[!TIP] Github 地址
npm install [email protected]
yarn add [email protected]
[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { Menu, MenuItem, MenuDivider } from 'react-native-material-menu';
export default function App() {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
const hideMenu = () => setVisible(false);
const showMenu = () => setVisible(true);
return (
<View style={{ height: '100%', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
anchor={<Text onPress={showMenu}>Show menu</Text>}
<MenuItem onPress={hideMenu}>Menu item 1</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onPress={hideMenu}>Menu item 2</MenuItem>
<MenuItem disabled>Disabled item</MenuItem>
<MenuDivider />
<MenuItem onPress={hideMenu}>Menu item 4</MenuItem>
- RNOH:0.72.27; SDK:HarmonyOS-Next-DB1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
- RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children | Components rendered in menu (required) | ReactNode | yes | all | yes |
anchor | Button component (required) | ReactNode | yes | all | yes |
visible | Whether the Menu is currently visible | Boolean | no | all | yes |
style | Menu style. | ViewStyle | no | all | yes |
onRequestClose | Callback when menu has become hidden | () => void | no | all | yes |
animationDuration | Changes show/hide animation duration. default is 300 | Number | no | all | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
children | Rendered children (required) | ReactNode | yes | all | yes |
disabled | Disabled flag. default is false. | Boolean | no | all | yes |
disabledTextColor | Disabled text color. default is #bdbdbd. | String | no | all | yes |
onPress | Called function on press | ()=>void | no | all | yes |
style | Container style | ViewStyle | no | all | yes |
textStyle | Text style | TextStyle | no | all | yes |
pressColor | Pressed color. default is #e0e0e0. | String | no | all | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
color | Line color. default is 'rgba(0,0,0,0.12)' | String | no | all | yes |
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