npm install react-native-chart-kit@^6.12.0
yarn add react-native-chart-kit@^6.12.0
[!WARNING] 使用时 import 的库名不变。
import React from 'react';
import { View, Dimensions, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { LineChart } from 'react-native-chart-kit';
const data = {
labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'],
datasets: [{
data: [20, 45, 28, 80, 99, 43]
const MyChart = () => {
const screenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
width={screenWidth - 20} // Adjust width to fit the screen with some margin
backgroundColor: '#e26a00',
backgroundGradientFrom: '#fb8c00',
backgroundGradientTo: '#ffa726',
decimalPlaces: 2, // Adjust decimal places to 2
color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${opacity})`,
labelColor: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${opacity})`,
style: {
borderRadius: 16
propsForDots: {
r: '6',
strokeWidth: '2',
stroke: '#ffa726'
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF'
chart: {
marginVertical: 8,
borderRadius: 16
export default MyChart;
本库 HarmonyOS 侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg 的原生端代码,如已在 HarmonyOS 工程中引入过该库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。
如未引入请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg文档的 Link 章节进行引入
要使用此库,需要使用正确的 React-Native 和 RNOH 版本。另外,还需要使用配套的 DevEco Studio 和 手机 ROM。
- RNOH: 0.72.20; SDK:HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Preview2; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
[!TIP] "Platform"列表示该属性在原三方库上支持的平台。
[!TIP] "HarmonyOS Support"列为 yes 表示 HarmonyOS 平台支持该属性;no 则表示不支持;partially 表示部分支持。使用方法跨平台一致,效果对标 iOS 或 Android 的效果。
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
backgroundGradientFrom |
Defines the first color in the linear gradient of a chart's background | String | No | All | Yes |
backgroundGradientFromOpacity |
Defines the first color opacity in the linear gradient of a chart's background | Number | No | All | Yes |
backgroundGradientTo |
Defines the second color in the linear gradient of a chart's background | String | No | All | Yes |
backgroundGradientToOpacity |
Defines the second color opacity in the linear gradient of a chart's background | Number | No | All | Yes |
fillShadowGradientFrom |
Defines the first color in the linear gradient of the area under data | String | No | All | Yes |
fillShadowGradientFromOpacity |
Defines the first color opacity in the linear gradient of the area under data | Number | No | All | Yes |
fillShadowGradientFromOffset |
Defines the first color offset (0-1) in the linear gradient of the area under data | Number | No | All | Yes |
fillShadowGradientTo |
Defines the second color in the linear gradient of the area under data | String | No | All | Yes |
fillShadowGradientToOpacity |
Defines the second color opacity in the linear gradient of the area under data | Number | No | All | Yes |
fillShadowGradientToOffset |
Defines the second color offset (0-1) in the linear gradient of the area under data | Number | No | All | Yes |
useShadowColorFromDataset |
Defines the option to use color from dataset to each chart data. Default is false | Boolean | No | All | Yes |
color |
Defines the base color function that is used to calculate colors of labels and sectors used in a chart | Function => String | No | All | Yes |
strokeWidth |
Defines the base stroke width in a chart | Number | No | All | Yes |
barPercentage |
Defines the percent (0-1) of the available width each bar width in a chart | Number | No | All | Yes |
barRadius |
Defines the radius of each bar | Number | No | All | Yes |
propsForBackgroundLines |
Override styles of the background lines, refer to react-native-svg's Line documentation | Props | No | All | Yes |
propsForLabels |
Override styles of the labels, refer to react-native-svg's Text documentation | Props | No | All | Yes |
propsForVerticalLabels |
Override styles of vertical labels, refer to react-native-svg's Text documentation | Props | No | All | Yes |
propsForHorizontalLabels |
Override styles of horizontal labels, refer to react-native-svg's Text documentation | Props | No | All | Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Data for the chart - see example above | Object | No | All | Yes |
width | Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive | Number | No | All | Yes |
height | Height of the chart | Number | No | All | Yes |
withDots | Show dots on the line - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
withShadow | Show shadow for line - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
withInnerLines | Show inner dashed lines - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
withOuterLines | Show outer dashed lines - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
withVerticalLines | Show vertical lines - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
withHorizontalLines | Show horizontal lines - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
withVerticalLabels | Show vertical labels - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
withHorizontalLabels | Show horizontal labels - default: True | boolean | No | All | Yes |
fromZero | Render charts from 0 not from the minimum value. - default: False | boolean | No | All | Yes |
yAxisLabel | Prepend text to horizontal labels -- default: '' | string | No | All | Yes |
yAxisSuffix | Append text to horizontal labels -- default: '' | string | No | All | Yes |
xAxisLabel | Prepend text to vertical labels -- default: '' | string | No | All | Yes |
yAxisInterval | Display y axis line every {x} input. -- default: 1 | string | No | All | Yes |
chartConfig | Configuration object for the chart, see example config object above | Object | No | All | Yes |
decorator | This function takes a whole bunch of stuff and can render extra elements, such as data point info or additional markup. | Function | No | All | Yes |
onDataPointClick | Callback that takes {value, dataset, getColor} | Function | No | All | Yes |
horizontalLabelRotation | Rotation angle of the horizontal labels - default 0 | number (degree) | No | All | Yes |
verticalLabelRotation | Rotation angle of the vertical labels - default 0 | number (degree) | No | All | Yes |
getDotColor | Defines the dot color function that is used to calculate colors of dots in a line chart and takes (dataPoint, dataPointIndex) | function => string | No | All | Yes |
renderDotContent | Render additional content for the dot. Takes ({x, y, index, indexData}) as arguments. | Function | No | All | Yes |
yLabelsOffset | Offset for Y axis labels | number | No | All | Yes |
xLabelsOffset | Offset for X axis labels | number | No | All | Yes |
hidePointsAtIndex | Indices of the data points you don't want to display | number[] | No | All | Yes |
formatYLabel | This function change the format of the display value of the Y label. Takes the Y value as argument and should return the desirable string. | Function | No | All | Yes |
formatXLabel | This function change the format of the display value of the X label. Takes the X value as argument and should return the desirable string. | Function | No | All | Yes |
getDotProps | This is an alternative to chartConfig's propsForDots | (value, index) => props | No | All | Yes |
segments | The amount of horizontal lines - default 4 | number | No | All | Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Data for the chart - see example above | Object | No | All | Yes |
Property | Type | Description | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Object | Data for the chart - see example above | No | ALL | YES |
width | Number | Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive | No | ALL | YES |
height | Number | Height of the chart | No | ALL | YES |
strokeWidth | Number | Width of the stroke of the chart - default: 16 | No | ALL | YES |
radius | Number | Inner radius of the chart - default: 32 | No | ALL | YES |
chartConfig | Object | Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file | No | ALL | YES |
hideLegend | Boolean | Switch to hide chart legend (defaults to false) | No | ALL | YES |
Property | Type | Description | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Object | Data for the chart - see example above | No | ALL | YES |
width | Number | Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive | No | ALL | YES |
height | Number | Height of the chart | No | ALL | YES |
withVerticalLabels | boolean | Show vertical labels - default: True | No | ALL | YES |
withHorizontalLabels | boolean | Show horizontal labels - default: True | No | ALL | YES |
fromZero | boolean | Render charts from 0 not from the minimum value. - default: False | No | ALL | YES |
withInnerLines | boolean | Show inner dashed lines - default: True | No | ALL | YES |
yAxisLabel | string | Prepend text to horizontal labels -- default: '' | No | ALL | YES |
yAxisSuffix | string | Append text to horizontal labels -- default: '' | No | ALL | YES |
chartConfig | Object | Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file | No | ALL | YES |
horizontalLabelRotation | number | Rotation angle of the horizontal labels - default 0 | No | ALL | YES |
verticalLabelRotation | number | Rotation angle of the vertical labels - default 0 | No | ALL | YES |
showBarTops | boolean | Show bar tops | No | ALL | YES |
showValuesOnTopOfBars | boolean | Show value above bars | No | ALL | YES |
Property | Type | Description | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Object | Data for the chart - see example above | No | ALL | YES |
width | Number | Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive | No | ALL | YES |
height | Number | Height of the chart | No | ALL | YES |
withVerticalLabels | boolean | Show vertical labels - default: True | No | ALL | YES |
withHorizontalLabels | boolean | Show horizontal labels - default: True | No | ALL | YES |
chartConfig | Object | Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file | No | ALL | YES |
barPercentage | Number | Defines the percent (0-1) of the available width each bar width in a chart | No | ALL | YES |
showLegend | boolean | Show legend - default: True | No | ALL | YES |
Property | Type | Description | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Object | Data for the chart - see example above | No | ALL | YES |
width | Number | Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive | No | ALL | YES |
height | Number | Height of the chart | No | ALL | YES |
chartConfig | Object | Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file | No | ALL | YES |
accessor | string | Property in the data object from which the number values are taken | No | ALL | YES |
bgColor | string | Background color - if you want to set transparent, input transparent or none. | No | ALL | YES |
paddingLeft | string | Left padding of the pie chart | No | ALL | YES |
center | array | Offset x and y coordinates to position the chart | No | ALL | YES |
absolute | boolean | Shows the values as absolute numbers | No | ALL | YES |
hasLegend | boolean | Defaults to true, set it to false to remove the legend | No | ALL | YES |
avoidFalseZero | boolean | Defaults to false, set it to true to display a "<1%" instead of a rounded value equal to "0%" | No | ALL | YES |
Property | Type | Description | Required | Platform | HarmonyOS Support |
data | Object | Data for the chart - see example above | No | ALL | YES |
width | Number | Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive | No | ALL | YES |
height | Number | Height of the chart | No | ALL | YES |
gutterSize | Number | Size of the gutters between the squares in the chart | No | ALL | YES |
squareSize | Number | Size of the squares in the chart | No | ALL | YES |
horizontal | boolean | Should graph be laid out horizontally? Defaults to true | No | ALL | YES |
showMonthLabels | boolean | Should graph include labels for the months? Defaults to true | No | ALL | YES |
showOutOfRangeDays | boolean | Should graph be filled with squares, including days outside the range? Defaults to false | No | ALL | YES |
chartConfig | Object | Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file | No | ALL | YES |
accessor | string | Property in the data object from which the number values are taken; defaults to count | No | ALL | YES |
getMonthLabel | function | Function which returns the label for each month, taking month index (0 - 11) as argument | No | ALL | YES |
onDayPress | function | Callback invoked when the user clicks a day square on the chart; takes a value-item object | No | ALL | YES |
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