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中文总榜 > 软件类 > Kotlin

数据更新: 2024-06-13   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 gkd-kit/gkd 基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules 17027 2024-06-12
2 mamoe/mirai 高效率 QQ 机器人支持库 14112 2024-03-30
3 coil-kt/coil Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform. 10413 2024-06-12
4 yujincheng08/BiliRoaming 哔哩漫游,解除B站客户端番剧区域限制的Xposed模块,并且提供其他小功能。An Xposed module that unblocks bangumi area limit of BILIBILI with miscellaneous features. 8920 2024-06-10
5 tiann/KernelSU A Kernel based root solution for Android 8867 2024-06-11
6 JunkFood02/Seal 🦭 Video/Audio Downloader for Android, based on yt-dlp, designed with Material You 8395 2024-06-10
7 zhanghai/MaterialFiles Material Design file manager for Android 5371 2024-06-11
8 mockk/mockk mocking library for Kotlin 5316 2024-05-31
9 didi/booster 🚀Optimizer for mobile applications 4819 2024-03-01
10 izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets 🌈Rainbow Brackets for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio/HUAWEI DevEco Studio/Fleet 4362 2024-05-26
11 Ashinch/ReadYou An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style. 4241 2024-06-12
12 breezy-weather/breezy-weather A Material Design Weather Application 4003 2024-06-12
13 liujingxing/rxhttp 🔥🔥🔥 Based on OkHttp encapsulation, support Kotlin Coroutines、RxJava2、RxJava3; 30s to get started. 3697 2024-04-13
14 Moriafly/SaltPlayerSource - 3387 2024-05-14
15 guolindev/PermissionX An open source Android library that makes handling runtime permissions extremely easy. 3374 2024-06-06
16 bmax121/APatch The patching of Android kernel and Android system 3263 2024-06-12
17 hegaojian/JetpackMvvm 🐔🏀一个Jetpack结合MVVM的快速开发框架,基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件 使用Kotlin语言,添加大量拓展函数,简化代码 加入Retrofit网络请求,协程,帮你简化各种操作,让你快速开发项目 3065 2024-01-15
18 wuseal/JsonToKotlinClass 🚀 Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin ) 3031 2024-03-06
19 jing332/tts-server-android 这是一个Android系统TTS应用,内置微软演示接口,可自定义HTTP请求,可导入其他本地TTS引擎,以及根据中文双引号的简单旁白/对话识别朗读 ,还有自动重试,备用配置,文本替换等更多功能。 2892 2024-04-18
20 osfans/trime 同文安卓輸入法平臺3.x/Android-rime/Rime Input Method Engine for Android 2865 2024-06-07
21 rumboalla/apkupdater APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps. 2740 2024-05-21
22 running-libo/Tiktok 高仿抖音APP 2636 2023-12-23
23 Dr-TSNG/Hide-My-Applist An Xposed module to intercept applist detections 2613 2024-04-19
24 wangchenyan/ponymusic An Android online music player like NetEase Cloud Music, based on Media3 and ExoPlayer 2538 2024-06-06
25 unit-mesh/auto-dev 🧙‍AutoDev: The AI-powered coding wizard with multilingual support 🌐, auto code generation 🏗️, and a helpful bug-slaying assistant 🐞! Customizable prompts 🎨 and a magic Auto Dev/Testing/Document/Agent ... 2491 2024-06-07
26 liangjingkanji/BRV [使用文档] Android 快速构建 RecyclerView, 比 BRVAH 更简单强大 2455 2024-06-04
27 EhViewer-NekoInverter/EhViewer 🥥 A fork of EhViewer, feature requests are not accepted. Forked from 2443 2024-06-09
28 fcitx5-android/fcitx5-android Fcitx5 input method framework and engines ported to Android 2430 2024-06-03
29 TencentBlueKing/bk-ci 蓝鲸持续集成平台(蓝盾) 2323 2024-06-12
30 gallonyin/worktool 【企业微信】企业微信机器人 聊天机器人、自动加好友、自动拉群、自动群发机器人 免Root零封号 集成ChatGPT 2314 2024-05-08
31 XayahSuSuSu/Android-DataBackup DataBackup for Android 8.0+ 2218 2024-06-12
32 ismartcoding/plain-app PlainApp is an open-source application that allows you to manage your phone through a web browser. Access files, videos, music, contacts, sms, calls, and more from your desktop using a secure, easy to ... 2216 2024-06-09
33 azhon/AppUpdate Android App update library. Android版本更新库,简单、轻量、可随意定制 2202 2024-06-12
34 easybangumiorg/EasyBangumi 纯纯看番,使用 Compose 开发的 Android 看番软件,支持多番剧源 2200 2024-06-12
35 aistra0528/Hail Disable / Hide / Suspend / Uninstall Android apps without root. 2082 2024-06-09
36 kotlin-orm/ktorm A lightweight ORM framework for Kotlin with strong-typed SQL DSL and sequence APIs. 2022 2024-06-12
37 panpf/sketch Sketch is a powerful and comprehensive image load library on Android, in addition to the basic functions, it also supports Jetpack Compose, GIF, SVG, video thumbnails, gesture zoom, huge images sampli ... 1988 2024-06-12
38 allenymt/PrivacySentry Android隐私合规整改检测工具,注解+Asm修改字节码的检测方案 1975 2024-05-08
39 FooIbar/EhViewer EhViewer overhauled with Material Design 3 and more, forked from 1859 2024-06-12
40 HMBSbige/ShadowsocksR-Android 【自用】咕咕咕 1827 2023-12-15
41 czy1121/update 清晰灵活简单易用的应用更新库 1824 2024-03-11
42 EmmyLua/IntelliJ-EmmyLua Lua IDE/Debugger Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 1716 2024-04-05
43 fumiama/copymanga 拷贝漫画的第三方APP,优化阅读/下载体验 1635 2024-05-21
44 androiddevnotes/awesome-android-learning-resources 👓 A curated list of awesome android learning resources for android app developers. 1631 2024-05-11
45 project-mirai/mirai-api-http Mirai HTTP API (console) plugin 1616 2024-04-24
46 Mahmud0808/Iconify Iconify lets you customize your Android 12+ device easily. Change icons, colors, shapes, and even the notification panel for a personalized look that suits your style. 1615 2024-06-11
47 barbeau/gpstest The #1 open-source Android GNSS/GPS test program 1602 2024-05-09
48 GuoXiCheng/SKIP 自动跳过APP开屏广告 1587 2024-06-07
49 tuchg/ChinesePinyin-CodeCompletionHelper 让你的 JetBrains 系 IDE ( IDEA ,PyCharm,PhpStorm,WebStorm,AndroidStudio,GoLand等 )支持中文标识符以拼音/五笔等输入方式完成代码补全,享受和英文环境一致的中文智能编码体验,为代码表达提供更多选择,一种值得考虑的折中解决方案📏 1540 2024-03-02
50 zhujiang521/PlayAndroid 🔥🔥🔥 Kotlin + MVVM + LCE版玩安卓,暗黑模式、横竖屏、无网、弱网、无数据、加载失败等等各种情况,协程、Room、Hilt、DataStore、LiveData、Retrofit、屏幕适配、本地缓存、多语言切换、多 lib,你想要的我都有!!! 1538 2024-03-28
51 dkrivoruchko/ScreenStream ScreenStream Android App 1526 2024-06-12
52 rosuH/EasyWatermark 🔒 🖼 Securely, easily add a watermark to your sensitive photos. 安全、简单地为你的敏感照片添加水印,防止被小人泄露、利用 1464 2024-03-17
53 10miaomiao/bilimiao2 bilimiao 2.x 1444 2024-06-08
54 lulululbj/wanandroid Jetpack MVVM For Wanandroid 最佳实践 ! 1425 2024-02-18
55 hefengbao/jingmo 『京墨』开源的中华文化宝典 APP,诗(词)文(名句)、汉字、成语、词语、歇后语、绕口令、传统节日、传统色、节气、人物等。 1415 2024-06-09
56 EspoirX/StarrySky 🔥A Powerful and Streamline MusicLibrary(一个丰富的音乐播放封装库,支持多种音频格式,完美解决你的问题。) 1379 2024-04-25
57 Leon406/ToolsFx 基于kotlin+tornadoFx的跨平台密码学工具箱.包含编解码,编码转换,加解密, 哈希,MAC,签名,大数运算,压缩,二维码功能,ctf等实用功能,支持插件 1361 2024-06-09
58 javakam/FileOperator 🔥 涵盖了Android系统文件的创建/删除/复制/打开文件(目录)、获取文件(目录)大小、获取常用目录、获取文件名称及后缀、获取MimeType以及MediaStore和SAF的相关操作等常用功能,并且也处理了获取文件Uri/Path的兼容问题、图片压缩和文件选择等功能。 1288 2024-03-15
59 rRemix/APlayer Android Music Player 1256 2024-05-29
60 getActivity/AndroidProject-Kotlin Android 技术中台 Kotlin 版本,但愿人长久,搬砖不再有 1235 2024-05-31
61 stripe/stripe-android Stripe Android SDK 1229 2024-06-12
62 miaowmiaow/fragmject fragmject is a learning project prepared for Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. fragmject 是一个为初学者准备的上手项目。 通过对 Kotlin 和 Compose 的系统运用,实现的一个功能完备符合主流市场标准 App。 fragmject 没有复杂的业务和多余的封装, 完全依照 Android Developer ... 1228 2024-05-27
63 aaa1115910/bv 哔哩哔哩 的第三方 Android TV 应用。A third-party Android TV app for Bilibili. 1224 2024-06-12
64 HighCapable/YukiHookAPI ⛱️ An efficient Hook API and Xposed Module solution built in Kotlin. 1207 2024-05-30
65 lihenggui/blocker Utilize an integrated firewall to manage application components. 1157 2024-06-12
66 helloklf/vtools 一个集高级重启、应用安装自动点击、CPU调频等多项功能于一体的工具箱。 1117 2023-12-25
67 AllanWang/Frost-for-Facebook An extensive and functional third party app for Facebook 1084 2023-12-15
68 Petterpx/FloatingX Android上强大的悬浮窗组件,支持 系统浮窗(需要权限)、应用内浮窗(无权限)、局部悬浮(View),支持边缘吸附、回弹、自定义动画、位置保存、窗口化及分屏后位置修复等。Android without permission suspension window(App), support global(View), local suspension, support edge adsorptio ... 1019 2024-05-10
69 YenalyLiew/Han1meViewer A Application for Android. 1016 2024-06-03
70 DUpdateSystem/UpgradeAll Check updates for Android apps, Magisk modules and more! 998 2024-06-12
71 yechaoa/MaterialDesign Material Design Samples。ConstraintLayout、MaterialButton、ShapeableImageView、TabLayout、SearchView... 996 2024-02-01
72 plateaukao/einkbro A small, fast web browser based on Android WebView. It's tailored for E-Ink devices but also works great on normal android devices. 977 2024-06-06
73 RyensX/MediaBox 全能媒体容器,插件化网罗天下媒体,畅快浏览视频、漫画和任何你想要的媒体数据。A universal media container, aggregating media through plugins to browse videos, comics and any media data you want. 965 2024-06-09
74 tangshimin/MuJing 幕境 - 使用自己感兴趣的电影、美剧或文档,生成词库(单词本)。在记忆单词时,可以用键盘打字,练习拼写并观看相关的视频片段,以便更好的理解和记忆单词。播放电影时,以弹幕的形式复习词库中的单词。 960 2024-06-06
75 xyoye/DanDanPlayForAndroid 弹弹play 概念版,弹弹play系列应用安卓平台上的实现,是一个提供了视频播放(本地+局域网)和弹幕加载(在线+本地)功能的本地播放器 955 2024-05-18
76 AAChartModel/AAChartCore-Kotlin 📈📊⛰⛰⛰An elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework for Android . Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, a ... 947 2024-05-20
77 rosuH/AndroidFilePicker FilePicker is a small and fast file selector library that is constantly evolving with the goal of rapid integration, high customization, and configurability~ 946 2024-04-10
78 fankes/TSBattery A new way to save your battery avoid cancer apps hacker it. 898 2024-02-20
79 suming77/SumTea_Android 基于组件化+模块化+Kotlin+协程+Flow+Retrofit+Jetpack+MVVM+短视频架构实现的WanAndroid客户端 896 2024-06-07
80 liujingxing/XmlClassGuard 一个可混淆4大组件,自定义View等任意类的插件,上架Google Play的利器 870 2024-06-11
81 Block-Network/StatusBarLyric [Xposed] Status Bar Lyric / 状态栏歌词 870 2024-06-10
82 bggRGjQaUbCoE/c001apk fake coolapk 869 2024-05-08
83 GuhDoy/TiebaTS 提供修改百度贴吧底栏等个性化功能。An Xposed module for Baidu Tieba with personalized functions. 843 2024-06-05
84 iamr0s/Dhizuku A Android Application for share DeviceOwner 841 2024-05-27
85 leavesCZY/WifiP2P 通过 Android 设备的 Wifi Direct,实现 Android 手机之间传输任意文件 807 2024-06-02
86 m-i-n-a-r/birday 🎉 A beautiful Kotlin app to remember birthdays and events without having to open Facebook, set alarms or rely on Google Calendar 798 2024-06-11
87 vitaviva/compose-tetris 🧱 A tetris game fully built using Jetpack Compose 775 2024-03-22
88 littleWhiteDuck/SimpleHook SimpleHook hook部分代码 749 2024-03-02
89 WaxMoon/MultiApp A customizable virtual Android container/一款可定制的虚拟安卓容器 729 2024-02-25
90 yueeng/hacg 琉璃神社 hacg android app 716 2024-06-11
91 1250422131/bilibilias 哔哩哔哩解析工具,一个辅助缓存下载B站视频番剧的APP,帮助你快速便捷的缓存B站视频和番剧。 714 2024-06-11
92 ultranity/Pix-EzViewer 一个支持免代理直连+多种额外特性功能优化的第三方 Pixiv android 客户端 A third-party Pixiv Android client with modern design and many other enhancements 695 2024-01-01
93 aleyn97/MVVMLin 一个基于MVVM用Kotlin+Retrofit+协程+Databinding+LiveData来封装的快速开发框架 684 2024-01-08
94 platonai/PulsarRPA Automate webpages at scale, scrape web data completely and accurately with high performance, distributed RPA. 674 2024-06-08
95 leavesCZY/Matisse A Image/Video Selector Implemented with Jetpack Compose(一个用 Jetpack Compose 实现的 Android 图片视频选择框架) 662 2024-06-09
96 pemistahl/lingua The most accurate natural language detection library for Java and the JVM, suitable for long and short text alike 662 2024-04-16
97 xbdcc/GrabRedEnvelope 微信抢红包Android APP 661 2024-03-06
98 FSpaceCore/SpaceCore SpaceCore is a virtual Android system engine that can engage users clone and run dual applications,this engine can also support device simulation, fake GPS and many other features.SpaceCore是一个虚拟引擎内核, ... 656 2024-02-01
99 MaterialCleaner/MaterialCleaner - 655 2024-04-17
100 CofbroTeam/Doraemon ⭐ ⭐ ⭐不止签到!更有一键同步作业功能!⭐ ⭐ ⭐ UI友好的安卓-Android移动端学习通签到助手,支持普通签到,扫码签到,图片签到,二维码签到,定位签到,签到码签到,手势签到,作业提醒:push通知,短信通知!! 650 2024-04-29
101 GangJust/FreedomPlus 依赖于抖音运行的Xposed模块. 644 2024-05-31
102 angcyo/DslAdapter 🔥 Android Kotlin时代的Adapter, Dsl 的形式使用 RecyclerView.Adapter, 支持折叠展开, 树结构,悬停,情感图状态切换, 加载更多, 多类型Item,侧滑菜单等 644 2024-01-18
103 vincent-series/smart-show - 622 2024-06-10
104 Cateners/tiny_computer Click-to-run debian 12 xfce on android for Chinese users, with fcitx pinyin input method and some useful packages preinstalled. No termux required. 611 2024-05-31
105 meshtastic/Meshtastic-Android Android application for Meshtastic 611 2024-06-12
106 ldlywt/FastJetpack 基于Kotlin、协程、Retrofit的网络请求封装,快速简单轻便。 604 2024-04-10
107 iOrchid/android-jetpack-demo 🔥 快速入门Android Jetpack&Compose 以及相关Kotlin、MVVM/MVI等独立构架App的基础技能 601 2024-05-22
108 archguard/archguard ArchGuard is a architecture workbench, also for architecture governance, which can analysis architecture in container, component, code level, create architecure fitness functions, and anaysis system d ... 585 2024-03-24
109 mgz0227/legado-Harmony 开源阅读鸿蒙版仓库 583 2024-06-12
110 sunshine0523/Mi-Freeform Mi-Freeform 3 is an Android third-party freeform software that supports Android 8.1-Android 14 573 2024-03-25
111 fluttercandies/FlutterJsonBeanFactory What I do is generate dart beans based on json, as well as generics parameters and json build instances 558 2024-06-04
112 lizongying/my-tv-0 电视网络视频播放软件,可以自定义视频源 528 2024-06-12
113 YuKongA/Updater [App] Get HyperOS/MIUI recovery ROM update info 514 2024-06-12
114 fei-ke/HMSPush 让非华为设备支持 HMS 推送,同时避免唤醒目标应用 514 2024-06-12
115 saveourtool/diktat Strict coding standard for Kotlin and a custom set of rules for detecting code smells, code style issues and bugs 511 2024-06-12
116 metrodroid/metrodroid Read data from public transit cards using your NFC Android phone! (iOS 13 and PC/SC support coming soon) 503 2024-04-02
117 simple-robot/simpler-robot Simple Robot,一个bot风格的高效异步事件调度框架 / A Bot-style event scheduling framework, asynchronous and high-performance 488 2024-06-12
118 zhujiang521/PlayWeather 🔥🔥🔥 Compose、Lce、MVVM、深色模式、横屏、无网弱网适配、Room、Hilt、多语言切换,目前Android最新的库基本全用上了,你想要的都有。还使用 Compose-Desktop 编写了桌面版本,快来试试吧!🔥🔥🔥 474 2024-03-28
119 crowforkotlin/CopyMangaX 🚀拷贝漫画三方APP 、项目采用多模块 和 MVI框架开发、Compose + 原生混合开发 467 2024-04-12
120 hushenghao/AndroidEasterEggs Android Easter Egg Collections 460 2024-06-11
121 alialbaali/Noto Minimal Note-Taking App 458 2024-06-06
122 shizq123/BIKA 第三方哔咔漫画 442 2024-03-28
123 xihan123/SignHook 这是一个简单的签名校验通杀模块 440 2024-06-12
124 sensorsdata/sa-sdk-android-plugin2 神策数据官方 Android 埋点插件,用于 Android 端的数据采集。通过使用字节码插桩(ASM)的技术实现 Android 端的全埋点(无埋点、无码埋点、无痕埋点、自动埋点)。 433 2024-04-07
125 jing332/AlistAndroid AList 安卓版本,APK安装即用,无需Root或Termux。 430 2024-01-16
126 tangcent/easy-yapi Generate API document to yapi 421 2024-05-17
127 LuckyPray/DexKit An easy-to-use, high-performance dex deobfuscation library. 419 2024-06-11
128 Knight-ZXW/BlockCanaryX 🔥基于堆栈采样,使用函数火焰图的形式展示Android Main Looper的慢消息处理过程,定位阻塞原因 418 2024-05-18
129 SonicCloudOrg/sonic-android-apk 🎉Android Plugin of Sonic cloud real machine platform. Sonic云真机平台安卓插件。 418 2024-02-23
130 ekibun/Bangumi Bangumi番组计划Android客户端 408 2024-02-03
131 twiceyuan/WXAPK 直接安装微信接收到的 APK 408 2024-03-20
132 Krosxx/Android-Auto-Api 安卓无障碍服务Api, 为了简化无障碍服务使用,并使用 Kotlin 以提供简洁的Api。 404 2024-04-29
133 bubelov/news Feed Reader and Podcast Player for Android 402 2024-05-18
134 hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary 📘 A diary application optimized for user experience. 402 2024-06-12
135 hegaojian/MvvmHelper 🐔🏀这是一个快速开发的框架,Kotlin语言开发,MVVM+Jetpack架构,封装了公共头部、界面状态管理、ViewModel、LiveData、DataBinding、ViewBinding头部刷新、加载更多、沉浸式、全局通知、丰富好用的拓展函数、RxHttp网络请求等等一系列工具 388 2024-01-15
136 AndroidCoderPeng/AutoDingding 钉钉自动打卡 380 2024-06-07
137 ltttttttttttt/ComposeViews Compose Multiplatform views, in to Android, Web, Desktop, iOS: Pager, Banner, Indicator, Refresh Layout, Flow Layout, Menu Floating Action Button, Pull To Refresh, Chain Scrollable Component, Scrollab ... 367 2024-06-09
138 KyuubiRan/EzXHelper A library to make Xposed modules development easily. 366 2024-05-21
139 xiaoyvyv/bangumi Bangumi for Android - A full-featured unofficial android native application for the 365 2024-05-06
140 chr233/PureNGA NGA 去广告Xposed模块 支持 Lspatch 362 2024-06-12
141 KitsunePie/AppErrorsTracking Added more features to app's crash dialog, fixed custom rom deleted dialog, the best experience to Android developer. 358 2024-03-28
142 fankes/MIUINativeNotifyIcon Fix the native notification bar icon function abandoned by the MIUI development team. 356 2024-03-14
143 jenly1314/MVVMFrame 🏰 MVVMFrame for Android 是一个基于Google官方推出的JetPack构建的快速开发框架。从此构建一个MVVM模式的项目变得快捷简单。 355 2024-03-03
144 edxposedd/wework 【Xposed Hook 企业微信 微信】企业微信机器人 微信机器人 自动抢回复 会话 自动通过 好友列表 群管理 SDK 351 2024-04-19
145 hua0512/stream-rec Automatic streaming record tool. 虎牙/抖音/斗鱼/Twitch/PandaTV直播,弹幕自动录制 348 2024-06-12
146 cloudoptlab/cloudopt-next A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework 339 2024-02-25
147 chr56/Phonograph_Plus A fork of kabouzeid/Phonograph in maintenance and development 333 2024-06-12
148 shizheng233/CopyMangaJava 一个第三方的拷贝漫画带有M3风格,支持动态主题。该App已通过Kotlin来实现,只是标题没改。 320 2024-01-28
149 FunnySaltyFish/FunnyTranslation 基于Jetpack Compose开发的翻译软件,支持多引擎、插件化~ Jetpack Compose+MVVM+协程+Room 317 2024-05-02
150 zhanghai/Untracker App to help you remove tracking information before sharing links 313 2024-05-22
151 AnyLifeZLB/FaceVerificationSDK Android On_device 1:1 Face Recognition And Alive Detect;1:N & M:N Face Search SDK 。 🧒 离线版设备端Android1:1人脸识别动作活体检测,静默活体检测 以及1:N M:N 人脸搜索 SDK 封装 299 2024-06-05
152 xiaojinzi123/TallyApp 不在维护!!! 一个 Android 的记账 App, 完全的 组件化 + Compose + Kotlin + 响应式编程 + Room 数据库 + Retrofit 299 2024-05-14
153 leavesCZY/compose_chat Jetpack Compose 最佳实践,用 Jetpack Compose 写一个 IM APP 292 2024-06-09
154 hadix-lin/ideavim_extension IdeaVIM插件的扩展插件 287 2024-02-27
155 gitofleonardo/AnyDebug ViewEditor/视图编辑器 281 2024-03-30
156 leavesCZY/Monitor 一个适用于 OkHttp / Retrofit 的可视化抓包工具 281 2024-05-31
157 tasy5kg/CuteGIF Convert video to GIF. Simple and fast. 280 2024-04-08
158 TabooLib/taboolib Powerful framework for creating multi-platform Minecraft plugin 278 2024-06-11
159 FlyJingFish/AndroidAOP 🔥🔥🔥AndroidAOP 是专属于 Android 端 Aop 框架,只需一个注解就可以请求权限、切换线程、禁止多点、一次监测所有点击事件、监测生命周期等等,没有使用 AspectJ,也可以定制出属于你的 Aop 代码 270 2024-06-12
160 zhufucdev/MotionEmulator Xposed enabled location simulator with sensor support. 261 2024-03-08
161 phodal/chapi CHAPI (Common Hierarchical Abstract Parser and Information Converter) streamlines code analysis by converting diverse language source code into a unified abstract model, simplifying cross-language dev ... 256 2024-02-14
162 hujiayucc/Fuck-AD 去他妈的广告 252 2024-04-07
163 Greatwallcorner/TV-Multiplatform 基于fonmi/TV项目的, 简单桌面版本实现。 249 2024-06-08
164 anyascii/anyascii Unicode to ASCII transliteration - C Elixir Go Java JS Julia PHP Python Ruby Rust Shell .NET 249 2024-06-09
165 hyy920109/HighLightPro A highlight lib and also it can be a simple popup window lib for android 243 2024-04-09
166 Mingyueyixi/MaskWechat 这是一个微信 Xposed 模块,她可以隐藏特定用户的聊天记录,防止私密的聊天被第三人偷看 241 2024-06-09
167 AnyLifeZLB/FaceSearchSDK_Android On Device Android Face 1:N and M:N Search With Liveness Detection & Anti Spoofing SDK / 离线版Android 1:N 和M:N人脸检索,包含活体检测反作弊 . 239 2024-06-03
168 BillyWei01/Udid 一种Android客户端获取唯一设备ID的方案 238 2024-03-16
169 MrXiaoM/Overflow 替换 mirai 实现为 Onebot 以进行无缝迁移 237 2024-05-31
170 lihangleo2/ViewPager2Demo 关于封装ViewPager2的FragmentStateAdapter的封装,以最简单的方式实现抖音列表的上下加载,画廊效果,以及ViewPager2的各种封装 232 2024-03-26
171 2BAB/Seal A Gradle Plugin for resolving AndroidManifest.xml merge conflicts. 230 2023-12-27
172 leavesCZY/WifiFileTransfer 通过 Android 设备的 Wifi 个人热点,实现 Android 手机之间传输任意文件 228 2024-05-04
173 TrPlugins/TrMenu Modern & Advanced Menu-Plugin for Minecraft Servers 227 2024-01-21
174 pwh-pwh/wxrecordread 用于获取微信聊天记录发送消息者wx_id,修改聊天页面信息,获取红包领取详情及总额 222 2023-12-15
175 Shouheng88/arch-android Type based Jetpack MVVM library. 220 2023-12-15
176 FishHawk/auto-novel 轻小说机翻网站,支持网络小说/文库小说/本地小说 216 2024-06-12
177 SapuSeven/BetterUntis An alternative mobile client for the Untis timetable system. 216 2024-04-11
178 iiheng/VCAMSX 安卓虚拟摄像头 214 2024-05-21
179 soybeanjs/soybean-admin-quarkus 基于Quarkus实现的soybean-admin后台管理系统 211 2024-06-12
180 15dd/wenku8reader 第三方轻小说文库app 202 2024-05-30
181 Samarium150/mirai-console-lolicon 基于LoliconAPI的mirai-console插件 202 2024-04-15
182 robotemi/sdk temi is an unparalleled robotic platform introducing a new dimension of development - movement. Using temi’s SDK, developers can create new functionalities and introduce new use cases via temi’s Andro ... 199 2024-06-12
183 greyovo/PicQuery 🔍 Search local images with natural language on Android, powered by OpenAI's CLIP model. / 在 Android 上用自然语言搜索本地图片 (基于 OpenAI 的 CLIP 模型) 197 2024-05-03
184 BinTianqi/OwnDroid 使用Device owner管理你的安卓设备。Manage your device with Device owner privilege 196 2024-06-12
185 RW-HPS/RW-HPS Dedicated to Rusted Warfare(RustedWarfare) High Performance Server / 铁锈战争高效率服务器 180 2024-06-10
186 unit-mesh/chocolate-factory Chocolate Factory is a cutting-edge LLM toolkit designed to empower you in creating your very own AI assistant.Chocolate Factory 是一款开源的 LLM 应用开发框架,旨在帮助您轻松打造强大的软件开发 SDLC + LLM 生成助手。无论您是需要生成前端页面、后端 API、 ... 179 2024-03-30
187 geph-official/geph-android Geph Android 迷霧通Android界面 178 2024-02-01
188 unit-mesh/unit-mesh Unit Mesh is a Asymptotic AI programming architecture pattern. Unit Mesh 是一个基于 AIGC/GenAI 为核心思想的软件架构 177 2024-03-06
189 yellowbluesky/PixivforMuzei3 Best Pixiv plugin for Muzei 3 173 2024-06-10
190 ITxiaoguang/SelectTextHelper 高仿微信聊天消息列表自由复制文字,双击查看文本内容,用法超级简单~Copy the text freely in the high imitation WeChat chat message list, double-click to view the text content. 172 2024-02-02
191 TencentCloud/httpdns-sdk-android Tencent Cloud HTTPDNS SDK 170 2024-05-08
192 panpf/zoomimage Library for zoom images, supported Android View, Compose and Compose Multiplatform; supported scale, pan, locate, rotation, and super-large image subsampling. 用于缩放图像的库,支持 Android View、Compose 以及 Compo ... 169 2024-03-13
193 airshu/lx-music-android 洛雪音乐助手Android版 168 2023-12-21
194 CorruptedArk/did-i-take-my-meds A Kotlin Android app to manage medications 167 2024-03-15
195 AnyLifeZLB/Android-Architecture 使用 Kotlin+Moshi+Coroutines+retrofit等封装处理Http请求,支持多个域名多态数据返回 封装要达到的目的特性就一个:简洁的同步代码风格处理网络异步请求! 165 2024-06-07
196 DylanCaiCoding/MMKV-KTX The best MMKV utils to ensure type safety. (最好用的 MMKV 工具,可以确保类型安全) 157 2024-01-31
197 liangjingkanji/Interval Android计时器工具, 倒计时/正计时/开始/暂停/继续/结束/取消 155 2024-01-16
198 jiangyuanyuan/Multi 大型Android项目基础架构,AndroidX、Jetpack、Koin、模块化、模块代码权限控制、单Activity多fragment 151 2024-05-25
199 yetel/EasyChatAndroidClient EasyChat是一个开源的社交类的App。主要包含消息、好友、群组等相关的IM核心功能。部分界面参照了QQ、微信等相关社交APP。EasyChat APP整体采用MVVM模式,基于JetPack(Lifecycle,LiveData,ViewModel,Room)构建 151 2024-04-07
200 Ahoo-Wang/Wow Modern Reactive CQRS Architecture Microservice development framework based on DDD and EventSourcing 基于 DDD & EventSourcing 的现代响应式 CQRS 架构微服务开发框架 150 2024-06-12

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