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Welcome to wsgithumb's documentation!


Use easy_install or pip:

$ pip install PIL wsgithumb

About X-Sendfile

Moderns web servers like NGinx or Apache implement the X-Sendfile feature. This allow your application to only return the file path in a response header then the web server will use this path to serve the file without blocking your application.

wsgithumb allow you to use this feature. Just use the accel_header parameter.

For NGinx, set accel_header="x-accel-redirect"

For Apache, set accel_header="x-sendfile"

Here is an example with a thumb:

>>> from wsgithumb import get_image_response
>>> from tests import document_root
>>> resp = get_image_response(document_root=document_root,
...                           cache_directory='/tmp/www/cache',
...                           size=(500, 500), path='tests/image.jpg',
...                           accel_header='x-accel-redirect')
>>> print resp
200 OK
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Last-Modified: ... GMT
ETag: "..."
X-Accel-Redirect: /cache/5b6/aaf/3a6/image.jpg

So you just need to add this to your nginx configuration:

location /cache/ {
  root   /tmp/www;

So nginx can serve /tmp/www/cache/5b6/aaf/3a6/image.jpg

WSGI Applications

wsgithumb provide 2 entry points for PasteDeploy:

use = wsgithumb#thumbs
document_root = /var/www/images
cache_directory = /var/www/thumbs
# for production
#accel_header = x-accel-redirect

use = wsgithumb#files
document_root = /var/www/files
# for production
#accel_header = x-accel-redirect

See :func:`~wsgithumb.make_thumb_app` and :func:`~wsgithumb.make_file_app` for available options.

You'll need the following NGinx configuration in production mode:

location /images/ {
    root /var/www;
location /thumbs/ {
    root /var/www;
location /files/ {
    root /var/www;

Using wsgithumb in Pyramid

There is an helper in wsgithumb to help you to serve thumnails in your application.

Add this to your .ini file:

use = egg:MyApp

# wsgithumb config
thumbs.document_root = %(here)s/www/images
thumbs.cache_directory = %(here)s/www/cache
# if you want to use the accel_header when in production
#thumbs.accel_header = x-accel-redirect

Add a :func:`~wsgithumb.add_thumb_view` to your

>>> sizes = {
...     'thumb': (100, 100),
...     'large': (500, 500),
...     'original': None,
...     }
>>> config.include('wsgithumb')
>>> config.add_thumb_view('thumbs', sizes=sizes)

If you do not provide some sizes then those are used:

    'icon': (16, 16),
    'small': (50, 50),
    'thumb': (100, 100),
    'medium': (300, 300),
    'large': (500, 500),
    'xlarge': (800, 800),
    'original': None,

You can now retrieve your images with:

>>> print request.route_url('thumbs', size='small',
...                         path='tests/image.png']
...                        ) #doctest: +SKIP


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   :maxdepth: 2


Indices and tables