Add markdown-it-bracketed-spans
and update dependencies, @zeedif, #160
Fix: Get chromium revision for puppeteer downloading
- Improvement: Tables formatting preserves table indentation and handle code spans, @rbolsius, #139
- Fix: Remove workaround introduced for #98
- Update dependencies
Add snippets (#116), thanks to heartacker
Remove default key bindings. #111#112#118, please consider:
- Switch to use command palette
- Switch to use snippets
- Setup key bindings on your own
- Add workaround for markdown export crashing. #98
- Improvement: Top margin inside admonition
- Fix: Export files not in workspace
- Improvement: Add ability to disable integrated plugin. #72
Fix: Cannot embed img not in workspace folder, #71
- Improvement: Chane
Move Columns
key bindings toctrl+shift+t ctrl+shift+left/right
, #68
- Improvement: No 'open preview first' prompt
- Fix: Update package markdown-it-attrs, #58
- Code optimization.
- Add support for
, #49 - Fix: Rowspan of
doesn't work, #50 - Improved CJK table format.
- Admonition style optimize
- Fix: Format with Japanese Hiragana characters #51. Thanks to TadaoYamaoka.
- Update dependencies.
- Code optimization.
- Fix: Embeds files referred by url() in css, fix #48.
- Add plugin markdown-it-emoji, solve #39.
- Add plugin markdown-it-multimd-table, solve #42.
- Add capability to format format multimd table
- Fix: Cannot embed images if folder or path has special character, solve #40.
- Add plugin markdown-it-mark
- Add command
Toggle Mark
- Fix: Cannot export workspace, solve #34.
- Fix: Wrong column width when format table with Fullwidth Comma & CJK Comma. Thanks to FourLeafTec
- Fix: Update package
, solve #32.
- Improvement: Copy stripped HTML, solve #27.
- Improvement: Many optimizations to export feature
- Improvement: Keep blank lines when doing toggleBlockQuote, fix #24.
- New Feature: export with contribute scripts embedded, solve #23.
Export files with content which requires extra scripts (e.g. mermaid), now works as expected.
- Improvement: Improve format table with CJK characters, solve #22
- Fix: Correct title spelling of markdown
- Fix: export non-workfolder file, solve #19
- Improvement: Add export report.
- Improvement: Message & titles optimize.
- Improvement: Code optimize.
- Improvement: configurable toc level, solve #18
- Improvement: new admonition implement, support nesting and more qualifiers.
- Improvement: better padding and align of table fomatting
- Fix: paste as table problem if "-" in the second row
- Improvement: update exportWorkspace command title
- Fix: Wait for external resources before export to pdf/png/jpg, resolve #14
- New Feature: markdown-it-admonition support
- New Feature: Workspace export support
- New Setting: Customize puppeteer executable
- Fix: copy html issue.
- Improvement: Switch to puppeteer as PDF/PNG/JPG exporter
- Improvement: Remove some helper menus
- Fix: Active document detect in export command, fix #10
- Improvement: add
, resolve #9 - Improvement: add styles for
- Improvement: Export html as self contained file.
- Fix: Small bug fixes.
- Improvement: Keep selections after table editing.
- Improvement: Optimize selection after toggle format.
With these two improvements, you can smoothly toggling format and editing tables.
- New Feature: Add move table columns commands.
- New Feature: Add many format and table editing helpers.
- Small improvements
- Some Fixes and Code Optimization.
- Improvement: Many export optimizations.
- Fix: Wrong anchor element.
- Improvement: Precisely customize phantom pdf border.
- Improvement: Set default border of phantom pdf to 1cm.
- Fix: Parsing meta data
- Fix: Resources not fully processed
- Fix: Run phantomjs with no meta config
- Improvement: Async error catch optimize
- New Feature: Exporters & Exporter Configurations support, #8.
- Fix: missing resources in exported filed, #7.
- New Feature: Writing anchor links consistent to heading texts.
- Fix: TOC anchor.
- Fix: Read config for unsaved file.
- Fix: User styles config logic.
- Improvement: Support user styles (
) when export.
- New Feature: Paste as Markdown Table.
- New Feature: Formate Table.
- Fix: Copy HTML failed if content contains non-English characters.
- Catch command errors to panel
- Prompt open preview before copy or export, avoiding undefinded render
- Validate phantomPath
- Fix read previewStyles of undefined, solve #2
- Add plugin markdown-it-container
- Configurable phantom path
- New Feature: Export to PNG / JPEG
- New Feature: Export to PDF
- Improvement: Copy HTML of selection if there was.
- Fix: replace
, since the former breaks the header anchor.
- Fix extension loading problem
- Initial release