This repository contains TeXstudio themes that are gathered from various sources in Internet.
Here is the procedure on how to apply these themes in TeXstudio
Don't forget to make a copy of your current highlighting scheme in case you want to switch back later.
step 1 : Open TeXstudio Application,Navigate to Options on Toolbar and click save profile
step 2 : Go to the folder directory where would you like to save the theme file,name the file(here it's mytheme) and clik save.So in this case the file will be saved as mytheme.txsprofile
step 3 : Now go to file->open and open the file that we have saved just now (mytheme.txsprofile) (tip : make sure that you have selected All files)
step 4 : Now replace the text from the line [formats] till end (don't remove the text before [formats]) with your desired theme text, click save and close the file
Step 5 : Goto Options once again and press load profile and then select our previous file ( i.e. mytheme.txsprofile)
Once you restart, your desired theme will hopefully be applied.