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File metadata and controls

133 lines (106 loc) · 15.2 KB

LINZ Top Level Extension Specification

This is LINZ top level SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) extension which adds constraints to default STAC schema fields.

Item Fields

Item Properties Object Fields

Field Name Type Description
processing:software Map<string, string> Recommended. The software and versions which were used to generate the dataset. See reference.

Geospatial Types

See ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016(en) for further information on geometric data types

Name Additional description
black and white image Non-georeferenced black and white image
black and white infrared image Non-georeferenced black and white infrared image
circular string A continuous collection of arcs (lines with curved interpolation between points)
color image Non-georeferenced color image
color infrared image Non-georeferenced color infrared image
compound curve A continuous collection of circular strings and/or linestrings
curve polygon A polygon that contains circular strings or compound curves
geometry When mixed geometry types are used in the same dataset
geometry collection A collection of mixed geometric types
grayscale Single band raster, byte datatype, grayscale interpretation, with optional 2nd band for Alpha
grid Single band raster, non-byte datatype, grayscale interpretation
hyperspectral 10+ band raster
multicurve A collection of curves (a linestring with non-linear interpolation between points)
multilinestring A collection of linestrings
multipoint A collection of points
multipolygon A collection of polygons
multispectral 4 or more band raster, including RGBI, but not including RGBA
multisurface A collection of surfaces (non-planar polygons)
linestring A 1-dimensional geometric object stored as a sequence of points
point A 0-dimensional geometric object that represents a single location
point cloud A set of points in 3D space, generally produced by LiDAR or photogrammetry
polygon A 2-dimensional planar geometric object with an exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries (holes)
polyhedral surface A contiguous collection of polygons that share common boundary segments
rgb RGB color raster, can also include RGBA where 4th band is defined as Alpha
tin A contiguous collection of triangles that share common boundary segments
triangle A 2-dimensional geometric object stored as three points

Collection Fields

Field Name Type Description
title string REQUIRED. Collection title.
linz:asset_summaries Map<string, Map<string, string>> REQUIRED. See Custom Collection Summaries Object Fields.
linz:geospatial_type string REQUIRED. A general description of the type of content that can be found in the dataset. See the list of accepted geospatial types.
linz:history string REQUIRED. A descriptive statement about the lineage/history of a dataset
linz:lifecycle string REQUIRED. Lifecycle Status of Collection. Must be one of under development, preview, ongoing, completed, deprecated.
linz:providers LINZ Provider Object REQUIRED. The object provides information about a provider with additional roles defined by Toitū Te Whenua LINZ. A provider is any of the organizations that captures or processes the content of the assets and therefore influences the data offered by the STAC implementation. See LINZ Provider Object.
providers Provider Object REQUIRED. The object provides information about a provider. A provider is any of the organizations that captures or processes the content of the assets and therefore influences the data offered by the STAC implementation. See Provider Object.
linz:security_classification string REQUIRED. New Zealand Government Security Classification. Must be one of unclassified, in-confidence, sensitive, restricted, confidential, secret or top-secret.
linz:update_frequency string Recommended. Indicates how frequently an updated dataset may be distributed to the publication platform. Must follow the format for durations as defined in RFC3339. For example, P3D expresses a duration of 3 days.
processing:software Map<string, string> Recommended. The software and versions which were used to generate the dataset. See reference.

Custom Collection Summaries Object Fields

Field Name Type Description
created/minimum date-time REQUIRED. Earliest asset created value, in UTC.
created/maximum date-time REQUIRED. Latest asset created value, in UTC.
updated/minimum date-time REQUIRED. Earliest asset updated value, in UTC.
updated/maximum date-time REQUIRED. Latest asset updated value, in UTC.

LINZ Provider Object Fields

This expands on the provider object in the STAC spec. Only differences from that definition are mentioned here.

Field Name Type Description
name string For the manager role this should be either the Toitū Te Whenua LINZ role name of a person who manages this dataset (to preserve their privacy) or the name of a team that manages this dataset.
roles [string] There needs to be at least one provider with the custodian role and one with the manager role.
url string The url should be an internal URL that links to more information about that person or team.

Provider Object Fields

This expands on the provider object in the STAC spec. Only differences from that definition are mentioned here.

Field Name Type Description
roles [string] There needs to be at least one provider with the licensor role and one with the producer role.

Asset Fields

These fields apply to assets within both items and collections.

Field Name Type Description
created string REQUIRED. Creation date and time of the asset, in UTC.
updated string REQUIRED. Date and time the asset was last updated, in UTC.
file:checksum string REQUIRED. See reference.
linz:language string Required for assets which include text when the collection is shared externally. RFC 5646 language tag, for example en-NZ (New Zealand English)


This extension includes these other extensions:


All contributions are subject to the STAC Specification Code of Conduct. For contributions, please follow the STAC specification contributing guide.