Explore the store as described in the documentation page Explore the Store | SAP Help Portal
We will be searching for SuccessFactors Offer Letter Automation.
- As a first step, we will download Offer Letter Automation Bot from the RPA Store. Here I will share generic instructions to download any bot business content from the store. Get a Store Package | SAP Help Portal
- Ddeploy the package immediately for testing. You can use this documentation page for additional information Deploy a Store Package Immediately for Testing | SAP Help Portal
- The environment variables you will find at the time of deployment is what the bot expects as input to successfully execute the business content. You will need to fill relevant data as per your SuccessFactors Tenant configurations
Name | Description | Type | Sample | is it Mandatory? |
apiURL | API URL of SuccessFactors (see KBA 2215682) | String | https://apisalesdemo4.successfactors.com:443/odata/v2 | Required |
botuser | Bot user username and password | Credential | botuser/password | Required |
companyId | CompanyID of the SuccessFactors instance | String | SFPART012345 | Required |
botStep | Applicant status where candidates will be placed to be picked up by the bot | String | Request Offer Letter | Required |
OfferType | Offer type the bot will send. Options are: 1) Online offer (2) Verbal offer (3) Email as text (4) Email as PDF attachment | String | Online Offer | Required |
sfurl | SuccesFactors application URL | String | https://salesdemo4.successfactors.com/ | Required |
outputFolderPath | Folder Path to save bot execution logfile | String | C:\Temp | Optional |
logEmail | Email that will receive bot execution logs | String | [email protected] | Optional |
inputFilePathSFOfferLetter | Input File Path (Only required when you are triggering SF_Offer_Letter_UI_Only_Start Automation) | String | C:\Temp\Input\file.xlsx | Optional |
Depending on your chosen trigger, bot will automatically trigger for Scheduled triggers or it will be ready to run for Attended triggers.