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Vladimir Stepanenko edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 4 revisions

Start bob in shell

You can run instance of bob from command line:

bobd -c cluster.yaml -n nodeN.yaml

--cluster accepts path to cluster config.

--node accepts path to node config.

cluster.yaml should be same for different nodes in same cluster.

Start bob with docker

Firstly you should build bob docker image. This image accept path to cluster config as first argument and path to node config as second argument.

If you have cluster.yaml, node1.yaml, ..., nodeN.yaml in CONFIG_DIR directory then you can run bob with this command:

docker run -d -v CONFIG_DIR:/configs bob cluster.yaml node1.yaml
docker run -d -v CONFIG_DIR:/configs bob cluster.yaml nodeN.yaml

Start bob with docker-compose

Firstly you should build docker-compose services.

Then you can run cluster from directory with docker-compose.yaml with command:

docker-compose up
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