diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d785c4d..931a000 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ +--- +lang: de-DE +--- # QUADRIGA OER Template [Markdown-Cheatsheet für Jupyter Book](https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/reference/cheatsheet.html) -_english below_ - Dieses Repositorium dient als Vorlage für [QUADRIGA](https://quadriga-dk.github.io) OERs, die mit [Jupyter Book](https://jupyterbook.org) geschrieben werden. ## Nutzung der Vorlage @@ -32,34 +33,3 @@ Wir empfehlen Dir dieses Vorgehen: - Nun hast Du alle Anforderungen installiert und Du kannst das Jupyter Book lokal generieren mit `jb build .`. - Machmal kann es nötig sein "aufzuräumen", bevor Du eine neue Version generierst. Das geht mit `jb clean .`. Du kannst auch beide Befehle nacheinander ausführen mit `jb clean . && jb build .`. - Die generierte HTML-Version des Buchs kannst Du nun unter `_build/html/` finden. Um die Entwicklung zu beschleunigen kann es hilfreich sein, wenn Du das Buch über einen lokalen HTTP-Server in deinem Browser verfügbar machst. Öffne dazu ein neues Terminal(-Fenster) und führe diesen Befehl aus: `python3 -m http.server -d _build/html/`. Dies startet einen HTTP-Server, der die Inhalte des HTML-Ordners (standardmäßig) unter `http://localhost:8000/` anbietet. - -# Enlish version -_german above_ - -This is the template repository for [QUADRIGA](https://quadriga-dk.github.io) OERs created using [Jupyter Book](https://jupyterbook.org). - -## How to use the Template - -Duplicate the repository into a new folder with the name of your book. You could use the command `cp -R Book_Template MY_PROJECT`. Or you can fork the repository. You need do be certain to either delete the `.git`-folder and re-initialize git or to change remotes to point to a new repository, if you copied. - -Then change the file `_config.yml` to fit the new book. - -Any text you write has to be in Markdown, MyST oder Jupyter Notebook format. To present it in the book you need to link to each file in the `_toc.yml`. - -## Local development - -We recommend the following procedure: -- Install [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download) following the instructions for your operating system. -- Clone the repository: `git clone https://github.com/quadriga-dk/Book_Template` -- In the root folder of the repository create a (local) conda environment: `conda create -p conda python=3`. -- Activate the environment with `conda activate ./conda` (and check which installation of pip is used: `which pip`). -- Then install the requirements: `pip install -r requirements.txt`. -- This installed the requirements for the example books as well as Jupyter Books itself. Now you can build a Jupyter Book locally with `jb build .`. - - If it does't work, check if you use the correct version of Jupyter Book with `which jb`. If it is not the correct one deactivate the environment with `conda deactivate` and then reactivate it again with `conda activate ./conda` - - It can be helpful to clean up before you build with e.g.: `jb clean . && jb build .`. -- You can run a local server to see, what the book looks like. Use for example Pythons builtin HTTP server. In a new terminal run the following command. - ```bash - python3 -m http.server -d _build/html/ - ``` - This serves the files in the subdirectory `_build/html/`. To view them use a browser and go to `http://localhost:8000`. -