From 1d08d8b4f826130129172fd10eaf9ac27d39d0ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Reisen <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 09:13:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] refactor(agent): remove dashboard

 config/config.toml     |   2 +-
 src/           |   1 -
 src/agent/ | 283 -----------------------------------------
 src/agent/   |  56 +++-----
 4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/agent/

diff --git a/config/config.toml b/config/config.toml
index 6767b91..8f35ade 100644
--- a/config/config.toml
+++ b/config/config.toml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ key_store.mapping_key = "RelevantOracleMappingAddress"
 # [metrics_server]
-# Where to serve the quick-access dashboard and metrics. Metrics live under "/metrics"
+# Where to serve metrics. Metrics live under "/metrics"
 # NOTE: non-loopback addresses must be used carefully, making sure the
 # connection is not exposed for unauthorized access.
 # bind_address = ""
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f6bd263..c309075 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ Note that there is an Oracle and Exporter for each network, but only one Local S
 ################################################################################################################################## */
-pub mod dashboard;
 pub mod legacy_schedule;
 pub mod market_schedule;
 pub mod metrics;
diff --git a/src/agent/ b/src/agent/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6ca7c9..0000000
--- a/src/agent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-use {
-    super::{
-        solana::{
-            network::Network,
-            oracle::PriceEntry,
-        },
-        state::{
-            global::GlobalStore,
-            local::{
-                LocalStore,
-                PriceInfo,
-            },
-        },
-    },
-    crate::agent::{
-        metrics::MetricsServer,
-        state::global::{
-            AllAccountsData,
-            AllAccountsMetadata,
-            PriceAccountMetadata,
-        },
-    },
-    chrono::DateTime,
-    pyth_sdk::{
-        Identifier,
-        PriceIdentifier,
-    },
-    slog::Logger,
-    solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey,
-    std::{
-        collections::{
-            BTreeMap,
-            BTreeSet,
-            HashMap,
-            HashSet,
-        },
-        time::Duration,
-    },
-    typed_html::{
-        dom::DOMTree,
-        html,
-        text,
-    },
-impl MetricsServer {
-    /// Create an HTML view of store data
-    pub async fn render_dashboard(&self) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
-        // Request price data from local and global store
-        let local_data = LocalStore::get_all_price_infos(&*self.adapter).await;
-        let global_data = GlobalStore::accounts_data(&*self.adapter, Network::Primary).await?;
-        let global_metadata = GlobalStore::accounts_metadata(&*self.adapter).await?;
-        let symbol_view =
-            build_dashboard_data(local_data, global_data, global_metadata, &self.logger);
-        // Note the uptime and adjust to whole seconds for cleaner output
-        let uptime = Duration::from_secs(self.start_time.elapsed().as_secs());
-        // Build and collect table rows
-        let mut rows = vec![];
-        for (symbol, data) in symbol_view {
-            for (price_pubkey, price_data) in data.prices {
-                let price_string = if let Some(global_data) = price_data.global_data {
-                    let expo = global_data.expo;
-                    let price_with_expo: f64 = global_data.agg.price as f64 * 10f64.powi(expo);
-                    format!("{:.2}", price_with_expo)
-                } else {
-                    "no data".to_string()
-                };
-                let last_publish_string = if let Some(global_data) = price_data.global_data {
-                    if let Some(datetime) = DateTime::from_timestamp(global_data.timestamp, 0) {
-                        datetime.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string()
-                    } else {
-                        format!("Invalid timestamp {}", global_data.timestamp)
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    "no data".to_string()
-                };
-                let last_local_update_string = if let Some(local_data) = price_data.local_data {
-                    local_data.timestamp.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string()
-                } else {
-                    "no data".to_string()
-                };
-                let row_snippet = html! {
-                            <tr>
-                                <td>{text!(symbol.clone())}</td>
-                                <td>{text!(data.product.to_string())}</td>
-                <td>{text!(price_pubkey.to_string())}</td>
-                <td>{text!(price_string)}</td>
-                <td>{text!(last_publish_string)}</td>
-                <td>{text!(last_local_update_string)}</td>
-                            </tr>
-                            };
-                rows.push(row_snippet);
-            }
-        }
-        let title_string = concat!("Pyth Agent Dashboard - ", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
-        let res_html: DOMTree<String> = html! {
-        <html>
-            <head>
-            <title>{text!(title_string)}</title>
-        <style>
-            """
-table {
-  width: 100%;
-  border-collapse: collapse;
-table, th, td {
-  border: 1px solid;
-        </style>
-            </head>
-            <body>
-            <h1>{text!(title_string)}</h1>
-        {text!("Uptime: {}", humantime::format_duration(uptime))}
-            <h2>"State Overview"</h2>
-            <table>
-            <tr>
-                <th>"Symbol"</th>
-                <th>"Product ID"</th>
-                <th>"Price ID"</th>
-                <th>"Last Published Price"</th>
-        <th>"Last Publish Time"</th>
-        <th>"Last Local Update Time"</th>
-            </tr>
-            { rows }
-        </table>
-            </body>
-        </html>
-        };
-        Ok(res_html.to_string())
-    }
-pub struct DashboardSymbolView {
-    product: Pubkey,
-    prices:  BTreeMap<Pubkey, DashboardPriceView>,
-pub struct DashboardPriceView {
-    local_data:       Option<PriceInfo>,
-    global_data:      Option<PriceEntry>,
-    _global_metadata: Option<PriceAccountMetadata>,
-/// Turn global/local store state into a single per-symbol view.
-/// The dashboard data comes from three sources - the global store
-/// (observed on-chain state) data, global store metadata and local
-/// store data (local state possibly not yet committed to the oracle
-/// contract).
-/// The view is indexed by human-readable symbol name or a stringified
-/// public key if symbol name can't be found.
-pub fn build_dashboard_data(
-    mut local_data: HashMap<PriceIdentifier, PriceInfo>,
-    mut global_data: AllAccountsData,
-    mut global_metadata: AllAccountsMetadata,
-    logger: &Logger,
-) -> BTreeMap<String, DashboardSymbolView> {
-    let mut ret = BTreeMap::new();
-    debug!(logger, "Building dashboard data";
-      "local_data_len" => local_data.len(),
-      "global_data_products_len" => global_data.product_accounts.len(),
-      "global_data_prices_len" => global_data.price_accounts.len(),
-      "global_metadata_products_len" => global_metadata.product_accounts_metadata.len(),
-      "global_metadata_prices_len" => global_metadata.price_accounts_metadata.len(),
-    );
-    // Learn all the product/price keys in the system,
-    let all_product_keys_iter = global_metadata.product_accounts_metadata.keys().cloned();
-    let all_product_keys_dedup = all_product_keys_iter.collect::<HashSet<Pubkey>>();
-    let all_price_keys_iter = global_data
-        .price_accounts
-        .keys()
-        .chain(global_metadata.price_accounts_metadata.keys())
-        .cloned()
-        .chain(local_data.keys().map(|identifier| {
-            let bytes = identifier.to_bytes();
-            Pubkey::new_from_array(bytes)
-        }));
-    let mut all_price_keys_dedup = all_price_keys_iter.collect::<HashSet<Pubkey>>();
-    // query all the keys and assemvle them into the view
-    let mut remaining_product_keys = all_product_keys_dedup.clone();
-    for product_key in all_product_keys_dedup {
-        let _product_data = global_data.product_accounts.remove(&product_key);
-        if let Some(mut product_metadata) = global_metadata
-            .product_accounts_metadata
-            .remove(&product_key)
-        {
-            let mut symbol_name = product_metadata
-                .attr_dict
-                .get("symbol")
-                .cloned()
-                // Use product key for unnamed products
-                .unwrap_or(format!("unnamed product {}", product_key));
-            // Sort and deduplicate prices
-            let this_product_price_keys_dedup = product_metadata
-                .price_accounts
-                .drain(0..)
-                .collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
-            let mut prices = BTreeMap::new();
-            // Extract information about each price
-            for price_key in this_product_price_keys_dedup {
-                let price_global_data = global_data.price_accounts.remove(&price_key);
-                let price_global_metadata =
-                    global_metadata.price_accounts_metadata.remove(&price_key);
-                let price_identifier = Identifier::new(price_key.to_bytes());
-                let price_local_data = local_data.remove(&price_identifier);
-                prices.insert(
-                    price_key,
-                    DashboardPriceView {
-                        local_data:       price_local_data,
-                        global_data:      price_global_data,
-                        _global_metadata: price_global_metadata,
-                    },
-                );
-                // Mark this price as done
-                all_price_keys_dedup.remove(&price_key);
-            }
-            // Mark this product as done
-            remaining_product_keys.remove(&product_key);
-            let symbol_view = DashboardSymbolView {
-                product: product_key,
-                prices,
-            };
-            if ret.contains_key(&symbol_name) {
-                let new_symbol_name = format!("{} (duplicate)", symbol_name);
-                warn!(logger, "Dashboard: duplicate symbol name detected, renaming";
-                "symbol_name" => &symbol_name,
-                "symbol_renamed_to" => &new_symbol_name,
-                "conflicting_symbol_data" => format!("{:?}", symbol_view),
-                );
-                symbol_name = new_symbol_name;
-            }
-            ret.insert(symbol_name, symbol_view);
-        } else {
-            // This logging handles only missing products that we
-            // should have found. Missing prices are okay, appearing
-            // in cases where no on-chain queries or publishing took
-            // place yet.
-            warn!(logger, "Dashboard: Failed to look up product metadata"; "product_id" => product_key.to_string());
-        }
-    }
-    if !(all_price_keys_dedup.is_empty() && remaining_product_keys.is_empty()) {
-        let remaining_products: Vec<_> = remaining_product_keys.drain().collect();
-        let remaining_prices: Vec<_> = all_price_keys_dedup.drain().collect();
-        warn!(logger, "Dashboard: Orphaned product/price IDs detected";
-	      "remaining_product_ids" => format!("{:?}", remaining_products),
-	      "remaining_price_ids" => format!("{:?}", remaining_prices));
-    }
-    ret
diff --git a/src/agent/ b/src/agent/
index 0beb932..b806840 100644
--- a/src/agent/
+++ b/src/agent/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ lazy_static! {
 /// Internal metrics server state, holds state needed for serving
-/// dashboard and metrics.
+/// metrics.
 pub struct MetricsServer {
     pub start_time: Instant,
     pub logger:     Logger,
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ pub struct MetricsServer {
 impl MetricsServer {
-    /// Instantiate a metrics API with a dashboard
+    /// Instantiate a metrics API.
     pub async fn spawn(addr: impl Into<SocketAddr> + 'static, logger: Logger, adapter: Arc<State>) {
         let server = MetricsServer {
             start_time: Instant::now(),
@@ -82,56 +82,30 @@ impl MetricsServer {
         let shared_state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(server));
-        let shared_state4dashboard = shared_state.clone();
-        let dashboard_route = warp::path("dashboard")
-            .or(warp::path::end())
-            .and_then(move |_| {
-                let shared_state = shared_state4dashboard.clone();
-                async move {
-                    let locked_state = shared_state.lock().await;
-                    let response = locked_state
-                        .render_dashboard() // Defined in a separate impl block near dashboard-specific code
-                        .await
-                        .unwrap_or_else(|e| {
-                            // Add logging here
-                            error!(locked_state.logger,"Dashboard: Rendering failed"; "error" => e.to_string());
-                            // Withhold failure details from client
-                            "Could not render dashboard! See the logs for details".to_owned()
-                        });
-                    Result::<Box<dyn Reply>, Rejection>::Ok(Box::new(reply::with_status(
-                        reply::html(response),
-                        StatusCode::OK,
-                    )))
-                }
-            });
         let shared_state4metrics = shared_state.clone();
         let metrics_route = warp::path("metrics")
             .and_then(move || {
                 let shared_state = shared_state4metrics.clone();
                 async move {
-		    let locked_state = shared_state.lock().await;
+                    let locked_state = shared_state.lock().await;
                     let mut buf = String::new();
-                    let response = encode(&mut buf, &&PROMETHEUS_REGISTRY.lock().await).map_err(|e| -> Box<dyn std::error::Error> {e.into()
-		    }).and_then(|_| -> Result<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
-			Ok(Box::new(reply::with_status(buf, StatusCode::OK)))
-		    }).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
-			error!(locked_state.logger, "Metrics: Could not gather metrics from registry"; "error" => e.to_string());
-			Box::new(reply::with_status("Could not gather metrics. See logs for details".to_string(), StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))
-		    });
+                    let response = encode(&mut buf, &&PROMETHEUS_REGISTRY.lock().await)
+                        .map_err(|e| -> Box<dyn std::error::Error> {
+                            e.into()
+                        })
+                        .and_then(|_| -> Result<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+                            Ok(Box::new(reply::with_status(buf, StatusCode::OK)))
+                        }).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
+                            error!(locked_state.logger, "Metrics: Could not gather metrics from registry"; "error" => e.to_string());
+                            Box::new(reply::with_status("Could not gather metrics. See logs for details".to_string(), StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))
+                        });
-		    Result::<Box<dyn Reply>, Rejection>::Ok(response)
+                    Result::<Box<dyn Reply>, Rejection>::Ok(response)
-        warp::serve(dashboard_route.or(metrics_route))
-            .bind(addr)
-            .await;
+        warp::serve(metrics_route).bind(addr).await;