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Qase TestOps API Specification.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 4.0.1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python 3.7+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import qaseio


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import qaseio


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import time
import qaseio
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = qaseio.Configuration(
    host = ""

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: TokenAuth
configuration.api_key['TokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['TokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with qaseio.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = qaseio.AttachmentsApi(api_client)
    hash = 'hash_example' # str | Hash.

        # Remove attachment by Hash.
        api_response = api_instance.delete_attachment(hash)
        print("The response of AttachmentsApi->delete_attachment:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AttachmentsApi->delete_attachment: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AttachmentsApi delete_attachment DELETE /attachment/{hash} Remove attachment by Hash.
AttachmentsApi get_attachment GET /attachment/{hash} Get attachment by Hash.
AttachmentsApi get_attachments GET /attachment Get all attachments.
AttachmentsApi upload_attachment POST /attachment/{code} Upload attachment.
AuthorsApi get_author GET /author/{id} Get a specific author.
AuthorsApi get_authors GET /author Get all authors.
CasesApi bulk POST /case/{code}/bulk Create test cases in bulk.
CasesApi case_attach_external_issue POST /case/{code}/external-issue/attach Attach the external issues to the test cases.
CasesApi case_detach_external_issue POST /case/{code}/external-issue/detach Detach the external issues from the test cases.
CasesApi create_case POST /case/{code} Create a new test case.
CasesApi delete_case DELETE /case/{code}/{id} Delete test case.
CasesApi get_case GET /case/{code}/{id} Get a specific test case.
CasesApi get_cases GET /case/{code} Get all test cases.
CasesApi update_case PATCH /case/{code}/{id} Update test case.
ConfigurationsApi create_configuration POST /configuration/{code} Create a new configuration in a particular group.
ConfigurationsApi create_configuration_group POST /configuration/{code}/group Create a new configuration group.
ConfigurationsApi get_configurations GET /configuration/{code} Get all configuration groups with configurations.
CustomFieldsApi create_custom_field POST /custom_field Create new Custom Field.
CustomFieldsApi delete_custom_field DELETE /custom_field/{id} Delete Custom Field by id.
CustomFieldsApi get_custom_field GET /custom_field/{id} Get Custom Field by id.
CustomFieldsApi get_custom_fields GET /custom_field Get all Custom Fields.
CustomFieldsApi update_custom_field PATCH /custom_field/{id} Update Custom Field by id.
DefectsApi create_defect POST /defect/{code} Create a new defect.
DefectsApi delete_defect DELETE /defect/{code}/{id} Delete defect.
DefectsApi get_defect GET /defect/{code}/{id} Get a specific defect.
DefectsApi get_defects GET /defect/{code} Get all defects.
DefectsApi resolve_defect PATCH /defect/{code}/resolve/{id} Resolve a specific defect.
DefectsApi update_defect PATCH /defect/{code}/{id} Update defect.
DefectsApi update_defect_status PATCH /defect/{code}/status/{id} Update a specific defect status.
EnvironmentsApi create_environment POST /environment/{code} Create a new environment.
EnvironmentsApi delete_environment DELETE /environment/{code}/{id} Delete environment.
EnvironmentsApi get_environment GET /environment/{code}/{id} Get a specific environment.
EnvironmentsApi get_environments GET /environment/{code} Get all environments.
EnvironmentsApi update_environment PATCH /environment/{code}/{id} Update environment.
MilestonesApi create_milestone POST /milestone/{code} Create a new milestone.
MilestonesApi delete_milestone DELETE /milestone/{code}/{id} Delete milestone.
MilestonesApi get_milestone GET /milestone/{code}/{id} Get a specific milestone.
MilestonesApi get_milestones GET /milestone/{code} Get all milestones.
MilestonesApi update_milestone PATCH /milestone/{code}/{id} Update milestone.
PlansApi create_plan POST /plan/{code} Create a new plan.
PlansApi delete_plan DELETE /plan/{code}/{id} Delete plan.
PlansApi get_plan GET /plan/{code}/{id} Get a specific plan.
PlansApi get_plans GET /plan/{code} Get all plans.
PlansApi update_plan PATCH /plan/{code}/{id} Update plan.
ProjectsApi create_project POST /project Create new project.
ProjectsApi delete_project DELETE /project/{code} Delete Project by code.
ProjectsApi get_project GET /project/{code} Get Project by code.
ProjectsApi get_projects GET /project Get All Projects.
ProjectsApi grant_access_to_project POST /project/{code}/access Grant access to project by code.
ProjectsApi revoke_access_to_project DELETE /project/{code}/access Revoke access to project by code.
ResultsApi create_result POST /result/{code}/{id} Create test run result.
ResultsApi create_result_bulk POST /result/{code}/{id}/bulk Bulk create test run result.
ResultsApi delete_result DELETE /result/{code}/{id}/{hash} Delete test run result.
ResultsApi get_result GET /result/{code}/{hash} Get test run result by code.
ResultsApi get_results GET /result/{code} Get all test run results.
ResultsApi update_result PATCH /result/{code}/{id}/{hash} Update test run result.
RunsApi complete_run POST /run/{code}/{id}/complete Complete a specific run.
RunsApi create_run POST /run/{code} Create a new run.
RunsApi delete_run DELETE /run/{code}/{id} Delete run.
RunsApi get_run GET /run/{code}/{id} Get a specific run.
RunsApi get_runs GET /run/{code} Get all runs.
RunsApi update_run_publicity PATCH /run/{code}/{id}/public Update publicity of a specific run.
SearchApi search GET /search Search entities by Qase Query Language (QQL).
SharedStepsApi create_shared_step POST /shared_step/{code} Create a new shared step.
SharedStepsApi delete_shared_step DELETE /shared_step/{code}/{hash} Delete shared step.
SharedStepsApi get_shared_step GET /shared_step/{code}/{hash} Get a specific shared step.
SharedStepsApi get_shared_steps GET /shared_step/{code} Get all shared steps.
SharedStepsApi update_shared_step PATCH /shared_step/{code}/{hash} Update shared step.
SuitesApi create_suite POST /suite/{code} Create a new test suite.
SuitesApi delete_suite DELETE /suite/{code}/{id} Delete test suite.
SuitesApi get_suite GET /suite/{code}/{id} Get a specific test suite.
SuitesApi get_suites GET /suite/{code} Get all test suites.
SuitesApi update_suite PATCH /suite/{code}/{id} Update test suite.
SystemFieldsApi get_system_fields GET /system_field Get all System Fields.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Token
  • Location: HTTP header


[email protected]