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:mod:`cc` --- Coupled cluster

.. module:: cc
   :synopsis: Coupled cluster energies and properties
.. sectionauthor:: Qiming Sun <[email protected]>.

The :mod:`cc` module implements the coupled cluster (CC) model to compute energies, analytical nuclear gradients, density matrices, excited states, and relevant properties.

To compute the CC energy, one first needs to perform a mean-field calculation using the mean-field module :mod:`scf`. The mean-field object defines the Hamiltonian and the problem size, which are used to initialize the CC object:

from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz')
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
mycc = cc.CCSD(mf)

Unrelaxed density matrices are evaluated in the MO basis:

dm1 = mycc.make_rdm1()
dm2 = mycc.make_rdm2()

The CCSD(T) energy can be obtained by:

from import ccsd_t
print(ccsd_t.kernel(mycc, mycc.ao2mo())[0])

Gradients are available:

from import ccsd_grad
from pyscf import grad
grad_e = ccsd_grad.kernel(mycc)
grad_n = grad.grad_nuc(mol)
grad = grad_e + grad_nuc

Excited states can be calculated with ionization potential (IP), electron affinity (EA), and electronic excitation (EE) equation-of-motion (EOM) CCSD:

mycc = cc.RCCSD(mf)
e_ip, c_ip = mycc.ipccsd(nroots=1)
e_ea, c_ea = mycc.eaccsd(nroots=1)
e_ee, c_ee = mycc.eeccsd(nroots=1)

mycc = cc.UCCSD(mf)
e_ip, c_ip = mycc.ipccsd(nroots=1)
e_ea, c_ea = mycc.eaccsd(nroots=1)
e_ee, c_ee = mycc.eeccsd(nroots=1)

All CC methods have two implementations. One is simple and highly readable (suffixed by _slow in the filename) and the other is extensively optimized for computational efficiency. All code in the _slow versions is structured as close as possible to the formulas documented in the literature. Pure Python/numpy data structures and functions are used so that explicit memory management is avoided. It is easy to make modifications or develop new methods based on the slow implementations.

The computationally efficient (outcore) version is the default implementation for the CC module. In this implementation, the CPU usage, memory footprint, memory efficiency, and IO overhead are carefully considered. To keep a small memory footprint, most integral tensors are stored on disk. IO is one of the main bottlenecks in this implementation. Two techniques are used to reduce the IO overhead. One is the asynchronized IO to overlap the computation and reading/writing of the 4-index tensors. The other is AO-driven for the contraction of T2 and (vv|vv) integrals in CCSD and CCSD-lambda functions. These techniques allow the CC module to efficiently handle medium-sized systems. In a test system with 25 occupied orbitals and 1500 virtual orbitals, each CCSD iteration takes about 2.5 hours. The program does not automatically switch to AO-driven CCSD for large systems. The user must manually set the :attr:`direct` attribute to enable an AO-driven CCSD calculation:

mycc = cc.CCSD(mf) = True

Some of the CC methods have an efficient incore implementation, where all tensors are held in memory. The incore implementation reduces the IO overhead and optimizes certain formulas to gain the best FLOPS. It is about 30% faster than the outcore implementation. Depending on the available memory, the incore code can be used for systems with up to approximately 250 orbitals.

Point group symmetry is not considered in the CCSD programs, but it is used in the CCSD(T) code to gain the best performance.

Arbitrary frozen orbitals (not limited to frozen core) are supported by the CCSD, CCSD(T), density matrices, and EOM-CCSD modules, but not in the analytical CCSD gradient module.


This section documents some examples about how to effectively use the CCSD module, and how to incorporate the CCSD solver with other PySCF functions to perform advanced simulations.

A general solver for customized Hamiltonian

The CC module is not limited to molecular systems. The program is implemented as a general solver for arbitrary Hamiltonians. It allows users to overwrite the default molecular Hamiltonian with their own effective Hamiltonians. In this example, we create a Hubbard model and feed its Hamiltonian to the CCSD module.

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/cc/

Using CCSD as CASCI active space solver

CCSD program can be wrapped as a Full CI solver, which can be combined with the CASCI solver to approximate the multi-configuration calculation.

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/cc/

Gamma point CCSD with Periodic boundary condition

Integrals in Gamma point of periodic Hartree-Fock calculation are all real. You can feed the integrals into any pyscf molecular module using the same operations as the above example. However, the interface between PBC code and molecular code are more compatible. You can treat the crystal object and the molecule object in the same manner. In this example, you can pass the PBC mean field method to CC module to have the gamma point CCSD correlation.

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/pbc/

CCSD with truncated MOs to avoid linear dependency

It is common to have linear dependence when one wants to systematically enlarge the AO basis set to approach complete basis set limit. The numerical instability usually has noticeable effects on the CCSD convergence. An effective way to remove this negative effects is to truncate the AO sets and allow the MO orbitals being less than AO functions.

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/cc/

Response and un-relaxed CCSD density matrix

CCSD has two kinds of one-particle density matrices. The (second order) un-relaxed density matrix and the (relaxed) response density matrix. The :func:`CCSD.make_rdm1` function computes the un-relaxed density matrix which is associated to the regular CCSD energy formula. The response density is mainly used to compute the first order response quantities eg the analytical nuclear gradients. It is not recommended to use the response density matrix for population analysis.

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/cc/

Reusing integrals in CCSD and relevant calculations

By default the CCSD solver and the relevant CCSD lambda solver, CCSD(T), CCSD gradients program generate MO integrals in their own runtime. But in most scenario, the same MO integrals can be generated once and reused in the four modules. To remove the overhead of recomputing MO integrals, the three module support user to feed MO integrals.

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/cc/

Interfering CCSD-DIIS

Restart CCSD

Program reference

cc.ccsd module and CCSD class

The :class:`` class is the object to hold the restricted CCSD environment attributes and results. The environment attributes are the parameters to control the runtime behavior of the CCSD module, e.g. the convergence criteria, DIIS parameters, and so on. After the ground state CCSD calculation, correlation energy, T1 and T2 amplitudes are stored in the CCSD object. This class supports the calculation of CCSD 1- and 2-particle density matrices.

.. autoclass::

.. automodule::

cc.rccsd and RCCSD class

:class:`` is also a class for restricted CCSD calculations, but different to the :class:`` class. It uses different formula to compute the ground state CCSD solution. Although slower than the implmentation in the :class:`` class, it supports the system with complex integrals. Another difference is that this class supports EOM-CCSD methods, including EOM-IP-CCSD, EOM-EA-CCSD, EOM-EE-CCSD, EOM-SF-CCSD.

.. autoclass::

.. automodule::

cc.uccsd and UCCSD class

:class:`` class supports the CCSD calculation based on UHF wavefunction as well as the ROHF wavefunction. Besides the ground state UCCSD calculation, UCCSD lambda equation, 1-particle and 2-particle density matrices, EOM-IP-CCSD, EOM-EA-CCSD, EOM-EE-CCSD are all available in this class. Note this class does not support complex integrals.

.. autoclass::

.. automodule::


Helper functions for CCSD, RCCSD and UCCSD modules are implemented in :mod:`cc.addons`

.. automodule::


.. automodule::

CCSD gradients

.. automodule::