[!TIP] Github 地址
npm install [email protected]
yarn add [email protected]
[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import CryptoJS from "react-native-crypto-js";
//import CryptoJS from "rn-crypto-js";
function encrypt_str(text: string) {
let ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(text, 'secret key 123').toString();
Alert.alert('encrypt:', ciphertext, [{ text: 'OK' }]);
return ciphertext;
function decrypt_str(text: string) {
let bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(text, 'secret key 123');
let originalText = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
Alert.alert('decrypt:', originalText, [{ text: 'OK' }]);
function encrypt_obj(text: string) {
let ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(text), 'secret key 123').toString();
Alert.alert('encrypt:', ciphertext, [{ text: 'OK' }]);
return ciphertext;
function decrypt_obj(text: string) {
let bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(text, 'secret key 123');
let originalText = JSON.parse(bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
Alert.alert('decrypt:', originalText, [{ text: 'OK' }]);
return originalText;
function MD5_encrypt_str(text: string) {
let ciphertext = CryptoJS.MD5(text).toString();
Alert.alert('encrypt:', ciphertext, [{ text: 'OK' }]);
return ciphertext;
function HMD5_encrypt_str(text: string) {
let ciphertext = CryptoJS.HmacMD5(text, 'secret key 123').toString();
Alert.alert('encrypt:', ciphertext, [{ text: 'OK' }]);
return ciphertext;
export const ReactNativeCryptoJsExample = () => {
const [cryptText, setCryptText] = useState('test 123');
const [cryptText1, setCryptText1] = useState('test123');
const [cryptText2, setCryptText2] = useState('test123');
const [decryptText, setDecryptText] = useState('');
const [cryptObj, setCryptObj] = useState('[{id: 1}, {id: 2}]');
const [decryptObj, setDecryptObj] = useState('');
return (
<ScrollView style={{ backgroundColor: 'yellow' }} bounces>
<Text> Encrypt and decrypt character strings using the AES algorithm. </Text>
<View style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<TextInput style={{ height: 40 }} placeholder="Please enter the content." onChangeText={(cryptText: React.SetStateAction<string>) => setCryptText(cryptText)} defaultValue={cryptText} />
<Button onPress={() => { setDecryptText(encrypt_str(cryptText)) }} title="encrypt strings" />
<View style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<TextInput style={{ height: 40 }} placeholder="Please enter the content." onChangeText={(decryptText: React.SetStateAction<string>) => setDecryptText(decryptText)} defaultValue={decryptText} />
<Button onPress={() => { decrypt_str(decryptText) }} title="decrypt strings" />
<Text> Encrypt and decrypt object using the AES algorithm. </Text>
<View style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<TextInput style={{ height: 40 }} placeholder="Please enter the content." onChangeText={(cryptObj: React.SetStateAction<string>) => setCryptObj(cryptObj)} defaultValue={cryptObj} />
<Button onPress={() => { setDecryptObj(encrypt_obj(cryptObj)) }} title="encrypt object" />
<View style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<TextInput style={{ height: 40 }} placeholder="Please enter the content." onChangeText={(decryptObj: React.SetStateAction<string>) => setDecryptObj(decryptObj)} defaultValue={decryptObj} />
<Button onPress={() => { decrypt_obj(decryptObj) }} title="decrypt object" />
<Text> Encrypt and decrypt character strings using the MD5 algorithm. </Text>
<View style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<TextInput style={{ height: 40 }} placeholder="Please enter the content." onChangeText={(cryptText1: React.SetStateAction<string>) => setCryptText1(cryptText1)} defaultValue={cryptText1} />
<Button onPress={() => { MD5_encrypt_str(cryptText1) }} title="encrypt" />
<Text> Encrypt and decrypt character strings using the HmacMD5 algorithm. </Text>
<View style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<TextInput style={{ height: 40 }} placeholder="Please enter the content." onChangeText={(cryptText2: React.SetStateAction<string>) => setCryptText2(cryptText2)} defaultValue={cryptText2} />
<Button onPress={() => { HMD5_encrypt_str(cryptText2) }} title="encrypt" />
- RNOH: 0.72.29; SDK:HarmonyOS-Next-DB1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
- RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
CryptoJS.AES.encrypt | AES encryption | string | yes | Android、iOS | yes |
CryptoJS.AES.decrypt | AES decryption | string | yes | Android、iOS | yes |
CryptoJS.MD5 | MD5 encryption | string | yes | Android、iOS | yes |
CryptoJS.HmacMD5 | HmacMD5 encryption | string | yes | no | no |
- 原库使用CryptoJS.HmacMD5会报错"cannot readproperty ‘init’ of underfined",如果需要使用HmacMD5算法可以安装使用rn-crypto-js库,用法与react-native-crypto-js相同: issue#4
本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。