diff --git a/src/khepri_adv.erl b/src/khepri_adv.erl
index d98d9080..71065ef2 100644
--- a/src/khepri_adv.erl
+++ b/src/khepri_adv.erl
@@ -332,11 +332,18 @@ put(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
%% in the path pattern is not met, an error is returned and the tree structure
%% is not modified.
-%% The returned `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple contains a map with the properties and
-%% payload (if any) of the targeted tree node: the payload was the one before
-%% the update, other properties like the payload version correspond to the
-%% updated node. If the targeted tree node didn't exist, `NodeProps' will be
-%% an empty map.
+%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys correspond
+%% to the path to a node affected by the put operation. Each key points to a
+%% map containing the properties and prior payload (if any) of a tree node
+%% created, updated or deleted by the put operation. If the put results in the
+%% creation of a tree node this props map will be empty. If the put updates an
+%% existing tree node then the props map will contain the payload of the tree
+%% node (if any) before the update while the other properties like the payload
+%% version correspond to the updated node. The `NodePropsMap' map might also
+%% contain deletions if the put operation leads to an existing tree node's
+%% keep-while condition becoming unsatisfied. The props map for any nodes
+%% deleted because of an expired keep-while condition will contain a
+%% `delete_reason' key set to `keep_while'.
%% The payload must be one of the following form:
@@ -452,11 +459,18 @@ put_many(StoreId, PathPattern, Data) ->
%% in the path pattern is not met, an error is returned and the tree structure
%% is not modified.
-%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys
-%% correspond to the path to a tree node matching the path pattern. Each key
-%% then points to a map containing the properties and payload (if any) of the
-%% targeted tree node: the payload was the one before the update, other
-%% properties like the payload version correspond to the updated node.
+%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys correspond
+%% to the path to a node affected by the put operation. Each key points to a
+%% map containing the properties and prior payload (if any) of a tree node
+%% created, updated or deleted by the put operation. If the put results in the
+%% creation of a tree node this props map will be empty. If the put updates an
+%% existing tree node then the props map will contain the payload of the tree
+%% node (if any) before the update while the other properties like the payload
+%% version correspond to the updated node. The `NodePropsMap' map might also
+%% contain deletions if the put operation leads to an existing tree node's
+%% keep-while condition becoming unsatisfied. The props map for any nodes
+%% deleted because of an expired keep-while condition will contain a
+%% `delete_reason' key set to `keep_while'.
%% The payload must be one of the following form:
@@ -831,9 +845,15 @@ delete(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
%% one tree node would match at the time. If you want to delete multiple nodes
%% at once, use {@link delete_many/3}.
-%% The returned `{ok, NodeProps}' tuple contains a map with the properties and
-%% payload (if any) of the targeted tree node as they were before the delete.
-%% If the targeted tree node didn't exist, `NodeProps' will be an empty map.
+%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys
+%% correspond to the path to a deleted tree node. Each key then points to a
+%% map containing the properties and payload (if any) of that deleted tree
+%% node as they were before the delete. Tree nodes in this map which were
+%% the target of the delete command will have a `delete_reason' key set to
+%% `direct' in their associated props map. Any tree nodes deleted because their
+%% keep-while condition became unsatisfied due to the deletion will have the
+%% `delete_reason' key set to `keep_while' instead. (See {@link
+%% khepri_condition:keep_while()}.)
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link handle_async_ret/1}
%% function should be used to handle the message received from Ra.
@@ -842,7 +862,8 @@ delete(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
%% ```
%% %% Delete the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
%% {ok, #{data := value,
-%% payload_version := 1}} = khepri_adv:delete(StoreId, [foo, bar]).
+%% payload_version := 1,
+%% delete_reason := direct}} = khepri_adv:delete(StoreId, [foo, bar]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
@@ -925,18 +946,25 @@ delete_many(PathPattern, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
%% The returned `{ok, NodePropsMap}' tuple contains a map where keys
%% correspond to the path to a deleted tree node. Each key then points to a
%% map containing the properties and payload (if any) of that deleted tree
-%% node as they were before the delete.
+%% node as they were before the delete. Tree nodes in this map which were
+%% the target of the delete command will have a `delete_reason' key set to
+%% `direct' in their associated props map. Any tree nodes deleted because their
+%% keep-while condition became unsatisfied due to the deletion will have the
+%% `delete_reason' key set to `keep_while' instead. (See {@link
+%% khepri_condition:keep_while()}.)
%% When doing an asynchronous update, the {@link handle_async_ret/1}
%% function should be used to handle the message received from Ra.
%% Example:
%% ```
-%% %% Delete the tree node at `/:foo/:bar'.
+%% %% Delete all tree nodes matching `/*/:bar'.
%% {ok, #{[foo, bar] := #{data := value,
-%% payload_version := 1},
-%% [baz, bar] := #{payload_version := 1}}} = khepri_adv:delete_many(
-%% StoreId, [foo, bar]).
+%% payload_version := 1,
+%% delete_reason := direct},
+%% [baz, bar] := #{payload_version := 1,
+%% delete_reason := direct}}} =
+%% khepri_adv:delete_many(StoreId, [?KHEPRI_WILDCARD_STAR, bar]).
%% '''
%% @param StoreId the name of the Khepri store.
diff --git a/src/khepri_tree.erl b/src/khepri_tree.erl
index d9f3b07b..362e6261 100644
--- a/src/khepri_tree.erl
+++ b/src/khepri_tree.erl
@@ -1341,7 +1341,9 @@ handle_keep_while_for_parent_update(
#walk{tree = Tree,
node = ParentNode,
- reversed_path = ReversedPath} = Walk,
+ reversed_path = ReversedPath,
+ tree_options = TreeOptions,
+ fun_acc = Acc} = Walk,
AppliedChangesAcc) ->
ParentPath = lists:reverse(ReversedPath),
IsMet = is_keep_while_condition_met_on_self(
@@ -1354,7 +1356,11 @@ handle_keep_while_for_parent_update(
%% This parent node must be removed because it doesn't meet its
%% own keep_while condition. keep_while conditions for nodes
%% depending on this one will be evaluated with the recursion.
- Walk1 = Walk#walk{node = delete},
+ {ok, delete, Acc1} = delete_matching_nodes_cb(
+ ParentPath, ParentNode,
+ TreeOptions, keep_while, Acc),
+ Walk1 = Walk#walk{node = delete,
+ fun_acc = Acc1},
walk_back_up_the_tree(Walk1, AppliedChangesAcc)
@@ -1538,14 +1544,27 @@ remove_expired_nodes([], Walk) ->
{ok, Walk};
[PathToDelete | Rest],
- #walk{tree = Tree, applied_changes = AppliedChanges} = Walk) ->
- case delete_matching_nodes(Tree, PathToDelete, AppliedChanges, #{}) of
- {ok, Tree1, AppliedChanges1, _Acc} ->
+ #walk{tree = Tree,
+ applied_changes = AppliedChanges,
+ tree_options = TreeOptions,
+ fun_acc = Acc} = Walk) ->
+ %% See `delete_matching_nodes/4'. This is the same except that the
+ %% accumulator is passed through and the `DeleteReason' is provided as
+ %% `keep_while'.
+ Fun = fun(Path, Node, Result) ->
+ delete_matching_nodes_cb(
+ Path, Node, TreeOptions, keep_while, Result)
+ end,
+ Result = walk_down_the_tree(
+ Tree, PathToDelete, TreeOptions, AppliedChanges, Fun, Acc),
+ case Result of
+ {ok, Tree1, AppliedChanges1, Acc1} ->
AppliedChanges2 = merge_applied_changes(
AppliedChanges, AppliedChanges1),
Walk1 = Walk#walk{tree = Tree1,
node = Tree1#tree.root,
- applied_changes = AppliedChanges2},
+ applied_changes = AppliedChanges2,
+ fun_acc = Acc1},
remove_expired_nodes(Rest, Walk1)
diff --git a/test/delete_command.erl b/test/delete_command.erl
index 2b393007..b2df6bb7 100644
--- a/test/delete_command.erl
+++ b/test/delete_command.erl
@@ -144,7 +144,15 @@ delete_a_node_deep_into_the_tree_test() ->
?assertEqual({ok, #{[foo, bar, baz] => #{payload_version => 1,
child_list_version => 1,
child_list_length => 1,
- delete_reason => direct}}}, Ret),
+ delete_reason => direct},
+ [foo, bar] => #{payload_version => 1,
+ child_list_version => 2,
+ child_list_length => 0,
+ delete_reason => keep_while},
+ [foo] => #{payload_version => 1,
+ child_list_version => 2,
+ child_list_length => 0,
+ delete_reason => keep_while}}}, Ret),
?assertEqual([], SE).
delete_existing_node_with_condition_true_test() ->
diff --git a/test/keep_while_conditions.erl b/test/keep_while_conditions.erl
index dcfc671b..23f72cda 100644
--- a/test/keep_while_conditions.erl
+++ b/test/keep_while_conditions.erl
@@ -258,7 +258,8 @@ keep_while_now_false_after_command_test() ->
#node{props = ?INIT_NODE_PROPS,
payload = khepri_payload:data(bar_value)}}}}},
- ?assertEqual({ok, #{[foo, bar] => #{}}}, Ret),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{[foo, bar] => #{},
+ [baz] => #{delete_reason => keep_while}}}, Ret),
?assertEqual([], SE).
recursive_automatic_cleanup_test() ->
@@ -293,7 +294,17 @@ recursive_automatic_cleanup_test() ->
payload_version => 1,
child_list_version => 1,
child_list_length => 0,
- delete_reason => direct}}}, Ret),
+ delete_reason => direct},
+ [foo, bar] => #{data => bar_value,
+ payload_version => 1,
+ child_list_version => 3,
+ child_list_length => 0,
+ delete_reason => keep_while},
+ [foo] => #{data => foo_value,
+ payload_version => 1,
+ child_list_version => 3,
+ child_list_length => 0,
+ delete_reason => keep_while}}}, Ret),
?assertEqual([], SE).
keep_while_now_false_after_delete_command_test() ->
@@ -324,7 +335,12 @@ keep_while_now_false_after_delete_command_test() ->
payload_version => 1,
child_list_version => 1,
child_list_length => 0,
- delete_reason => direct}}}, Ret),
+ delete_reason => direct},
+ [baz] => #{data => baz_value,
+ payload_version => 1,
+ child_list_version => 1,
+ child_list_length => 0,
+ delete_reason => keep_while}}}, Ret),
?assertEqual([], SE).
automatic_reclaim_of_useless_nodes_works_test() ->
@@ -342,7 +358,9 @@ automatic_reclaim_of_useless_nodes_works_test() ->
child_list_version => 3},
child_nodes = #{}},
- ?assertEqual({ok, #{[foo, bar, baz] => #{delete_reason => direct}}}, Ret),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{[foo, bar, baz] => #{delete_reason => direct},
+ [foo, bar] => #{delete_reason => keep_while},
+ [foo] => #{delete_reason => keep_while}}}, Ret),
?assertEqual([], SE).
automatic_reclaim_keeps_relevant_nodes_1_test() ->
@@ -370,7 +388,8 @@ automatic_reclaim_keeps_relevant_nodes_1_test() ->
payload = khepri_payload:data(relevant),
child_nodes = #{}}}},
- ?assertEqual({ok, #{[foo, bar, baz] => #{delete_reason => direct}}}, Ret),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{[foo, bar, baz] => #{delete_reason => direct},
+ [foo, bar] => #{delete_reason => keep_while}}}, Ret),
?assertEqual([], SE).
automatic_reclaim_keeps_relevant_nodes_2_test() ->
@@ -404,6 +423,7 @@ automatic_reclaim_keeps_relevant_nodes_2_test() ->
child_nodes = #{}}}}}},
- {ok, #{[foo, bar, baz, qux] => #{delete_reason => direct}}},
+ {ok, #{[foo, bar, baz, qux] => #{delete_reason => direct},
+ [foo, bar, baz] => #{delete_reason => keep_while}}},
?assertEqual([], SE).