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npm install @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-credit-card-input
yarn add @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-credit-card-input
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { StyleSheet, View, Switch } from "react-native";
import { CreditCardInput, LiteCreditCardInput } from "react-native-credit-card-input";
const s = StyleSheet.create({
switch: {
alignSelf: "center",
marginTop: 20,
marginBottom: 20,
container: {
backgroundColor: "#F5F5F5",
marginTop: 60,
label: {
color: "black",
fontSize: 12,
input: {
fontSize: 16,
color: "black",
export default class Example extends Component {
state = { useLiteCreditCardInput: false };
_onChange = (formData) => console.log(JSON.stringify(formData, null, " "));
_onFocus = (field) => console.log("focusing", field);
_setUseLiteCreditCardInput = (useLiteCreditCardInput) => this.setState({ useLiteCreditCardInput });
render() {
return (
<View style={s.container}>
value={this.state.useLiteCreditCardInput} />
{ this.state.useLiteCreditCardInput ?
onChange={this._onChange} />
) : (
onChange={this._onChange} />
1.RNOH: 0.72.27; SDK:HarmonyOS-Next-DB1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
autoFocus | Automatically focus Card Number field on render | PropTypes.bool | no | Android/iOS | yes |
onChange | Receives a formData object every time the form changes | PropTypes.func | no | Android/iOS | yes |
onFocus | Receives the name of currently focused field | PropTypes.func | no | Android/iOS | yes |
placeholders | Defaults to{ number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" } | string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
inputStyle | Style for credit-card form's textInput | Text.propTypes.style | no | Android/iOS | yes |
validColor | Color that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}" | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
invalidColor | Color that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red" | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
placeholderColor | Color that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray" | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
additionalInputsProps | An object with Each key of the object corresponding to the name of the field. Allows you to change all props documented in RN TextInput. | PropTypes.objectOf(TextInput.propTypes) | no | Android/iOS | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
autoFocus | Automatically focus Card Number field on render | PropTypes.bool | no | Android/iOS | yes |
onChange | Receives a formData object every time the form changes | PropTypes.func | no | Android/iOS | yes |
onFocus | Receives the name of currently focused field | PropTypes.func | no | Android/iOS | yes |
labels | Defaults to{ number: "CARD NUMBER", expiry: "EXPIRY", cvc: "CVC/CCV" } | PropTypes.object | no | Android/iOS | yes |
placeholders | Defaults to{ number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" } | PropTypes.object | no | Android/iOS | yes |
cardScale | Scales the credit-card view.Defaults to 1, which translates to { width: 300, height: 190 } | PropTypes.number | no | Android/iOS | yes |
cardFontFamily | Font family for the CreditCardView, works best with monospace fonts. Defaults to Courier (iOS) or monospace (android) | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
cardImageFront | Image for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png") | PropTypes.number | no | Android/iOS | yes |
cardImageBack | Image for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png") | PropTypes.number | no | Android/iOS | yes |
labelStyle | Style for credit-card form's labels | Text.propTypes.style | no | Android/iOS | yes |
inputStyle | Style for credit-card form's textInput | Text.propTypes.style | no | Android/iOS | yes |
inputContainerStyle | Style for textInput's containerDefaults to: { borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor:"black" } | ViewPropTypes.style | no | Android/iOS | yes |
validColor | Color that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}" | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
invalidColor | Color that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red" | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
placeholderColor | Color that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray" | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
requiresName | Shows cardholder's name field Default to false | PropTypes.bool | no | Android/iOS | yes |
requiresCVC | Shows CVC field Default to true | PropTypes.bool | no | Android/iOS | yes |
requiresPostalCode | Shows postalCode field Default to false | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
validatePostalCode | Function to validate postalCode, expects incomplete, valid, or invalid as return values | PropTypes.func | no | Android/iOS | yes |
allowScroll | enables horizontal scrolling on CreditCardInput Defaults to false | PropTypes.bool | no | Android/iOS | yes |
cardBrandIcons | brand icons for CardView. see ./src/Icons.js for details | PropTypes.object | no | Android/iOS | yes |
additionalInputsProps | An object with Each key of the object corresponding to the name of the field. Allows you to change all props documented in RN TextInput. | PropTypes.objectOf(TextInput.propTypes) | no | Android/iOS | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
focused | Determines the front face of the card | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
brand | Brand of the credit card | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
name | Cardholder's name (Use empty string if you need to hide the placeholder) | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
number | Credit card number (you'll need to the formatting yourself) | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
expiry | Credit card expiry (should be in MM/YY format) | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
cvc | Credit card CVC | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
placeholder | Placeholder texts | PropTypes.object | no | Android/iOS | yes |
scale | Scales the card | PropTypes.number | no | Android/iOS | yes |
fontFamily | Defaults to Courier and monospace in iOS and Android respectively | PropTypes.string | no | Android/iOS | yes |
imageFront | Image for the credit-card | PropTypes.number | no | Android/iOS | yes |
imageBack | Image for the credit-card | PropTypes.number | no | Android/iOS | yes |
customIcons | brand icons for CardView. see ./src/Icons.js for details | PropTypes.object | no | Android/iOS | yes |
本项目基于 The MIT License (MIT) ,请自由地享受和参与开源。