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请到三方库的 Releases 发布地址查看配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gifted-charts Releases 。对于未发布到npm的旧版本,请参考安装指南安装tgz包。



npm install @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gifted-charts


yarn add @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gifted-charts


[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。

import {
} from "react-native-gifted-charts";

export default function () {
  const data = [{ value: 50 }, { value: 80 }, { value: 90 }, { value: 70 }];

  return (
      <BarChart data={data} />
      <LineChart data={data} />
      <PieChart data={data} />
          { left: 10, right: 12 },
          { left: 9, right: 8 },
      <BarChart data={data} horizontal />
      <LineChart data={data} areaChart />
      <PieChart data={data} donut />


本库鸿蒙侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg、@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-linear-gradient 的原生端代码,如已在鸿蒙工程中引入过这两个库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。

如未引入请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg 文档@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-linear-gradient 文档进行引入



要使用此库,需要使用正确的 React-Native 和 RNOH 版本。另外,还需要使用配套的 DevEco Studio 和 手机 ROM。

请到三方库相应的 Releases 发布地址查看 Release 配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-gifted-charts Releases


详情见 react-native-gifted-charts Props tables

[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

BarChart, Horizontal BarChart and Stacked Bar Chart

Basic props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
data An item object represents a bar in the bar chart. It is described in the next table. barDataItem[] no all yes
width Width of the Bar chart number no all yes
height Height of the Bar chart (excluding the bottom label) number no all yes
onPress Callback function called on press of a Bar (takes item and index as parameter) Function no all yes
onLongPress Callback function called on long press of a Bar (takes item and index as parameter) Function no all yes
onPressOut Callback function called on press out of a Bar (takes item and index as parameter) Function no all yes
focusBarOnPress used to focus a bar on press by applying styles defined in focusedBarConfig boolean no all yes
focusedBarConfig styles for the focused bar including color, width, opacity, borderRadius etc FocusedBarConfig no all yes
focusedBarIndex index of the initially focused bar, works only when focusBarOnPress is number no all yes
maxValue Maximum value shown in the Y axis number no all yes
yAxisOffset Starting (minimum) value in the Y axis (value at the origin) number no all yes
mostNegativeValue The most negative value shown in the Y axis (to be used only if the data set has negative values too) number no all yes
noOfSections Number of sections in the Y axis number no all yes
noOfSectionsBelowXAxis Number of sections in the Y axis below X axis (in case the data set has negative values too) number no all yes
stepValue Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis number no all yes
stepHeight Height of 1 step/section in the Yaxis number no all yes
negativeStepValue Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis for negative values (in the 4th quadrant) number no all yes
negativeStepHeight Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis for negative values (in the 4th quadrant) number no all yes
spacing Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the Bar chart number no all yes
backgroundColor Background color of the Bar chart ColorValue no all yes
sectionColors Background color of the horizontal sections of the chart Array no all yes
scrollref ref object that can be used to control the horizontal ScrollView inside which the chart is rendered any no all yes
scrollToIndex scroll to a particular index on chart load number no all yes
disableScroll To disable horizontal scroll boolean no all yes
showScrollIndicator To show horizontal scroll indicator boolean no all yes
indicatorColor (iOS only) The color of the scroll indicators - ('black', 'white' or 'default') String no iOS yes
showLine To show a Line chart over the Bar chart with the same data boolean no all yes
lineData The data object for the line chart (use only when showLine is true). To hide any datapoint pass hideDataPoint prop as true in specific data item. Array of items no all yes
lineConfig Properties of the Line chart shown over the Bar chart (lineConfigType) is described below lineConfigType no all yes
lineData2 The data object for the second line chart (use only when showLine is true) Array of items no all yes
lineConfig2 Properties of the second Line chart shown over the Bar chart (lineConfigType) is described below lineConfigType no all yes
lineBehindBars When set to true, the line chart will appear behind the Bars in case of overlap boolean no all yes
autoShiftLabels When set to true, automatically shifts the X axis labels for negative values boolean no all yes
scrollToEnd When set to true, the chart automatically scrolls to the rightmost bar boolean no all yes
scrollAnimation When set to true, scroll animation is visible when the chart automatically scrolls to the rightmost bar boolean no all yes
scrollEventThrottle (only for iOS) see number no iOS yes
onScroll callback function called when the chart is scrolled horizontally Function no all yes
onMomentumScrollEnd callback function called when scroll is completed Function no all yes
initialSpacing distance of the first bar from the Y axis number no all yes
renderTooltip tooltip component appearing above the bar when it is pressed, takes item and index as parameters Function no all yes
leftShiftForTooltip The distance by which the tooltip component should shift towards left number no all yes
leftShiftForLastIndexTooltip The distance by which the tooltip component of the last bar should shift towards left number no all yes
adjustToWidth When set to true, it auto-computes the barWidth and spacing to fit the chart in the available width / parentWidth boolean no all yes
parentWidth The width of the parent View or the width that the chart should auto-fit into when adjustToWidth is true number no all yes
showValuesAsTopLabel When set to true, shows the value as a label at the top of the bar boolean no all yes

Combine Line Chart using showLine

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
initialSpacing distance of the first data point from the Y axis number no all yes
curved To show curved line joining the data points boolean no all yes
isAnimated To show animates Line Chart boolean no all yes
delay Delay (in milliseconds) before starting the animation of the line number no all yes
thickness Thickness of the Line number no all yes
color Color of the Line ColorValue no all yes
hideDataPoints To hide data points along the Line chart boolean no all yes
dataPointsShape Shape of the data points ('rectangular' or 'circular') String no all yes
dataPointsWidth Width of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsHeight Height of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsColor Color of the data points ColorValue no all yes
dataPointsRadius Radius of data points (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
textColor Color of the dataPointText ColorValue no all yes
textFontSize Font size of the dataPointText number no all yes
textShiftX To shift the dataPointText text horizontally number no all yes
textShiftY To shift the dataPointText text vertically number no all yes
shiftY To shift the Line chart up or down by the given quantity m number no all yes
startIndex Start index for data line (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
endIndex End index for data line (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes

Item description (barDataItem)

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
value Value of the item representing height of the bar number no all yes
barWidth Width of the bar number no all yes
onPress Function called on pressing the bar function no all yes
onLongPress Function called on long pressing the bar function no all yes
onPressOut Callback function called on press out of a bar Function no all yes
disablePress Prop to disable the press action, defaults to false boolean no all yes
frontColor Color of the bar ColorValue no all yes
sideColor Color of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D ColorValue no all yes
sideWidth Width of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D number no all yes
topColor Color of the top view of the bar, only for 3 D ColorValue no all yes
barStyle style object for the Bars object no all yes
showGradient Prop to enable linear gradient for the bar color, defaults to false boolean no all yes
gradientColor Along with frontColor, this prop constitutes the 2 colors for gradient ColorValue no all yes
label Label text appearing below the bar (under the X axis) string no all yes
labelWidth Width of the Label text appearing below the bar (under the X axis) number no all yes
labelTextStyle Style object for the label text appearing below the bar object no all yes
labelComponent Custom label component appearing below the bar Component no all yes
labelsDistanceFromXaxis Distance of the X Axis label from the X axis number no all yes
topLabelComponent Custom component appearing above the bar Component no all yes
topLabelContainerStyle Style object for the container of the custom component appearing above the bar object no all yes
cappedBars To show caps on the top of bar boolean no all yes
capThickness Thickness of the bar cap number no all yes
capColor Color of the bar cap ColorValue no all yes
capRadius Border radius of the bar cap number no all yes
barBorderRadius Border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderTopLeftRadius Top left border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderTopRightRadius Top right border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderBottomLeftRadius Bottom left border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderBottomRightRadius Bottom right border radius of the bar number no all yes
barMarginBottom margin at the bottom of the bar (above X axis) number no all yes
spacing Distance of the next Bar from the currennt Bar number no all yes
barBackgroundPattern A svg component containing the background pattern for bars Component no all yes
patternId ID of the pattern component String no all yes
leftShiftForTooltip The distance by which the tooltip component should shift towards left number no all yes
showXAxisIndex show small graduation at the X axis for the corresponding bar boolean no all yes

Axes and rules related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
xAxisLength X axis length number no all yes
xAxisColor X axis color ColorValue no all yes
xAxisThickness X axis thickness number no all yes
yAxisColor Y axis color ColorValue no all yes
yAxisThickness Y axis thickness number no all yes
yAxisExtraHeight Extra length of Y axis at the top number no all yes
xAxisType solid or dotted/dashed RuleType no all yes
yAxisLabelWidth Width of the Y axis Label container number no all yes
yAxisTextStyle Style object for the Y axis text style object no all yes
yAxisTextNumberOfLines Number of lines for y axis label text number no all yes
yAxisLabelContainerStyle Style object for the Y axis label container object no all yes
trimYAxisAtTop Removes the extra length of the Y axis from the top boolean no all yes
horizontalRulesStyle Style object for the horizontal rules container object no all yes
showFractionalValues Allow fractional values for the Y axis label boolean no all yes
roundToDigits Rounds the y axis values to given number of digits after decimal point number no all yes
yAxisLabelPrefix The String prepended to the y axis label text (for example- '$') String no all yes
yAxisLabelSuffix The String appended to the y axis label text String no all yes
hideYAxisText To hide Y axis label text boolean no all yes
formatYLabel a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it. (label: string) => string no all yes
yAxisSide Tells which side of the chart, should the y axis be present, defaults to 'left' String no all yes
rulesLength Length of the horizontal rules number no all yes
rulesColor Color of the horizontal rules ColorValue no all yes
rulesThickness Thickness of the horizontal rules number no all yes
hideRules To hide the horizontal rules boolean no all yes
rulesType solid or dotted/dashed RuleType no all yes
dashWidth width of each dash number no all yes
dashGap gap between 2 dashes number no all yes
rulesConfigArray Array of rulesConfig objects, used to customise the properties (like color, type etc) of specific rules Array no no no
referenceLine1Config properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) referenceConfigType no all yes
referenceLine1Position position of reference line number no all yes
showReferenceLine2 show second reference line boolean no all yes
referenceLine2Config properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) referenceConfigType no all yes
referenceLine2Position position of second reference line number no all yes
showReferenceLine3 show third reference line boolean no all yes
referenceLine3Config properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) referenceConfigType no all yes
referenceLine3Position position of third reference line number no all yes
referenceLinesOverChartContent used to render the reference lines over the rest of the chart content. boolean no all yes
showVerticalLines To show vertical lines boolean no all yes
verticalLinesColor Color of the vertical lines ColorValue no all yes
verticallinesThickness Thickness of the vertical lines number no all yes
verticalLinesHeight Height of the vertical lines number no all yes
verticalLinesStrokeDashArray Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted vertical line Array no all yes
verticalLinesShift vertical lines are aligned with bars. Shift them left or right using +ve or -ve value of verticalLinesShift number no all yes
verticalLinesZIndex Z index of the vertical lines number no all yes
noOfVerticalLines Number of vertical lines displayed number no all yes
verticalLinesSpacing Distance between consecutive vertical lines number no all yes
showXAxisIndices To show the pointers on the X axis boolean no all yes
xAxisIndicesHeight Height of the pointers on the X axis number no all yes
xAxisIndicesWidth Width of the pointers on the X axis number no all yes
xAxisIndicesColor Color of the pointers on the X axis ColorValue no all yes
showYAxisIndices To show the pointers on the Y axis boolean no all yes
yAxisIndicesHeight Height of the pointers on the Y axis number no all yes
yAxisIndicesWidth Width of the pointers on the Y axis number no all yes
yAxisIndicesColor Color of the pointers on the X axis ColorValue no all yes
yAxisLabelTexts Array of label texts to be displayed along y axis Array no all yes
xAxisLabelTexts Array of label texts to be displayed below x axis Array no all yes
xAxisLabelTextStyle Style of label texts to be displayed below x axis object no all yes
rotateLabel To rotate the X axis labels (by 60deg) boolean no all yes
hideAxesAndRules To hide axes, rules, labels altogether boolean no all yes
hideOrigin To hide the y Axis label at origin (i.e. 0) boolean no all yes
labelWidth Width of the Label text appearing below the bar (under the X axis) number no all yes
labelsDistanceFromXaxis Distance of the X Axis label from the X axis number no all yes
xAxisTextNumberOfLines Number of lines for x axis label text number no all yes
xAxisLabelsHeight Height of X axis labels container number no all yes
xAxisLabelsVerticalShift prop to adjust the vertical position of X axis labels (move X axis labels up or down) number no all yes
labelsExtraHeight used to display large rotated labels on X-axis (use this only when using the rotateLabel prop) number no all yes
secondaryYAxis displays and controls the properties of the secondary Y axis on the right side secondaryYAxisType no all yes
secondaryData the secondary data that will be rendered along the secondary Y axis Array of items no all yes

Bar related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
barWidth Width of the bar number no all yes
barStyle style object for the Bars object no all yes
isThreeD Prop to render 3 dimensional bars boolean no all yes
frontColor Color of the bar ColorValue no all yes
sideColor Color of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D ColorValue no all yes
topColor Color of the top view of the bar, only for 3 D ColorValue no all yes
sideWidth Width of the side view of the bar, only for 3 D number no all yes
showGradient Prop to enable linear gradient for the bar color boolean no all yes
gradientColor Along with frontColor, gradientColor constitutes the 2 colors for gradient ColorValue no all yes
roundedTop To show rounded top boolean no all yes
roundedBottom To show rounded bottom boolean no all yes
activeOpacity activeOpacity on pressing the bar number no all yes
disablePress Prop to disable the bar press action boolean no all yes
barBorderWidth Border width of the bar number no all yes
barBorderColor Border color of the bar ColorValue no all yes
barBorderRadius Border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderTopLeftRadius Top left border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderTopRightRadius Top right border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderBottomLeftRadius Bottom left border radius of the bar number no all yes
barBorderBottomRightRadius Bottom right border radius of the bar number no all yes
barMarginBottom margin at the bottom of the bar (above X axis) number no all yes
barBackgroundPattern A svg component containing the background pattern for bars Component no all yes
patternId ID of the pattern component String no all yes
minHeight Minimum height of the Bars number no all yes

Animation related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
isAnimated To show animates BarChart. Animation occurs onLoad and on value change boolean no all yes
animationDuration Duration of the animations number no all yes
animationEasing Easing applied to the animation Easing no all yes

Pagination related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
onEndReached Callback function called when the chart is scrolled upto end Function no all yes
onStartReached Callback function called when the chart is scrolled upto start Function no all yes

Bar related props for making Capped Bar chart

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
cappedBars To show caps on the top of bars boolean no all yes
capThickness Thickness of the bar caps number no all yes
capColor Color of the bar caps ColorValue no all yes
capRadius Border radius of the bar caps number no all yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
height Height of the pointer number no all yes
width width of the pointer number no all yes
radius radius of the pointer number no all yes
pointerColor pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointerColorsForDataSet When using pointers with dataSet, you can set pointer colors on each data line using the pointerColorsForDataSet which is an array of color values. ColorValue[] no all yes
secondaryPointerColor Secondary pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointerComponent is a function that returns the component to be rendered as a pointer Function no all yes
showPointerStrip show pointer bar boolean no all yes
pointerStripWidth width of the pointer bar number no all yes
pointerStripHeight height of the pointer bar number no all yes
pointerStripColor color of the pointer bar ColorValue no all yes
pointerStripUptoDataPoint Pointer stripped to data point boolean no all yes
pointerLabelComponent is a function that returns the component to be rendered as a Label. It takes 2 parameters - 1. an array of items 2 Function no all yes
stripOverPointer strip to over pointer boolean no all yes
autoAdjustPointerLabelPosition Adjust the position of the pointer boolean no all yes
shiftPointerLabelX x-axis displacement pointer label number no all yes
shiftPointerLabelY y-axis displacement pointer label number no all yes
pointerLabelWidth pointer label width number no all yes
pointerLabelHeight pointer label height number no all yes
pointerVanishDelay Pointer disappearance delay number no all yes
activatePointersOnLongPress Long press to activate pointer boolean no all yes
activatePointersDelay activation pointer delay number no all no
persistPointer persistent pointer boolean no all yes
strokeDashArray Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted pointer number[] no all yes
barTouchable touchable bar boolean no all yes
pointerEvents pointer event in Bars PointerEvents no no no
stripBehindBars hide the strip in Bars boolean no all yes

Props for horizontal BarChart

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
horizontal Render horizontal boolean no all yes
rtl Render the chart from right to left boolean no all yes
shiftX Shift the chart towards left or right by given value (only in horizontal charts) number no all yes
shiftY Shift the chart upwards or downwards by given value (only in horizontal charts) number no all yes
rotateYAxisTexts angle by which the Y axis label texts should rotate in horizontal charts number no all yes
yAxisAtTop In horizontal BarCharts the Y axis appears at bottom by default. Set it to true for otherwise boolean no all yes
intactTopLabel To rotate the top label component to make it intact with the Bars boolean no all yes

Props for Stacked Bar Charts

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
stackData A stack array represents a stack of bars in the bar chart. It is described in the next table Array of stack arrays no all yes
barBorderRadius Border radius of each bar of the stack number no all yes
barBorderTopLeftRadius Top left border radius of each bar of the stack number no all yes
barBorderTopRightRadius Top right border radius of each bar of the stack number no all yes
barBorderBottomLeftRadius Bottom left border radius of each bar of the stack number no all yes
barBorderBottomRightRadius Bottom right border radius of each bar of the stack number no all yes
stackBorderRadius Border radius of the top and bottom bars of the stack number no all yes
stackBorderTopLeftRadius Top left border radius of the top bar of the stack number no all yes
stackBorderTopRightRadius Top right border radius of the top bar of the stack number no all yes
stackBorderBottomLeftRadius Bottom left border radius of the bottom bar of the stack number no all yes
stackBorderBottomRightRadius Bottom right border radius of the bottom bar of the stack number no all yes
autoShiftLabelsForNegativeStacks Whether the x axis labels should auto shift to a position below the bar, if the bar is under x-axis due to negative value boolean no all yes

Stack Array description

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
stacks array A stack is made of 1 or more objects of the type described in the next table Array of stack items no all yes
label Label text appearing below the stack (under the X axis) string no all yes
labelTextStyle Style object for the label text appearing below the stack object no all yes
barWidth Width of the stack bar number no all yes
spacing Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the stack Bar chart number no all yes
borderRadius Border radius of each bar of the stack number no all yes
borderTopLeftRadius Top left border radius of the top bar of the stack number no all yes
borderTopRightRadius Top right border radius of the top bar of the stack number no all yes
borderBottomLeftRadius Bottom left border radius of the bottom bar of the stack number no all yes
borderBottomRightRadius Bottom right border radius of the bottom bar of the stack number no all yes

Stack item description

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
value Value of the item representing height of the stack item number no all yes
color Color of the stack item ColorValue no all yes
onPress Function called on pressing the stack item function no all yes
onLongPress Function called on long pressing the stack item function no all yes
onPressOut Callback function called on press out of a bar Function no all yes
marginBottom margin below a particular stack sectio number n no all yes
barBorderRadius Border radius of a stack section number no all yes
borderTopLeftRadius borderTopLeftRadius for a stack section number no all yes
borderTopRightRadius borderTopRightRadius for a stack section number no all yes
borderBottomLeftRadius borderBottomLeftRadius for a stack section number no all yes
borderBottomRightRadius borderBottomRightRadius for a stack section number no all yes
showGradient Prop to enable linear gradient for the bar color, defaults to false boolean no all yes
gradientColor Along with frontColor, this prop constitutes the 2 colors for gradient ColorValue no all yes
barWidth Width of the bar number no all yes
showXAxisIndex show small graduation at the X axis for the corresponding stack boolean no all yes

LineChart and AreaChart

Basic props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
data An item object represents a point in the line chart. It is described in the next table. Array no all yes
data2 Second set of dataPoint for the second line Array no all yes
data3 Third set of dataPoint for the third line Array no all yes
data4 Fourth set of dataPoint for the fourth line Array no all yes
data5 Fifth set of dataPoint for the third line Array no all yes
dataSet Array of data sets (used instead of using data2, data3, data4 etc) Array no all yes
width Width of the Bar chart number no all yes
height Height of the Bar chart (excluding the bottom label) number no all yes
overflowTop Extra space at the top of the chart to make room for dataPointText number no all yes
overflowBottom Extra space at the bottom of the chart to make room for dataPoints or dataPointText number no all yes
maxValue Maximum value shown in the Y axis number no all yes
mostNegativeValue The most negative value shown in the Y axis (to be used only if the data set has negative values too) number no all yes
noOfSections Number of sections in the Y axis number no all yes
noOfSectionsBelowXAxis Number of sections in the Y axis below X axis (in case the data set has negative values too) number no all yes
stepValue Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis number no all yes
stepHeight Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis number no all yes
spacing Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the Bar chart number no all yes
adjustToWidth When set to true, it auto computes the spacing value to fit the Line chart in the available width boolean no all yes
backgroundColor Background color of the Bar chart ColorValue no all yes
sectionColors Background color of the horizontal sections of the chart Array no all yes
scrollref ref object that can be used to control the horizontal ScrollView inside which the chart is rendered any no all yes
scrollToIndex scroll to a particular index on chart load number no all yes
disableScroll To disable horizontal scroll boolean no all yes
showScrollIndicator To show horizontal scroll indicator boolean no all yes
indicatorColor (iOS only) The color of the scroll indicators - ('black', 'white' or 'default') String no all yes
isAnimated To show animated Line or Area Chart. Animation occurs when the chart load for the first time boolean no all yes
onPress The callback function that handles the press event. item and index are received as props Function no all yes
scrollToEnd When set to true, the chart automatically scrolls to the rightmost data point boolean no all yes
scrollAnimation When set to true, scroll animation is visible when the chart automatically scrolls to the rightmost data point boolean no all yes
scrollEventThrottle (only for iOS) see number no iOS yes
onScroll callback function called when the chart is scrolled horizontally Function no all yes
onMomentumScrollEnd callback function called when scroll is completed Function no all yes
initialSpacing distance of the first data point from the Y axis number no all yes
endSpacing distance/padding left at the end of the line chart number no all yes

Item description (lineDataItem)

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
value Value of the item representing representing its position number no all yes
onPress Function called on pressing the data point function no all no
label Label text appearing under the X axis string no all yes
labelTextStyle Style object for the label text appearing under the X axis object no all yes
labelComponent custom label component appearing under the X axis Function no all yes
yAxisLabelText Y axis label text string no all yes
dataPointText Text appearing near the data points string no all yes
textShiftX To shift the dataPointText text horizontally number no all yes
textShiftY To shift the dataPointText text vertically number no all yes
textColor Color of the dataPointText ColorValue no all yes
textFontSize Font size of the dataPointText number no all yes
dataPointHeight Height of the data point (when data point's shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointWidth Width of the data point (when data point's shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointRadius Radius of the data point (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
dataPointColor Color of the data point ColorValue no all yes
dataPointShape Shape of the data point (rectangular or circular) defaults to circular string no all yes
hideDataPoint To hide the data point boolean no all yes
showVerticalLine When set to true, a vertical line will be displayed along that data point boolean no all yes
verticalLineUptoDataPoint When set to true, it sets the height of the vertical line upto the corresponding data point boolean no all yes
verticalLineColor Color of the vertical Line displayed along the data point ColorValue no all yes
verticalLineThickness Thickness of the vertical Line displayed along the data point number no all yes
dataPointLabelWidth width of the label shown beside a data point number no all no
dataPointLabelShiftX horizontal shift of a label from its corresponding data point number no all no
dataPointLabelShiftY vertical shift of a label from its corresponding data point number no all no
dataPointLabelComponent custom component rendered above a data point Function no all no
focusedDataPointLabelComponent custom component rendered above a data point only when focused/selected (when the user presses) Function no all no
showStrip To show a vertical strip along the data point (even if it's not focused/selected) boolean no all yes
stripHeight Height of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true number no all yes
stripWidth Width of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true number no all yes
stripColor Color of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true ColorValue no all yes
stripOpacity Opacity of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true number no all yes
pointerShiftX Shifts the pointer for that item horizontally by given quantity (used only when pointerConfig prop is passed) number no all yes
pointerShiftY Shifts the pointer for that item vertically by given quantity (used only when pointerConfig prop is passed) number no all yes

Pagination related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
onEndReached Callback function called when the chart is scrolled upto end Function no all yes
onStartReached Callback function called when the chart is scrolled upto start Function no all yes

Axes and rules related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
xAxisLength X axis length number no all yes
xAxisColor X axis color ColorValue no all yes
xAxisThickness X axis thickness number no all yes
xAxisType solid or dotted/dashed RuleType no all yes
yAxisColor Y axis color ColorValue no all yes
yAxisThickness Y axis thickness number no all yes
yAxisLabelWidth Width of the Y axis Label container number no all ye
yAxisTextStyle Style object for the Y axis text style object no all yes
yAxisTextNumberOfLines Number of lines for y axis label text number no all yes
yAxisLabelContainerStyle Style object for the Y axis label container object no all yes
trimYAxisAtTop Removes the extra length of the Y axis from the top boolean no all yes
yAxisExtraHeight Extra length of Y axis at the top number no all yes
yAxisOffset Starting value on Y Axis number no all yes
horizontalRulesStyle Style object for the horizontal rules container object no all yes
showFractionalValues Allow fractional values for the Y axis label boolean no all yes
roundToDigits Rounds the y axis values to given number of digits after decimal point number no all yes
yAxisLabelPrefix The String prepended to the y axis label text (for example- '$') String no all yes
yAxisLabelSuffix The String appended to the y axis label text String no all yes
hideYAxisText To hide Y axis label text boolean no all yes
formatYLabel a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it. (label: string) => string no all yes
yAxisSide Tells which side of the chart, should the y axis be present, defaults to 'left' String no all yes
rulesLength Length of the horizontal number no all yes
rulesColor Color of the horizontal rules ColorValue no all yes
rulesThickness Thickness of the horizontal number no all yes
hideRules To hide the horizontal boolean no all yes
rulesType solid or dotted/dashed RuleType no all yes
dashWidth width of each dash number no all yes
dashGap gap between 2 number no all yes
rulesConfigArray Array of rulesConfig objects, used to customise the properties (like color, type etc) of specific rules Array no all yes
showReferenceLine1 show reference line boolean no all yes
referenceLine1Config properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) referenceConfigType no all yes
referenceLine1Position position of reference number no all yes
showReferenceLine2 show second reference boolean no all yes
referenceLine2Config properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) referenceConfigType no all yes
referenceLine2Position position of second reference number no all yes
showReferenceLine3 show third reference boolean no all yes
referenceLine3Config properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) referenceConfigType no all yes
referenceLine3Position position of third reference line number no all yes
showVerticalLines To show vertical lines boolean no all yes
verticalLinesUptoDataPoint To set the height of the vertical lines upto the corresponding data point boolean no all yes
verticallinesThickness Thickness of the vertical lines number no all yes
verticalLinesHeight Height of the vertical lines number no all yes
verticalLinesStrokeDashArray Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted vertical line Array no all yes
verticalLinesShift vertical lines are aligned with data point. Shift them left or right using +ve or -ve value of verticalLinesShift number no all yes
verticalLinesZIndex Z index of the vertical lines number no all yes
noOfVerticalLines Number of vertical lines displayed number no all yes
verticalLinesSpacing Distance between consecutive vertical lines number no all yes
showXAxisIndices To show the pointers on the X axis boolean no all yes
xAxisIndicesHeight Height of the pointers on the X axis number no all yes
xAxisIndicesWidth Width of the pointers on the X axis number no all yes
xAxisIndicesColor Color of the pointers on the X axis ColorValue no all yes
showYAxisIndices To show the pointers on the Y axis boolean no all yes
yAxisIndicesHeight Height of the pointers on the Y axis number no all yes
yAxisIndicesWidth Width of the pointers on the Y axis number no all yes
yAxisIndicesColor Color of the pointers on the X axis ColorValue no all yes
hideAxesAndRules To hide axes, rules, labels altogether boolean no all yes
yAxisLabelTexts Array of label texts to be displayed along y axis Array no all yes
xAxisLabelTexts Array of label texts to be displayed below x axis Array no all yes
xAxisLabelTextStyle Style of label texts to be displayed below x axis object no all yes
xAxisTextNumberOfLines Number of lines for x axis label text number no all yes
xAxisLabelsHeight Height of X axis labels container number no all yes
xAxisLabelsVerticalShift prop to adjust the vertical position of X axis labels (move X axis labels up or down) number no all yes
rotateLabel To rotate the X axis labels (by 60deg) boolean no all yes
hideOrigin To hide the y Axis label at origin (i.e. 0) boolean no all yes
secondaryYAxis displays and controls the properties of the secondary Y axis on the right side secondaryYAxisType no all yes
secondaryData the secondary data that will be rendered along the secondary Y axis Array of items no all yes
secondaryLineConfig properties of the secondary data line (secondaryLineConfigType is described below) secondaryLineConfigType no all yes

Line related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
curved To show curved line joining the data points boolean no all yes
color Color of the lines joining the data points ColorValue no all yes
color1 Color of the lines joining the first set of data points ColorValue no all yes
color2 Color of the lines joining the second set of data points ColorValue no all yes
color3 Color of the lines joining the third set of data points ColorValue no all yes
color4 Color of the lines joining the fourth set of data points ColorValue no all yes
color5 Color of the lines joining the fifth set of data points ColorValue no all yes
thickness Thickness of the lines joining the data points number no all yes
thickness1 Thickness of the lines joining the first set of data points number no all yes
thickness2 Thickness of the lines joining the second set of data points number no all yes
thickness3 Thickness of the lines joining the third set of data points number no all yes
thickness4 Thickness of the lines joining the fourth set of data points number no all yes
thickness5 Thickness of the lines joining the fifth set of data points number no all yes
zIndex1 zIndex of the lines joining the first set of data points number no all yes
zIndex2 zIndex of the lines joining the second set of data points number no all yes
zIndex3 zIndex of the lines joining the third set of data points number no all yes
zIndex4 zIndex of the lines joining the fourth set of data points number no all yes
zIndex5 zIndex of the lines joining the fifth set of data points number no all yes
strokeDashArray Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart Array no all yes
strokeDashArray1 Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line1. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart Array no all yes
strokeDashArray2 Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line2. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart Array no all yes
strokeDashArray3 Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line3. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart Array no all yes
strokeDashArray4 Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line4. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart Array no all yes
strokeDashArray5 Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line5. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart Array no all yes
lineSegments Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line Array no all yes
lineSegments2 Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line2 Array no all yes
lineSegments3 Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line3 Array no all yes
lineSegments4 Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line4 Array no all yes
lineSegments5 Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line5 Array no all yes
highlightedRange renders the parts of lines lying in a given data range with a different style (color, thickness,type) HighlightedRange no all yes
startIndex Start index for data line (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
startIndex1 Start index for data line 1 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
startIndex2 Start index for data line 2 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
startIndex3 Start index for data line 3 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
startIndex4 Start index for data line 4 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
startIndex5 Start index for data line 5 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
endIndex End index for data line (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
endIndex1 End index for data line 1 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
endIndex2 End index for data line 2 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
endIndex3 End index for data line 3 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
endIndex4 End index for data line 4 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
endIndex5 End index for data line 5 (used to display data lines having breaks) number no all yes
lineGradient this prop is used to render the line with a gradient blend of colors boolean no all yes
lineGradientComponent this prop defines the svg gradient that should be applied to the line (requires lineGradient to be truthy) Function no all yes
lineGradientId id of the (needed along with lineGradientComponent prop) string no all yes
lineGradientDirection 'vertical'/'horizontal' string no all yes
lineGradientStartColor Start gradient color for the line (requires lineGradient to be truthy) string no all yes
lineGradientEndColor End gradient color for the line (requires lineGradient to be truthy) string no all yes

The arrow

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
showArrows To show an arrow at the end of each data line boolean no all yes
arrowConfig Object describing the properties of the arrows like length, width, strokeWidth, strokeColor, fillColor arrowType no all yes
showArrow1 To show an arrow at the end of the first data line boolean no all yes
arrowConfig1 Object describing the properties of the first arrow arrowType no all yes
showArrow2 To show an arrow at the end of the second data line boolean no all yes
arrowConfig2 Object describing the properties of the second arrow arrowType no all yes
showArrow3 To show an arrow at the end of the third data line boolean no all yes
arrowConfig3 Object describing the properties of the third arrow arrowType no all yes
showArrow4 To show an arrow at the end of the fourth data line boolean no all yes
arrowConfig4 Object describing the properties of the fourth arrow arrowType no all yes
showArrow5 To show an arrow at the end of the fifth data line boolean no all yes
arrowConfig5 Object describing the properties of the fifth arrow arrowType no all yes

Data points related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
hideDataPoints To hide data points boolean no all yes
dataPointsHeight Height of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsWidth Width of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsRadius Radius of data points (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
dataPointsColor Color of the data points ColorValue no all yes
dataPointsShape Shape of the data points ('rectangular' or 'circular') string no all yes
hideDataPoints1 To hide data points for the first set of data boolean no all yes
dataPointsHeight1 Height of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsWidth1 Width of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsRadius1 Radius of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
dataPointsColor1 Color of data points for the first dataset ColorValue no all yes
dataPointsShape1 Shape of data points for the first dataset string no all yes
hideDataPoints2 To hide data points for the second set of data boolean no all yes
dataPointsHeight2 Height of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsWidth2 Width of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsRadius2 Radius of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
dataPointsColor2 Color of data points for the second dataset ColorValue no all yes
dataPointsShape2 Shape of data points for the second dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') string no all yes
hideDataPoints3 To hide data points for the third set of data boolean no all yes
dataPointsHeight3 Height of data points for the third dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsWidth3 Width of data points for the third dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsRadius3 Radius of data points for the third dataset (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
dataPointsColor3 Color of data points for the third dataset ColorValue no all yes
dataPointsShape3 Shape of data points for the third dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') string no all yes
hideDataPoints4 To hide data points for the fourth set of data boolean no all yes
dataPointsHeight4 Height of data points for the fourth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsWidth4 Width of data points for the fourth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsRadius4 Radius of data points for the fourth dataset (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
dataPointsColor4 Color of data points for the fourth dataset ColorValue no all yes
dataPointsShape4 Shape of data points for the fourth dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') string no all yes
hideDataPoints5 To hide data points for the fifth set of data boolean no all yes
dataPointsHeight5 Height of data points for the fifth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsWidth5 Width of data points for the fifth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) number no all yes
dataPointsRadius5 Radius of data points for the fifth dataset (when data points' shape is circular) number no all yes
dataPointsColor5 Color of data points for the fifth dataset ColorValue no all yes
dataPointsShape5 Shape of data points for the fifth dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') string no all yes
focusedDataPointIndex Index of the focused data point, works only when focusEnabled prop is used number no all yes
focusedDataPointShape Shape of the data points when focused due to press event String no all yes
focusedDataPointWidth Width of the data points when focused due to press event number no all yes
focusedDataPointHeight Height of the data points when focused due to press event number no all yes
focusedDataPointColor Color of the data points when focused due to press event ColorValue no all yes
focusedDataPointRadius Radius of the data points when focused due to press event number no all yes
focusedCustomDataPoint Custom data point when focused due to press event Function no all yes
textColor Color of the dataPointText ColorValue no all yes
textFontSize Font size of the dataPointText number no all yes
textShiftX To shift the dataPointText text horizontally number no all yes
textShiftY To shift the dataPointText text vertically number no all yes
customDataPoint A callback function to render a custom component as the data points Function no all yes
dataPointLabelWidth width of the label shown beside a data point number no all no
dataPointLabelShiftX horizontal shift of a label from its corresponding data point number no all no
dataPointLabelShiftY vertical shift of a label from its corresponding data point number no all no
showValuesAsDataPointsText When set to true, the data item value will be shown as a label text near data point boolean no all yes
pointerColorsForDataSet When using pointers with dataSet, you can set pointer colors on each data line using this array ColorValue[] no all yes


Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
height Height of the pointer number no all yes
width width of the pointer number no all yes
radius radius of the pointer number no all yes
pointerColor pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointer1Color pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointer2Color pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointer3Color pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointer4Color pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointer5Color pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointerColorsForDataSet When using pointers with dataSet, you can set pointer colors on each data line using the pointerColorsForDataSet which is an array of color values. ColorValue[] no all yes
secondaryPointerColor Secondary pointer color ColorValue no all yes
pointerComponent is a function that returns the component to be rendered as a pointer Function no all yes
showPointerStrip show pointer bar boolean no all yes
pointerStripWidth width of the pointer bar number no all yes
pointerStripHeight height of dthe pointer bar number no all yes
pointerStripColor color of the pointer bar ColorValue no all yes
pointerStripUptoDataPoint Pointer stripped to data point boolean no all yes
pointerLabelComponent is a function that returns the component to be rendered as a Label. It takes 2 parameters - 1. an array of items 2 Function no all yes
stripOverPointer strip to over pointer boolean no all yes
autoAdjustPointerLabelPosition Adjust the position of the pointer boolean no all yes
shiftPointerLabelX x-axis displacement pointer label number no all yes
shiftPointerLabelY y-axis displacement pointer label number no all yes
pointerLabelWidth pointer label width number no all yes
pointerLabelHeight pointer label height number no all yes
pointerVanishDelay Pointer disappearance delay number no all yes
activatePointersOnLongPress Long press to activate pointer boolean no all yes
activatePointersDelay activation pointer delay number no all no
persistPointer persistent pointer boolean no all yes
hidePointer1 hidden pointer boolean no all yes
hidePointer2 hidden pointer boolean no all yes
hidePointer3 hidden pointer boolean no all yes
hidePointer4 hidden pointer boolean no all yes
hidePointer5 hidden pointer boolean no all yes
hideSecondaryPointer Hide auxiliary pointer boolean no all yes
strokeDashArray Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted pointer number[] no all yes

onFocus and strip related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
focusEnabled If set true, allows users to press on the chart and focuses the nearest data point (focus event can be then handled using the onFocus prop) boolean no all yes
onFocus The callback function that handles the focus event. item and index are received as props Function no all yes
focusedDataPointIndex Index of the focused data point, used to set initially focused data point and to override the focus behaviour on onFocus number no all yes
showDataPointOnFocus If set true, it shows the data point corresponding to the focused area of the chart boolean no all yes
showStripOnFocus If set true, it shows a vertical strip corresponding to the focused area of the chart boolean no all yes
showTextOnFocus If set true, it shows the data point text corresponding to the focused area of the chart boolean no all yes
showDataPointLabelOnFocus If set true, it shows the data point corresponding to the focused area of the chart boolea no all no
stripHeight Height of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart number no all yes
stripWidth Width of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart number no all yes
stripColor Color of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart ColorValue no all yes
stripOpacity Opacity of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart number no all yes
unFocusOnPressOut If set true, it unselects/unfocuses the focused/selected data point boolean no all yes
delayBeforeUnFocus Delay (in milliseconds) between the release of the press and ghe unfocusing of the data point number no all yes
focusedDataPointShape Shape of the data points when focused due to press String no all yes
focusedDataPointWidth Width of the data points when focused due to press number no all yes
focusedDataPointHeight Height of the data points when focused due to press number no all yes
focusedDataPointColor Color of the data points when focused due to press ColorValue no all yes
focusedDataPointRadius Radius of the data points when focused due to press number no all yes
focusedCustomDataPoint Custom data point when focused due to press event Function no all yes

Props for Area Chart

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
areaChart If set true, renders area chart instead of line chart boolean no all yes
areaChart1 If set true, renders area chart for 1st data set instead of line chart boolean no no no
areaChart2 If set true, renders area chart for 2nd data set instead of line chartt boolean no no no
areaChart3 If set true, renders area chart for 3rd data set instead of line chartt boolean no no no
areaChart4 If set true, renders area chart for 4th data set instead of line chartt boolean no no no
areaChart5 If set true, renders area chart for 5th data set instead of line chartt boolean no no no
startFillColor Start gradient color for the area chart ColorValue no all yes
endFillColor End gradient color for the area chart ColorValue no all yes
startOpacity Start gradient opacity for the area chart number no all yes
endOpacity End gradient opacity for the area chart number no all yes
startFillColor1 Start gradient color for the first dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
endFillColor1 End gradient color for the first dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
startOpacity1 Start gradient opacity for the first dataset of the area chart number no all yes
endOpacity1 End gradient opacity for the first dataset of the area chart number no all yes
startFillColor2 Start gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
endFillColor2 End gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
startOpacity2 Start gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart number no all yes
endOpacity2 End gradient opacity for the second dataset of the area chart number no all yes
startFillColor3 Start gradient color for the third dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
endFillColor3 End gradient color for the third dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
startOpacity3 Start gradient color for the third dataset of the area chart number no all yes
endOpacity3 End gradient opacity for the third dataset of the area chart number no all yes
startFillColor4 Start gradient color for the fourth dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
endFillColor4 End gradient color for the fourth dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
startOpacity4 Start gradient color for the fourth dataset of the area chart number no all yes
endOpacity4 End gradient opacity for the fourth dataset of the area chart number no all yes
startFillColor5 Start gradient color for the fifth dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
endFillColor5 End gradient color for the fifth dataset of the area chart ColorValue no all yes
startOpacity5 Start gradient color for the fifth dataset of the area chart number no all yes
endOpacity5 End gradient opacity for the fifth dataset of the area chart number no all yes
gradientDirection Direction of the gradient ('horizontal' or 'vertical') string no all yes
areaGradientComponent this prop defines the svg gradient that should be applied to the area (requires areaChart to be truthy) Function no all yes
areaGradientId id of the (needed along with areaGradientComponent prop) string no all yes

PieChart and DonutChart

Basic props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
data An item object represents a section in the Pie chart. Descibed in the next table pieDataItem[] no all yes
radius Radius of the Pie number no all yes
initialAngle Starting angle in radians (illustrated below this table) number no all yes
isThreeD If set to true, it rotates and translates the chart to give it a 3D effect boolean no all yes
showGradient Prop to enable radial gradient for the Pie sections boolean no all yes
gradientCenterColor Gradient color at the center of the Pie chart ColorValue no all yes
onPress Callback function called on press of Pie sections (takes item and index as parameter) Function no all yes
focusOnPress When set to true, the pressed section of the Pie chart will have a bigger radius, hence appear focused boolean no all yes
toggleFocusOnPress When set to true, if the user presses an already focused pie section, it will be unfocused boolean no all yes
extraRadius Extra radius for the focused Pie section number no all yes
inwardExtraLengthForFocused Extra length of focused Pie section towards the center (only for donut charts) number no all yes
sectionAutoFocus In case you don't want focusOnPress but want a particular section to autofocus, this prop will be needed boolean no all yes
tiltAngle The angle by which the chart should be tilted Angle in deg no all yes
shadow Shadow to the Pie chart, when set to true, it enhances the 3D effect boolean no all yes
shadowColor Color of the shadow ColorValue no all yes
shadowWidth Width of the shadow number no all yes
strokeWidth Stroke (line) width for the Pie chart and its section number no all yes
strokeColor Stroke (line) color ColorValue no all yes
backgroundColor Background color of the container that contains the Pie chart ColorValue no all yes
showText When set to true, displays text on the Pie sections boolean no all yes
textColor Color of the label texts ColorValue no all yes
textSize Size of the label texts (max allowed: radius / 5) number no all yes
fontStyle Style of the text - 'normal', 'italic' or 'oblique' string no all yes
fontWeight Weight of the text - 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200' etc string no all yes
font Font family of the text - 'Arial', 'Cursive', 'Comic Sans MS' etc string no all no
showTextBackground When set to true, displays background for text on the Pie sections boolean no all yes
textBackgroundColor Background color for the label texts ColorValue no all yes
textBackgroundRadius Radius for the background of the text labels number no all yes
showValuesAsLabels When set to true, the values of the Pie sections are displayed as labels boolean no all yes
centerLabelComponent Component to be rendered at the center of the Pie chart Function no all yes
semiCircle When set to true, renders the Pie Chart in a semi-circle. donut semiCircle charts look like a speed-meter boolean no all yes
labelsPosition Tells where inside the Pie sections should the labels be shown- 'onBorder', 'outward', 'inward' or 'mid' string no all yes
pieInnerComponent Svg element to be rendered inside each Pie like a label (position controlled by 'labelsPosition' ) () => svg element no all yes
paddingHorizontal horizontal padding in the chart svg component (useful to accomodate "onBorder" labels) number no all yes
paddingVertical vertical padding in the chart svg component (useful to accomodate "onBorder" labels) number no all yes
isAnimated To show animates PieProChart. Animation occurs onLoad and on value change boolean no all yes
animationDuration Duration of the animations, only fro PieProChart number no all yes
curvedStartEdges Bend start edge, only fro PieProChart boolean no all yes
curvedEndEdges Bend end edge, only fro PieProChart boolean no all yes
edgesRadius Bend radius, only fro PieProChart number no all yes
strokeDashArray Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted pointer. only for PieProChart number[] no all yes
ring Whether the pie chart needs to be filled with fan leaves boolean no all yes

Item description (pieDataItem)

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
value Value of the item, representing a section of the Pie chart number no all yes
shiftX Translates (shifts) the particular section horizontally by given value number no all yes
shiftY Translates (shifts) the particular section vertically by given value number no all yes
shiftTextX Translates (shifts) the position of label text horizontally number no all yes
shiftTextY Translates (shifts) the position of label text vertically number no all yes
shiftTextBackgroundX Shifts the background of label text horizontally (default value is shiftTextX) number no all yes
shiftTextBackgroundY Shifts the background of label text vertically (default value is shiftTextY) number no all yes
color Color (background color) of the section ColorValue no all yes
text Label text for the sections string no all yes
textColor Color of the text (label) inside the section ColorValue no all no
textSize Size of the text (label) inside the section number no all yes
fontStyle Style of the text - 'normal', 'italic' or 'oblique' string no all yes
fontWeight Weight of the text - 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200' etc string no all yes
font Font family of the text - 'Arial', 'Cursive', 'Comic Sans MS' etc string no all no
textBackgroundColor Background color for the label text ColorValue no all yes
textBackgroundRadius Radius for the background of the text label number no all yes
labelPosition Tells where inside the Pie sections should the labels be shown- 'onBorder', 'outward', 'inward' or 'mid' string no all yes
onPress Callback function called on press of Pie sections (takes item and index as parameter) Function no all yes
strokeWidth Stroke (line) width for the Pie chart and its section number no all yes
strokeColor Stroke (line) color ColorValue no all yes
focused When set to true, the section for that item is focused, sectionAutoFocus must be set true in order to use this property boolean no all yes
pieInnerComponent Svg element to be rendered inside the Pie like a label (position controlled by 'labelsPosition' ) () => svg element no all yes

Donut chart related props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
donut When set to true, renders a Donut chart (makes an inner ring) boolean no all yes
innerRadius Radius of the inner ring number no all yes
innerCircleColor Color of the inner ring ColorValue no all yes
innerCircleBorderWidth Stroke (border) width of the inner ring number no all yes
innerCircleBorderColor Stroke (border) color of the inner ring ColorValue no all yes
shiftInnerCenterX Shifts the inner ring horizontally to enhance the 3D effect number no all yes
shiftInnerCenterY Shifts the inner ring vertically to enhance the 3D effect number no all yes

Population Pyramid

base props

Name Description Type Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
height height of chart body (excluding x-axis labels) number no all yes
width width of chart body number no all yes
data array of objects, each object is described by popnPyramidDataItem Array no all yes
hideRules when set to true, hides horizontal rules (which are displayed in the background of the charts) boolean no all yes
rulesThickness thickness of the horizontal rules number no all yes
rulesColor color of the horizontal rules ColorValue no all yes
rulesType type of the horizontal rules - solid or dashed/dotted RuleTypes no all yes
dashWidth width of each dash in the horizontal rules number no all yes
dashGap gap between each dash in the horizontal rules number no all yes
stepHeight height of each step/horizontal section in the chart body number no all yes
verticalMarginBetweenBars self explanatory number no all yes
hideYAxisText hide Y axis labels, when not set to true, a gap will be left to the left of the chart boolean no all yes
yAxisLabelWidth self explanatory number no all yes
yAxisColor self explanatory ColorValue no all yes
yAxisThickness self explanatory number no all yes
yAxisStrokeDashArray used to render a dashed or dotted Y axis line ([dashWidth,dashGap]) Array no all yes
xAxisColor self explanatory ColorValue no all yes
xAxisThickness self explanatory number no all yes
xAxisType type of X-axis- solid or dashed/dotted RuleTypes no all yes
xAxisNoOfSections number of sections in X-axis (in both left and right parts) number no all yes
showXAxisIndices when set to true, shows small lines (indices) at each section of x-axis boolean no all yes
xAxisIndicesWidth width of x axis indices number no all yes
xAxisIndicesHeight height of x axis indices number no all yes
xAxisIndicesColor color of of x axis indices ColorValue no all yes
xAxisIndicesShiftY used to shift x axis indices downwards or upwards number no all yes
showXAxisLabelTexts self explanatory boolean no all yes
xAxisLabelFontSize self explanatory number no all yes
xAxisLabelColor self explanatory ColorValue no all yes
xAxisLabelFontStyle self explanatory FontStyle no all yes
xAxisLabelFontWeight self explanatory FontWeight no all yes
xAxisLabelFontFamily self explanatory string no all no
xAxisLabelShiftX horizontally shifts the x axis labels by given value number no all yes
xAxisLabelShiftY vertically shifts the x axis labels by given value number no all yes
xAxisRoundToDigits number of decimal places upto which x axis labels will be displayed number no all yes
xAxisLabelPrefix The String prepended to the x axis label text (for example- '$') string no all yes
xAxisLabelSuffix The String appended to the x axis label text string no all yes
formatXAxisLabels a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it (label: string) => string no all yes
showVerticalLines show vertical lines (similar to horiz rules) in background of the chart boolean no all yes
verticalLinesColor Color of the vertical lines ColorValue no all yes
verticalLinesThickness Thickness of the vertical lines number no all yes
verticalLinesStrokeDashArray used to render dashed or dotted vertical lines ([dashWidth,dashGap]) Array no all yes
noOfSections Number of sections (and horiz rules) in the Y axis number no all yes
barsMapToYAxisSections this prop tells whether the number of sections in the Y axis is equal to the length of data array boolean no all yes
showYAxisIndices when set to true, shows small lines (indices) at each section of y-axis boolean no all yes
yAxisIndicesWidth width of y axis indices number no all yes
yAxisIndicesHeight height of y axis indices number no all yes
yAxisIndicesColor color of of x axis indices ColorValue no all yes
yAxisLabelColor color of of x axis label text ColorValue no all yes
yAxisLabelFontSize font size of of of x axis label text = number no all yes
yAxisLabelTextMarginRight space left between the y axis labels and the y axis line number no all yes
yAxisLabelTexts An array of string labels to be rendered as Y axis labels (top to bottom) Array no all yes
yAxisLabelFontStyle self explanatory FontStyle no all yes
yAxisLabelFontWeight self explanatory FontWeight no all yes
yAxisLabelFontFamily self explanatory string no all no
showValuesAsBarLabels when set to true, displays the left and right values as labels beside the respective bars boolean no all yes
showMidAxis when set to true, displays an axis in the mid - between the left and right halves of the pyramid boolean no all yes
midAxisThickness thickness of the mid axis lines number no all yes
midAxisLabelWidth width of the mid axis number no all yes
midAxisColor color of the mid axis lines ColorValue no all yes
midAxisLeftColor color of the left mid axis line ColorValue no all yes
midAxisRightColor color of the right mid axis line ColorValue no all yes
midAxisStrokeDashArray used to render dashed or dotted mid axis lines ([dashWidth,dashGap]) Array no all yes
midAxisLabelFontSize self explanatory number no all yes
midAxisLabelColor self explanatory ColorValue no all yes
midAxisLabelFontStyle self explanatory FontStyle no all yes
midAxisLabelFontWeight self explanatory FontWeight no all yes
midAxisLabelFontFamily self explanatory string no all no
barLabelWidth width of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) number no all yes
barLabelFontSize font size of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) number no all yes
barLabelColor color of the of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) ColorValue no all yes
barLabelFontStyle font style of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) FontStyle no all yes
barLabelFontWeight font weight of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) FontWeight no all yes
barLabelFontFamily font family of the labels displayed behind the bars (both left and right bars) string no all no
leftBarLabelWidth width of the labels displayed behind the left bars number no all yes
leftBarLabelFontSize font size of the labels displayed behind the left bars number no all yes
leftBarLabelColor color of the labels displayed behind the left bars ColorValue no all yes
leftBarLabelFontStyle font style of the labels displayed behind the left bars FontStyle no all yes
leftBarLabelFontWeight font weight of the labels displayed behind the left bars FontWeight no all yes
leftBarLabelFontFamily font family of the labels displayed behind the left bars string no all no
leftBarLabelShift value by which the left bar labels should be shifted horizontally (kind of margin b/w label and bar) number no all yes
leftBarLabelPrefix The String prepended to the left bar label text (for example- '$') string no all yes
leftBarLabelSuffix The String appended to the left bar label text string no all yes
rightBarLabelWidth width of the labels displayed behind the right bars number no all yes
rightBarLabelFontSize font size of the labels displayed behind the right bars number no all yes
rightBarLabelColor color of the labels displayed behind the right bars ColorValue no all yes
rightBarLabelFontStyle font style of the labels displayed behind the right bars FontStyle no all yes
rightBarLabelFontWeight font weight of the labels displayed behind the right bars FontWeight no all yes
rightBarLabelFontFamily font family of the labels displayed behind the right bars string no all no
rightBarLabelShift value by which the right bar labels should be shifted horizontally (kind of margin b/w label and bar) number no all yes
rightBarLabelPrefix The String prepended to the right bar label text (for example- '$') string no all yes
rightBarLabelSuffix The String appended to the right bar label text string no all yes
formatBarLabels a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it (label: string) => string no all yes
leftBarColor color of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid ColorValue no all yes
rightBarColor color of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid ColorValue no all yes
leftBarBorderColor border color of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid ColorValue no all yes
rightBarBorderColor border color of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid ColorValue no all yes
barBorderWidth boder width of the bars (both left and right bars) number no all yes
leftBarBorderWidth boder width of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid number no all yes
rightBarBorderWidth boder width of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid number no all yes
barBorderRadius boder radius of the bars number no all yes
leftBarBorderRadius boder width of the bars displayed in the left half of the pyramid number no all yes
rightBarBorderRadius boder width of the bars displayed in the right half of the pyramid number no all yes
allCornersRounded when set to true, border radius will apply to all the four corners of the bars, else applied only on outer edges boolean no all yes
showSurplus shows surplus values on the edges in highlighted colors (extra width of the bigger bar is highlighted ) boolean no all yes
showSurplusLeft shows surplus values on the left edges in highlighted colors (extra width of the bigger bar is highlighted ) boolean no all yes
showSurplusRight shows surplus values on the right edges in highlighted colors (extra width of the bigger bar is highlighted ) boolean no all yes
leftSurplusColor highlight color of the left surplus ColorValue no all yes
leftSurplusBorderColor border color of the left surplus ColorValue no all yes
rightSurplusColor highlight color of the right surplus ColorValue no all yes
rightSurplusBorderColor border color of the right surplus ColorValue no all yes
leftSurplusBorderWidth border width of the left surplus number no all yes
rightSurplusBorderWidth border width of the right surplus number no all yes


  • PieChart 设置圆环设置为 3D,中间圆环显示问题,svg 问题。 issue#7
  • BarChart 设置 barBackgroundPattern 显示问题,svg 问题。 issue#6
  • LineChart 设置 customDataPoint 不显示,svg 问题。 issue#8
  • PieChartPro 饼图设置 animated 为 true,动画会卡顿,RN 框架问题。 issue#9
  • LineChart/BarChart dataPointLabelComponent 不生效,svg 问题。issue#10
  • LineChart/BarChart dataPointLabelWidth 不生效,svg 问题。issue#11
  • LineChart/BarChart dataPointLabelShiftX 不生效,svg 问题。issue#12
  • LineChart/BarChart dataPointLabelShiftY 不生效,svg 问题。issue#13
  • LineChart showDataPointLabelOnFocus 为 true 不生效,svg 问题。issue#14
  • LineChart data 设置 onPress 方法 不生效,svg 问题。issue#15
  • LineChart data 设置 focusedDataPointLabelComponent 不生效,svg 问题。issue#16
  • PopulationPyramid barLabelFontFamily 不生效,svg 问题。issue#17
  • PopulationPyramid leftBarLabelFontFamily 不生效,svg 问题。issue#18
  • PopulationPyramid rightBarLabelFontFamily 不生效,svg 问题。issue#19
  • PopulationPyramid xAxisLabelFontFamily 不生效,svg 问题。issue#20
  • PopulationPyramid yAxisLabelFontFamily 不生效,svg 问题。issue#21
  • PopulationPyramid midAxisLabelFontFamily 不生效,svg 问题。issue#22
  • PieChart/PieChartPro font 不生效,svg 问题。issue#23


  • BarChart/LineChart rulesConfigArray 属性设置第一条不生效,效果与 iOS/Android 一致。issue#892
  • PieChart data 设置 textColor 不生效,效果与 iOS/Android 一致。issues#886
  • LineChart areaChart1 areaChart2 areaChart3 areaChart4 areaChart5 不生效,效果与 iOS/Android 一致。issue#892
  • BarChart pointerEvents 不生效,效果与 iOS/Android 一致.
  • BarChart/LineChart pointerConfig 的 activatePointersDelay 不生效,效果与 iOS/Android 一致。


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