Retrieves an existing task configuration
numeric session ID (required) -
numeric task ID (required). -1 returns latest task in session.
When using a taskId = -1, the task may or may not be active.
This method is the same as that provided by session.
Returns the conifguration used by the last task opened for session 1377397537.
"data": {
"studyId": "1234",
"sessionId": "1377397537",
"taskId": "3",
"conditionId": "1",
"conditionCssUrl": "css/style1.css",
"taskBarCssUrl": "",
"startUrl": "",
"returnUrl": "",
"buttonText": "End task",
"tabShowText": "Show",
"tabHideText": "Hide",
"taskText": "This is the third task to do.",
"taskHtml": null,
"startPageHtml": "<p>These are the instructions for Task 3, Condition 1.<br/>However, we wouldn't show the condition to the participant.</p>",
"finishPageHtml": "<p>You just finished Task 3, Condition 1.<br/>However, we wouldn't show the condition to the participant.</p>",
"startPageNextUrl": "",
"finishPageNextUrl": "",
"measuredTask": "1",
"taskType": "external",
"autoConditionId": "0"
Starts a new task in the specified session.
Only one task can be active at a time. If the session has an unfinished task, the current task is finished and the next task is started.
"start": {
"sessionId": 1377453392
If successful, a data buffer is returned in the response.
"data": {
"studyId": "1234",
"sessionId": "1377453392",
"taskId": 1,
"conditionId": "4",
"startTime": "2013-08-25 11:23:47",
"startPageHtml": "<p>These are the instructions for Task 1</p>",
"startPageNextUrl": ""
If the session had an unfinished task, the task would be finished and the response contains an additional structure
"data": {
"studyId": "1234",
"sessionId": "1377453392",
"taskId": 2,
"conditionId": "4",
"startTime": "2013-08-25 11:27:19",
"startPageHtml": "<p>These are the instructions for Task 2</p>",
"startPageNextUrl": ""
"error": {
"openTask": {
"finishTime": "2013-08-25 11:27:19",
"taskId": "1",
"message": "The previous task was not finished."
Finishes a task in the specified session
"finish": {
"sessionId": 1377453392,
"taskId": 2
If the operation was successful, a data buffer is returned in the response.
"data": {
"taskId": 2,
"finishTime": "2013-08-25 11:32:44",
"finishPageHtml": "<p>You just finished Task 2</p>",
"finishPageNextUrl": ""