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yarn add redux@^5.0.1
npm install redux@^5.0.1
const defaultState = {
number: 100,
type State = {
counterState: {
number: number;
const counterReducer = (state = defaultState, action: { type: any }) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "ADD_NUMBER":
return {
number: state.number + 1,
return state;
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
// 这个对象就是应用State
// 应用State赋值
counterState: counterReducer,
2.定义 Slice State 和 Action Types。每个 slice 文件都应该为其初始 state 值定义一个类型,以便 createSlice 能够推断每个案例 reducer 中的 state 类型。
const rootReducer = combineReducers({ counterState: counterReducerfun });
const store = createStore(rootReducer);
const addNumberAction = { type: "ADD_NUMBER" };
,并将 store 作为 prop 传递
// 导出组件
export default function TestPage() {
return (
<Provider store={store}> // 将store作为props传递给组件,这样组件就能访问到store和dispatch方法了。
<View style={styles.container}>
4.在 React 组件中使用 Redux State 和 Actions
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { decrement, increment } from "./counterSlice";
export function Counter() {
// `state` arg 已经正确被键入 `RootState`
const number = useAppSelector((state: State) => state.counter.number);
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
// 省略渲染逻辑
- RNOH:0.72.11; SDK:OpenHarmony(api11); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
- RNOH:0.72.13; SDK:HarmonyOS NEXT Developer Preview1; IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:;
- RNOH:0.72.33; SDK:OpenHarmony Version 12 Release); IDE:DevEco Studio; ROM:NEXT.0.0.71;
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
createStore() | Create a Redux store that contains the complete state tree of your program. The application should have a storage. | function | NO | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
getState() | Returns the current state tree of the application. It is the same value returned by the last reducer of the store. | function | NO | yes |
dispatch(action) | This is the only way to trigger state changes | function | NO | yes |
subscribe(listener) | Add a change listener | function | NO | yes |
replaceReducer(nextReducer) | Replace the reducer currently used by the store to calculate state | function | NO | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
combineReducers() | The combineReducers auxiliary function is to combine an object with multiple different reducer functions as value into a final reducer function, and then call the createStore method on this reducer. | function | NO | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
combineReducers() | Convert an object whose value is a different action creator into an object with the same key. | function | NO | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Required | HarmonyOS Support |
compose() | Combine multiple functions from right to left. | function | NO | yes |
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