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Mar 6, 2019
e8a723a · Mar 6, 2019


This branch is up to date with HyperledgerHandsOn/trade-finance-logistics:master.


Configuring and Launching a Trade Network

As described in the use case document, we have 6 participants in a trade scenario.
But since a trading party (exporter or importer) implicitly trusts its bank, the party and the bank can belong to the same organization (run by the bank.)
The network we configure and run is represented by the figure below, where vertical cylinders represent organizations (with peers and clients), and the nodes themselves (peers and orderers) are connected in a blockchain network represented by the horizontal.

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  • The trade network consists of 4 organizations: {exporter, importer, carrier, regulator}
  • Every organization has one peer.
  • The exporter and importer organizations have two non-admin users each by default (one representing the trading entity and another the bank, ...whereas the other organizations have one non-admin user each.

Prerequisites to Configure and Launch the Network

Our application code is based on the current Hyperledger Fabric release version (release-1.1 branch.)

  • Make sure you have docker and docker-compose tools installed on your system.
  • Make sure you have go installed on your system.
    • Select a workspace directory where you want to store your go projects
    • Set the GOPATH environment variable to that directory (e.g. export GOPATH=$HOME/go)
  • Make sure you are using GNU Tar (For Mac OSX): brew install gnu-tar --with-default-names
  • Download and build Fabric:
    • mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
    • cd $GOPATH/src/
    • git clone
    • cd fabric
    • If the default branch is not release-1.1, append -b release-1.1 to the above command
    • Run make configtxgen cryptogen configtxlator to build the tools we will use to create configuration files.
      • Binaries can be found under build/bin
      • Either move the binaries to a path such as /usr/local/bin or add the $GOPATH/src/ to the PATH environment variable.
    • Run make docker to build docker images for the various network components from the downloaded source code.
  • Download and build Fabric-CA:
    • git clone (release-1.1 branch as above)
    • Run make docker to build docker images for the MSP components.


  • configtxgen.yaml: defines the organization and network structure to generate channel artifacts
  • crypto-config.yaml: defines the organization users to create keys and certificates for peers and clients
  • base/docker-compose-base.yaml: defines the shared container specification for every network peer
  • base/docker-compose-base.yaml: defines the container specifications for the orderer and each network peer
  • docker-compose-e2e-template.yaml: defines a template for the full network, with container specifications defined for the MSPs, and references to the above file for specifications of the orderer and peers Note: The instructions and the script, and the code in the middleware folders, depend on the currently defined configuration. If you edit the above files, you will need to modify the code accordingly.

Build Channel and Crypto Artifacts, and Network Structure Using Docker Containers

Run ./ generate -c tradechannel
The following files and folders should be created:

  • channel-artifacts/: contains files genesis.block, channel.tx, and 4 anchor peer configuration files, one corresponding to each org
  • crypto-config/: contains crypto material for the network peers and clients
    • crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/: crypto material for the orderer organization
    • crypto-config/peerOrganizations/: crypto material for the peer organizations; this should have 4 subfolders, one corresponding to each org
  • docker-compose-e2e.yaml: network configuration file to launch using the docker-compose tool.

Launch the Network

Run ./ up

  • By default, this runs the network as a background process, and logs the output to logs/network.log.
  • To use a different log file, run ./ up -o <log-file-name>.
  • Alternatively, you can manually start the network as a foreground process: docker-compose -f docker-compose-e2e.yaml up.
  • You can view the network logs (from all the containers) in the foreground.

** NOTE:** If you are testing the middleware or application deployment, stop here. Middleware and application instructions will indicate when/how to add and start additional organizations.

Bring Down the Network

Run ./ down

  • If you ran the full application using instructions in middleware and application, and if you still uncleared docker containers upon running docker ps -a:
    • To clean up the containers, run docker kill $(docker ps -q) followed by docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q). (Note: This will remove all docker containers on your system, so if you want to be selective, modify the above commands suitably.)
    • To clean up network volumes, run docker volume rm $(docker volume ls | grep -v VOL | awk '{print $2}'). (Note: This will remove all docker volumes on your system, so if you want to be selective, modify the above command suitably.)

Add a New Organization

We can add a new organization called exporting entity as illustrated in the figure below.

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  • add_org/configtxgen.yaml: defines the organization and network structure to generate channel configuration
  • add_org/crypto-config.yaml: defines the organization users to create keys and certificates for peers and clients
  • add_org/docker-compose-exportingEntityOrg-template.yaml: defines a template for the network structure of the new organization, with container specifications for the MSP and peer Note: The instructions and the script, and the code in the middleware folders, depend on the currently defined configuration. If you edit the above files, you will need to modify the code accordingly.

Build Channel Configuration, Crypto Artifacts, and Network Structure, for the New Organization

Run ./ createneworg
The following files and folders should be created:

  • channel-artifacts/exportingEntityOrg.json: contains polices and certificates for the new organization
  • crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ contains crypto material for the network peers and clients
  • add_org/docker-compose-exportingEntityOrg.yaml: network configuration file to launch using the docker-compose tool.

Launch the Network Components of the New Organization

Note: if your network has been stopped, first start it using ./ up
Run ./ startneworg

  • This runs the network as a background process, and logs the output to logs/network-neworg.log.
  • Alternatively, you can manually start the network as a foreground process: docker-compose -f add_org/docker-compose-exportingEntityOrg.yaml up.
  • You can view the network logs (from all the containers) in the foreground.

Bring Down the Network Components of the New Organization

Run ./ stopneworg

  • If you ran the upgrade application using instructions in middleware and application, and you still see uncleared docker containers upon running docker ps -a:
    • To clean up the containers, run docker kill $(docker ps -q) followed by docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q). (Note: This will remove all docker containers on your system, so if you want to be selective, modify the above commands suitably.)
    • To clean up network volumes, run docker volume rm $(docker volume ls | grep -v VOL | awk '{print $2}'). (Note: This will remove all docker volumes on your system, so if you want to be selective, modify the above command suitably.)