A plugin for wagtail that allows you to create, send, preview, edit and test email campaigns from within Wagtail. Campaign templates are created using mjml.
Tutorial - https://engineertodeveloper.com/how-to-add-an-email-newsletter-to-wagtail/
Install birdsong:
pip install wagtail-birdsong
Add the following to your installed apps:
Make a new app e.g. email
, create a models.py
with a model that extends the included Campaign
model. Some compatible mjml streamfield blocks are included in birdsong for convenience.
from birdsong.blocks import DefaultBlocks
from birdsong.models import Campaign
from django.db import models
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import StreamFieldPanel
from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
class SaleEmail(Campaign):
body = StreamField(DefaultBlocks())
panels = Campaign.panels + [
Then in the same app, create a wagtail_hooks.py
if it doesn't exist, this is where the admin is created
for content editors to create/edit/send campaigns.
The CampaignAdmin
is just an extension of Wagtail's ModelAdmin
class so most of the same options are available for overriding functionality.
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import modeladmin_register
from birdsong.options import CampaignAdmin
from .models import SaleEmail
class SaleEmailAdmin(CampaignAdmin):
campaign = SaleEmail
menu_label = 'Sale Email'
menu_icon = 'mail'
menu_order = 200
Create your campaign template in {app_folder}/templates/mail/{model_name}.html
e.g. email/templates/mail/sale_email.html
alternatively override the get_template
method on your campaign model.
Campaign templates use django-mjml for responsive, well designed emails. To read up how to setup django-mjml you can read the docs here. There is a base template included in Birdsong that can be extended.
{% extends "birdsong/mail/base_email.html" %}
{% block email_body %}
<mj-text>Hello {{ contact.email }}!</mj-text>
{% for b in self.body %}
{{ b }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock email_body %}
You're now ready to go!
By default the included Contact
model is used for every campaign, but you may want to store extra data, like names and preferences.
You can override the default Contact
model by setting an option on the admin for your campaign:
from birdsong.models import Contact
from django.db import models
class ExtendedContact(Contact):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
location = models.CharField(max_length=255)
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import ModelAdmin, modeladmin_register
from birdsong.options import CampaignAdmin
from .models import ExtendedContact, SaleEmail
class SaleEmailAdmin(CampaignAdmin):
campaign = SaleEmail
menu_label = 'Sale Email'
menu_icon = 'mail'
menu_order = 200
contact_class = ExtendedContact
# You may want to add your own modeladmin here to list/edit/add contacts
class ContactAdmin(ModelAdmin):
model = ExtendedContact
menu_label = 'Contacts'
menu_icon = 'user'
list_diplay = ('email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'location')
You might want to only send a campaign to a subset of your Contact
models. Creating a filter using django-filter and adding it to the CampaignAdmin
allows users to filter on any property.
from django_filters import FilterSet
from django_filters.filters import AllValuesFilter
from .models import ExtendedContact
class ContactFilter(FilterSet):
location = AllValuesFilter()
class Meta:
model = ExtendedContact
fields = ('location',)
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import modeladmin_register
from birdsong.options import CampaignAdmin
from .filters import ContactFilter
from .models import ExtendedContact, SaleEmail
class SaleEmailAdmin(CampaignAdmin):
campaign = SaleEmail
menu_label = 'Sale Email'
menu_icon = 'mail'
menu_order = 200
contact_class = ExtendedContact
contact_filter_class = ContactFilter
Users will now be able to send campaigns to a subset of contacts base on location.
Included in birdsong is a basic way for contacts to unsubscribe, just include the url configuration and add the unsubscribe url to your email template.
from birdsong import urls as birdsong_urls
from django.urls import include, path
urlpatterns = [
path('mail/', include(birdsong_urls)),
{% extends "birdsong/mail/base_email.html" %}
{% block email_body %}
<mj-text>Hello {{ contact.email }}!</mj-text>
{% for b in self.body %}
{{ b }}
{% endfor %}
<mj-text align="center">
Click <a href="{{ site.full_url }}{% url 'birdsong:unsubscribe' contact.id %}">here</a> to unsubscribe.
{% endblock email_body %}
- More tests!
- Proper docs
- Backends other thans SMTP for sending emails so analytics can be gathered (email opened, bounced etc)
- Reloading the preview on edit
- Broader permissions for campaigns (send, preview, test send)