diff --git a/src_c/image.c b/src_c/image.c
index 90f52f0988..74bf992e5d 100644
--- a/src_c/image.c
+++ b/src_c/image.c
@@ -1575,6 +1575,10 @@ rle_line(Uint8 *src, Uint8 *dst, int w, int bpp)
            two bytes or more */
         if ((x - x0 - 1) * bpp >= 2 || x == w) {
             /* output previous raw chunks */
+            if (x - x0 == 1) {
+                /* No need for repeat chunk, do a raw chunk */
+                x0++;
+            }
             while (raw < x0) {
                 int n = MIN(TGA_RLE_MAX, x0 - raw);
                 dst[out++] = n - 1;
diff --git a/test/image_test.py b/test/image_test.py
index 8bff1dd037..eaeef65075 100644
--- a/test/image_test.py
+++ b/test/image_test.py
@@ -363,6 +363,50 @@ def test_save_tga(self):
             # clean up the temp file, even if test fails
+        # Test palettized
+        s = pygame.Surface((3, 3), depth=8)
+        pixels = [
+            (223, 236, 110, 201),
+            (33, 82, 34, 26),
+            (226, 194, 83, 208),
+            (10, 181, 81, 165),
+            (220, 95, 96, 11),
+            (208, 7, 143, 158),
+            (194, 140, 64, 27),
+            (215, 152, 89, 126),
+            (36, 83, 107, 225),
+        ]
+        result_pixels = [
+            (255, 219, 85, 255),
+            (0, 73, 0, 255),
+            (255, 182, 85, 255),
+            (0, 182, 85, 255),
+            (255, 109, 85, 255),
+            (170, 0, 170, 255),
+            (170, 146, 85, 255),
+            (255, 146, 85, 255),
+            (0, 73, 85, 255),
+        ]
+        for pixelnum, pixelval in enumerate(pixels):
+            y, x = divmod(pixelnum, 3)
+            s.set_at((x, y), pixelval)
+        # No palette = pygame.error, this asserts there is a palette.
+        s.get_palette()
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tga", delete=False) as f:
+            temp_filename = f.name
+        try:
+            pygame.image.save(s, temp_filename)
+            s2 = pygame.image.load(temp_filename)
+            for pixelnum, pixelval in enumerate(result_pixels):
+                y, x = divmod(pixelnum, 3)
+                self.assertEqual(s2.get_at((x, y)), pixelval)
+        finally:
+            # clean up the temp file, even if test fails
+            os.remove(temp_filename)
     def test_save_pathlib(self):
         surf = pygame.Surface((1, 1))
         surf.fill((23, 23, 23))