {
const renderStepIndicator = (params: any) => (
const renderLabel = ({
}: {
position: number;
stepStatus: string;
label: string;
currentPosition: number;
}) => {
return (
position === currentPosition
? styles.stepLabelSelected
: styles.stepLabel
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.stepIndicator}>
labels={['Account', 'Profile', 'Band', 'Membership', 'Dashboard']}
<View style={styles.stepIndicator}>
'Delivery Address',
'Order Summary',
'Payment Method',
<View style={styles.stepIndicator}>
labels={['Approval', 'Processing', 'Shipping', 'Delivery']}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
stepIndicator: {
marginVertical: 50,
page: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
stepLabel: {
fontSize: 12,
textAlign: 'center',
fontWeight: '500',
color: '#999999',
stepLabelSelected: {
fontSize: 12,
textAlign: 'center',
fontWeight: '500',
color: '#4aae4f',
[!TIP] 本项非必配项,当使用 customStyles 自定义属性中的 labelFontFamily 属性指定字体时才需配置
复制字体文件到 entry/src/main/resources/rawfile/assets/assets/fonts
目录下(如使用了外部字体文件,需要将*.ttf 文件复制过来)
打开 entry/src/main/ets/pages/Index.ets
const fonts: Record<string, Resource> = {
"Pacifico-Regular": $rawfile("assets/assets/fonts/Pacifico-Regular.ttf")
struct Index {
build() {
rnInstanceConfig: {
fontResourceByFontFamily: fonts
- RNOH: 0.72.27; OH SDK: HarmonyOS-NEXT-DB1; IDE: DevEco Studio:; ROM:;
- RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
currentPosition | Current position in steps | number | no | 0 | iOS,Android | yes |
stepCount | Number of steps | number | no | 5 | iOS,Android | yes |
direction | Orientation of the Steps | 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | no | 'horizontal' | iOS,Android | yes |
customStyles | Styles for the component | object | no | {} | iOS,Android | yes |
labels | Labels for each step | Array<string> | no | null | iOS,Android | yes |
onPress | Callback fired when tapping on a step | Function (position: Number) => void | no | null | iOS,Android | yes |
renderStepIndicator | Used to render custom content inside step at specified position | Function (position: Number, stepStatus: String) => React.ReactNode | no | null | iOS,Android | yes |
renderLabel | Use this to render custom label for each step | Function (position: Number, stepStatus: String, label: String, currentPosition: Number) => React.ReactNode | no | null | iOS,Android | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
stepIndicatorSize | Size of step indicator circle | number | no | 30 | iOS,Android | yes |
currentStepIndicatorSize | Size of the current step indicator circle | number | no | 40 | iOS,Android | yes |
separatorStrokeWidth | Stroke thickness of the separator between steps | number | no | 2 | iOS,Android | yes |
separatorStrokeUnfinishedWidth | Stroke thickness of the separator between unifinished steps | number | no | 0 | iOS,Android | yes |
separatorStrokeFinishedWidth | Stroke thickness of the separator between finished steps | number | no | 0 | iOS,Android | yes |
stepStrokeWidth | Thickness of the stroke around each step | number | no | 3 | iOS,Android | yes |
currentStepStrokeWidth | Thickness of the stroke around the current step | number | no | 3 | iOS,Android | yes |
stepStrokeCurrentColor | Stroke color for the current step | string | no | '#fe7013' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepStrokeFinishedColor | Stroke color for finished steps | string | no | '#fe7013' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepStrokeUnFinishedColor | Stroke color for unfinished steps | string | no | '#aaaaaa' | iOS,Android | yes |
separatorFinishedColor | Color of separator for finished items | string | no | '#fe7013' | iOS,Android | yes |
separatorUnFinishedColor | Color of separator for unfinished items | string | no | '#aaaaaa' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepIndicatorFinishedColor | Color of the circle for finished steps | string | no | '#fe7013' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepIndicatorUnFinishedColor | Color of the circle for unfinished steps | string | no | '#ffffff' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepIndicatorCurrentColor | Color of the circle for the current step | string | no | '#ffffff' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepIndicatorLabelFontSize | Font size of the number inside the circle for each step | number | no | 15 | iOS,Android | yes |
currentStepIndicatorLabelFontSize | Font size of the number inside the circle for the current step | number | no | 15 | iOS,Android | yes |
stepIndicatorLabelCurrentColor | Color of label for the current step | string | no | '#ffffff' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepIndicatorLabelFinishedColor | Color of labels that their steps are finished | string | no | '#ffffff' | iOS,Android | yes |
stepIndicatorLabelUnFinishedColor | Color of labels that their steps are unfinished | string | no | 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)' | iOS,Android | yes |
labelColor | Color of the label text | string | no | '#000000' | iOS,Android | yes |
currentStepLabelColor | Color of the current step label | string | no | '#4aae4f' | iOS,Android | yes |
labelSize | Font size for the labels | number | no | 13 | iOS,Android | yes |
labelAlign | Label alignment | 'center' | 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'stretch' | 'baseline' | undefined | no | 'center' | iOS,Android | yes |
labelFontFamily | Label fontFamily for custom fonts | string | no | iOS,Android | yes |
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