Retrieves an existing study configuration
numeric session ID (required) -
numeric task ID (required). -1 returns latest task in session.
When using a taskId = -1, the task may or may not be active.
Returns the conifguration used by the last task opened for session 1377397537.
"data": {
"studyId": "1234",
"sessionId": "1377397537",
"taskId": "3",
"conditionId": "1",
"conditionCssUrl": "css/style1.css",
"taskBarCssUrl": "",
"startUrl": "",
"returnUrl": "",
"buttonText": "End task",
"tabShowText": "Show",
"tabHideText": "Hide",
"taskText": "This is the third task to do.",
"taskHtml": null,
"startPageHtml": "<p>These are the instructions for Task 3, Condition 1.<br/>However, we wouldn't show the condition to the participant.</p>",
"finishPageHtml": "<p>You just finished Task 3, Condition 1.<br/>However, we wouldn't show the condition to the participant.</p>",
"startPageNextUrl": "",
"finishPageNextUrl": "",
"measuredTask": "1",
"taskType": "external",
"autoConditionId": "0"
Gets the session log entry for the specified session and task.
numeric session ID (required) -
numeric task ID (required).
See the log.php functions for the transaction data.
Returns the summary of task 2 for session 1377397537.
"data": {
"studyId": "1234",
"sessionId": "1377397537",
"taskId": "2",
"conditionId": "1",
"startTime": "2013-08-24 19:46:07",
"endTime": "2013-08-24 19:46:12"
Starts a new test session for the specified study.
"start": {
"studyId": 1234
If successful, a data buffer is returned in the response.
"data": {
"studyId": 1234,
"sessionId": 1377453392,
"conditionId": 4,
"startTime": "2013-08-25 10:56:32"