Tested with Vicidial 8.0.1 | VERSION: 2.14-739a | BUILD: 200310-1801 #Getting Started
- Clone this project into /srv/www/
- chmod -R 777 /srv/www/htdocs/DNC-WASH/dnc-files/
- Upload any dnc file from https://telemarketing.donotcall.gov/ to /dnc-files by ftp
- Run from web http(s)://domain.com/DNC-WASH/dnc-upload.php or
- Create a cron service
- 59 23 * * * php /srv/www/htdocs/DNC-WASH/dnc-update.php
- 30 05 1 * * php /srv/www/htdocs/DNC-WASH/dnc-upload.php
- All files uploaded will be deleted when system finish the import process