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160 lines (129 loc) · 8.73 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (129 loc) · 8.73 KB



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npm install [email protected]



// FlashMessage组件是为全局使用而构建的,因此您必须在主应用程序屏幕中实例化此组件一次,并始终将其作为最后插入的组件
import React from 'react';
import {SafeAreaView, View,} from 'react-native';
import FlashMessage from "react-native-flash-message";
function App() {
  return (
    <View style={{ backgroundColor: 'white' }}>
      <FlashMessage position="top"/>  
export default App;
import {StyleSheet, Text, View, Image, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';
import {showMessage, hideMessage} from 'react-native-flash-message';

export function FlashMessageTest() {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        onPress={() => {
            message: 'show message',
            type: 'info',
            onPress: () => {
            autoHide: false,
            renderAfterContent: e => {
              return (

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    padding: 10,
    margin: 25,
    borderRadius: 5,
    borderWidth: 3,
  button: {
    padding: 10,
    margin: 5,
    backgroundColor: 'red',
    borderRadius: 5,



  1. RNOH: 0.72.27; SDK:HarmonyOS-Next-DB1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
  2. RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;


[!Tip] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。

[!Tip] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。

详情见 react-native-flash-message

Name Description Required Platform HarmonyOS Support
hideOnPress Controls if the flash message can be closed on press NO iOS/Android YES
onPress onPress callback for flash message press NO iOS/Android YES
onLongPress onLongPress callback for flash message press NO iOS/Android YES
animated Controls if the flash message will be shown with animation or not NO iOS/Android YES
animationDuration Animations duration/speed NO iOS/Android YES
autoHide Controls if the flash message can hide itself after some duration time NO iOS/Android YES
duration How many milliseconds the flash message will be shown if the autoHide it's true NO iOS/Android YES
hideStatusBar Controls if the flash message will auto hide the native status bar. Note: Works OK in iOS, not all Android versions support this. NO iOS/Android YES
statusBarHeight Use this prop to set a custom status bar height that will be add in flash message padding top calc NO iOS/Android YES
floating The floating prop unstick the message from the edges and applying some border radius to component NO iOS/Android YES
position The position prop set the position of a flash message. Expected options: "top" (default), "bottom", "center" or a custom object with { top, left, right, bottom } position NO iOS/Android YES
icon The icon prop could be a render function that return a new JSX Element to be placed in icon position OR a definition of the graphical icon of a flash message. Expected options: "none" (default), "auto" (guided by type), "success", "info", "warning", "danger", a custom icon (render function) or a custom object with icon type/name and position (left or right) attributes, e.g.: { icon: "success", position: "right" } NO iOS/Android YES
style Apply a custom style object in flash message container NO iOS/Android YES
textStyle Apply a custom style object in flash message descript/text text label NO iOS/Android YES
titleStyle Apply a custom style object in flash message title text label NO iOS/Android YES
titleProps Set a custom props object in flash message title text label NO iOS/Android YES
textProps Set a custom props object in flash message all text components NO iOS/Android YES
iconProps Set a custom props object to use inside the renderFlashMessageIcon method as third argument NO iOS/Android YES
renderBeforeContent Render custom JSX before title in flash message. NO iOS/Android YES
renderCustomContent Render custom JSX below title in flash message. NO iOS/Android YES
renderAfterContent Render custom JSX after the title (or description) of a flash message. NO iOS/Android YES
renderFlashMessageIcon Set a custom render function for inside message icons NO iOS/Android YES
transitionConfig Set the transition config function used in shown/hide anim interpolations NO iOS/Android YES
canRegisterAsDefault Use to handle if the instance can be registed as default/global instance NO iOS/Android YES
MessageComponent Set the default flash message render component used to show all the messages NO iOS/Android YES


  • iOS 和 鸿蒙侧效果有差异,隐藏手机状态栏是通过RN框架的StatusBar组件中的StatusBar.setHidden()方法实现,具体效果有差异,暂未解决。原因:鸿蒙系统手机顶部系统非安全区域块范围底部与前置摄像头挖空区域范围底部高度不一致,在显示和隐藏状态栏的过程中,系统非安全区域范围高度会有(0,136(不同手机不同)两种变化),导致内容组件所在窗口大小顶部位置会在两种状态下分别与前置摄像头挖空区域底部或系统非安全区域底部对齐,造成抖动,状态栏的显隐状态和SystemAvoidView这种类型的非安全区域大小不是强关联的。与IOS不一致原因:IOS的顶部没有非安全区域,未做避让。



本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。