diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index c61e9d0..3941ecc 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -841,13 +841,10 @@ the [=sensor reading=] as arguments.
The [=latest reading=] [=ordered map|map=] contains an [=map/entry=] whose [=map/key=] is
"timestamp" and whose [=map/value=] is a high resolution timestamp that estimates the
-[=reading timestamp=] expressed in milliseconds since the [=time origin=].
+[=reading timestamp=] expressed in milliseconds as an [=monotonic clock/unsafe current time=].
-Note: The accuracy of the [=reading timestamp=] estimate depends on the underlying
-platform interfaces that expose it.
-The [=latest reading=]["timestamp"] is initially set to null,
-unless the [=latest reading=] [=ordered map|map=] caches a previous [=sensor readings|reading=].
+[=Latest reading=]["timestamp"] is initially set to null, unless the [=latest reading=] [=map=]
+caches a previous [=sensor readings|reading=].
The other [=map/entries=] of the [=latest reading=] [=ordered map|map=]
hold the values of the different quantities measured by the [=platform sensor=].
@@ -1144,11 +1141,14 @@ with the internal slots described in the following table:
### Sensor.timestamp ### {#sensor-timestamp}
-The {{Sensor/timestamp!!attribute}} getter steps are to return
-the result of invoking [=get value from latest reading=] with [=this=]
-and "timestamp" as arguments.
+ The {{Sensor/timestamp}} getter steps are:
-It represents a [=reading timestamp=].
+ 1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
+ 2. Let |unsafeTimestamp| be the result of invoking [=get value from latest reading=] with
+ [=this=] and "timestamp" as arguments.
+ 3. Return [=relative high resolution time=] with |unsafeTimestamp| and |global|.
### Sensor.start() ### {#sensor-start}
@@ -1435,6 +1435,21 @@ to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
1. Let |result| be the result of invoking |type|'s [=threshold check algorithm=]
with |reading| and |sensor|'s [=latest reading=].
1. If |result| is false, then abort these steps.
+ 1. If |reading|["timestamp"] [=map/exists=]:
+ 1. Set |reading|["timestamp"] to the result of converting its current value in an
+ [=implementation-defined=] way to an [=monotonic clock/unsafe current time=] using the
+ same [=monotonic clock=] that is shared by [=time origins=].
+ Note: The goal of this step is to ensure that a timestamp that may have been relative to
+ a different time origin is converted to a value that can be used in computations with
+ the same [=monotonic clock=] used by the operations described in [[HR-TIME]].
+ 1. Otherwise, [=map/set=] |reading|["timestamp"] to the [=unsafe shared current time=].
+ Note: In neither case is an [=monotonic clock/unsafe current time=] ever exposed to script.
+ {{Sensor/timestamp|Sensor.timestamp}} always returns a coarsened moment relative to a
+ [=time origin=].
1. [=map/For each=] |key| → value of [=latest reading=].
1. [=map/Set=] [=latest reading=][|key|] to the corresponding
value of |reading|.