Note: The CLI binary doesn't connect to any backend, it checks the email directly from your computer.
Head to the releases page and download the binary for your platform.
Then run:
> $ check_if_email_exists --help
Check if an email address exists without sending any email.
check_if_email_exists [OPTIONS] <TO_EMAIL>
<TO_EMAIL> The email to check
--check-gravatar <CHECK_GRAVATAR>
Whether to check if a gravatar image is existing for the given email [env:
CHECK_GRAVATAR=] [default: false]
--from-email <FROM_EMAIL>
The email to use in the `MAIL FROM:` SMTP command [env: FROM_EMAIL=] [default:
[email protected]]
--gmail-verif-method <GMAIL_VERIF_METHOD>
Select how to verify Gmail email addresses: api or smtp [env: GMAIL_VERIF_METHOD=]
[default: smtp]
-h, --help
Print help information
--haveibeenpwned-api-key <HAVEIBEENPWNED_API_KEY>
HaveIBeenPnwed API key, ignore if not provided [env: HAVEIBEENPWNED_API_KEY=]
--hello-name <HELLO_NAME>
The name to use in the `EHLO:` SMTP command [env: HELLO_NAME=] [default:]
--hotmailb2b-verif-method <HOTMAILB2B_VERIF_METHOD>
Select how to verify Hotmail B2B email addresses: smtp [env: HOTMAILB2B_VERIF_METHOD=]
[default: smtp]
--hotmailb2c-verif-method <HOTMAILB2C_VERIF_METHOD>
Select how to verify Hotmail B2C email addresses: headless or smtp [env:
HOTMAILB2C_VERIF_METHOD=] [default: headless]
--proxy-host <PROXY_HOST>
Use the specified SOCKS5 proxy host to perform email verification [env: PROXY_HOST=]
--proxy-password <PROXY_PASSWORD>
Username passed to the specified SOCKS5 proxy port to perform email verification. Only
used when `--proxy-host` flag is set [env: PROXY_PASSWORD=]
--proxy-port <PROXY_PORT>
Use the specified SOCKS5 proxy port to perform email verification. Only used when
`--proxy-host` flag is set [env: PROXY_PORT=] [default: 1080]
--proxy-username <PROXY_USERNAME>
Username passed to the specified SOCKS5 proxy port to perform email verification. Only
used when `--proxy-host` flag is set [env: PROXY_USERNAME=]
--smtp-port <SMTP_PORT>
The port to use for the SMTP request [env: SMTP_PORT=] [default: 25]
-V, --version
Print version information
--yahoo-verif-method <YAHOO_VERIF_METHOD>
Select how to verify Yahoo email addresses: api, headless or smtp [env:
YAHOO_VERIF_METHOD=] [default: headless]
💡 PRO TIP: To show debug logs when running the binary, run:
RUST_LOG=debug check_if_email_exists
First, install Rust; you'll need Rust 1.37.0 or later. Then, run the following commands:
# Download the code
$ git clone
$ cd check-if-email-exists
# Build in release mode
$ cargo build --release
# Run the binary
$ ./target/release/check_if_email_exists --help
The 1st version of this tool was a simple bash script that made a telnet call. If you would like to use that simpler version, have a look at the legacy
branch. The reasons for porting the bash script to the current codebase are explained in issue #4.