- Do not apply third-party license check task by default. Now it has to be enabled like this:
codeQuality {
thirdPartyLicenseCheck = true
If enabled the check will be run by default in case the test
task is run.
- Use default checkstyle rule to enforce whitespace after keywords like if, while, etc.
- Allow to configure checkstyle version via plugin configuration
- Fixes plugin portal publishing issue
- Bumps version of 'license-gradle-plugin' to version 0.14.0
- Adds new third party license folder check task. It can be activated to be run before the tests by specifying
codeQuality {
checkThirdPartyLicensesBeforeTest = true
- Changes 'license-gradle-plugin' back to version 0.11.1 to fix broken license header checks
- Updates findbugs version to 3.0.1
- Updates checkstyle version to 6.16.1
- Updates PMD version to 5.4.1
- Adapts default checkstyle configuration file rules to be more liberal including ** do not check for TODO comments anymore ** only check public methods for JavaDoc, not constructors ** do not check for author tag anymore
- Removes the test sourceSet from the checkstyle checks. Now only the main sourceSet will be checked.
- Adds compile configuration to Checkstyle task classpath
- Updates 'license-gradle-plugin' to version 0.12.1
- Disables PMD as default code style check
- Use UTF-8 encoding when updating license headers with licenseFormat task
- Decreases Findbugs effort to "default" instead of "max"
- Adds shortened plugin name 'com.rapidminer.code-quality' to comply with plugins.gradle.org standards
- Downgrade accidentally set PMD version from 5.2 back to version 5.1.3
- Sets checkstyle tool version to 5.9 to enable Java 8 code checking
- Sets FindBugs tool version to 3.0.0 to enable Java 8 code checking
- Sets PMD tool version to 5.1.3 to enable Java 8 code checking
- PMD errors will now fail the build by default
- Also add findbugs annotation library as providedCompile dependency if provided configuration does not exist
- Disables PMD Eclipse plugin on full builds
- Disables FindBugs Eclipse plugin on full builds
- Jacoco is now disabled by default (introduced too many build failures)
- Improved rule sets used by checkstyle
- Checkstyle errors will now fail the build by default
- FindBugs is now enabled by default
- FindBugs errors will now fail the build by default
- Updated license plugin to vesion 0.11.0
- Added Gradle 2.1 compatible plugin name 'com.rapidminer.gradle.code-quality'
- Adds JaCoCo plugin for Java and Groovy projects
- Adds optional PMD plugin for Java projects
- Checkstyle plugin won't be applied to Groovy projects anymore
- FindBugs plugin won't be applied to Groovy projects anymore
- JDepend plugin won't be applied to Groovy projects anymore
- Adds headerCheckUseRootConfig extension property
- Adds tasks for transforming checkstyle XML reports to HTML reports
- By default JDepend and FindBugs will be disabled
- Introduced project properties headerCheck, checkstyle, codenarc, jdepend, and findbugs
- Adds JDepend for Java and Groovy projects
- Adds FindBugs for Java and Groovy projects
- Improve license header checks
- Adds CodeNarc for Groovy projects
- Adds prependJavaHeader task for each source set
- Extension release