diff --git a/components/core/header/nav-bar/NavBar.i18n.js b/components/core/header/nav-bar/NavBar.i18n.js
index e15f9770d5..60dfc19cba 100644
--- a/components/core/header/nav-bar/NavBar.i18n.js
+++ b/components/core/header/nav-bar/NavBar.i18n.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export default genI18nMessages({
panelDiscussion: 'Panel Discussion',
events: 'Events',
overview: 'Overview',
- openSpaces: 'Open Spaces',
+ openSpaces: 'Open Space',
sprints: 'Sprints',
jobListings: 'Job Listings',
registration: 'Tickets',
diff --git a/db.json b/db.json
index 44db13bd1a..db71437049 100644
--- a/db.json
+++ b/db.json
@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@
"event_id": 201,
"event_type": "custom",
- "title": " Open Spaces",
+ "title": " Open Space",
"speakers": [],
"begin_time": "2022-09-04T07:45:00Z",
"end_time": "2022-09-04T08:35:00Z",
diff --git a/i18n/about/code-of-conduct.i18n.js b/i18n/about/code-of-conduct.i18n.js
index 9956043a3f..01447ec7fd 100644
--- a/i18n/about/code-of-conduct.i18n.js
+++ b/i18n/about/code-of-conduct.i18n.js
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export default genI18nMessages({
title: 'Show consideration',
descriptions: [
'Sexual contents in any form are inappropriate in any conference venue, ' +
- 'including but not limited to talks, open spaces, or social media. Words ' +
+ 'including but not limited to talks, Open Space, or social media. Words ' +
'and actions originated from stereotypes are discouraged. Cell phones should ' +
'be set to silent or a mode that does not annoy others in the conference rooms.',
diff --git a/i18n/events/open-spaces.i18n.js b/i18n/events/open-spaces.i18n.js
index 53c3af0069..302e9efcc8 100644
--- a/i18n/events/open-spaces.i18n.js
+++ b/i18n/events/open-spaces.i18n.js
@@ -4,98 +4,110 @@ export default genI18nMessages({
'en-us': {
title: 'Open Space',
- 'Open Spaces are self-organizing meetup events that happen simultaneously with the main conference. ' +
- 'Open Spaces are organized during the period of PyCon by attendees, ' +
- 'which provides a way for you to define, organize, ' +
- 'plain out the meetup as you preferred. ' +
- 'Enjoy the Open Space while making new friends, ' +
- 'chat about any topic you’d like at the same time.{br}' +
- 'For those who have participated in previous PyCon Taiwan, ' +
- 'Open Spaces may sound familiar to you. ' +
- 'Yes! it’s basically the good old BoF (Birds of a Feather), ' +
- 'but with a name that is more comprehensive to new conference attendees.',
+ 'Open Space is a self-organizing meetup event that occurs simultaneously with the main conference. ' +
+ 'Organized by attendees during PyCon Taiwan, ' +
+ 'Open Space allows you to define, organize, and plan meetups as you prefer. ' +
+ 'Enjoy Open Space by making new friends and chatting about any topic you like. {br}{br}' +
+ 'For those who have participated in past PyCon Taiwan or other conferences, ' +
+ 'the concept of Open Space might sound similar to BoF (Birds of a Feather). ' +
+ 'However, the term "Open Space" is more easily understood by PyCon Taiwan beginners. ',
openSpaceInfo: {
participate: {
title: 'How to participate',
- "It's pretty easy: Just show up :){br}" +
- 'Just find a subject that interests you, greet with the host, and enjoy!',
+ "It's simple: Just show up :){br}" +
+ 'Find a subject that interests you, greet the host, and enjoy it!',
location: {
title: 'Location',
- 'There will be several tables on the aisles beside R4 (4th floor) and each has a board on it as its topic. ' +
- 'You can find your interested topic and use the memo to write down your thoughts and feedbacks. ' +
- 'If a topic is not listed yet, just write down what you would like to talk about on a non-topic board!',
+ 'The area in front of Room R0 on the 2nd floor will have several tables on either side. ' +
+ 'Each table will have a whiteboard displaying a specific topic.{br}{br}' +
+ 'Find a topic that interests you and use the memo to write down your thoughts and feedback.{br}' +
+ 'If a topic is not listed yet, ' +
+ 'just write down what you would like to talk about on a non-topic board!',
time: {
title: 'Time',
- description: 'Day 1: 12:05-17:10{br}Day 2: 12:05-17:10',
+ emphasis: 'Main Session: Day 2, 14:40–15:40',
+ description:
+ 'Feel free to visit the service desk at any time to obtain a whiteboard, ' +
+ 'write down a topic, and initiate a discussion. ' +
+ 'Enjoy lively and engaging conversations in the open space!',
subjects: {
title: 'Topics',
- 'We don’t know either! It’s up to you and fellow attendees 😉{br}' +
- 'Just like the attendees, Open Spaces are very versatile. ' +
+ 'We don’t know either! It’s up to you and fellow attendees. 😉{br}' +
+ 'Just like the attendees, Open Space is very versatile. ' +
'There are no limits to the subject of the Open Space! ' +
'An Open Space can be a mani/pedi party, a feminist hacking space, ' +
- 'an AcroYoga space, or even a board games room. ' +
- 'It can also be a discussion about any of the technical subjects, ' +
- 'from computer security to your favorite Python project to professional occupation such as SRE.',
+ 'an AcroYoga space, video games, or even Chiikawa. ' +
+ ' It also provides a platform for discussing technical topics, including computer security, ' +
+ 'personal Python projects, and professional occupations like SRE.',
host: {
title: 'How to host',
- 'Just go to the open space area at gather town, fill in the subject, ' +
- 'time and your name and you’re all set!{br}' +
- 'For those who want to get the event started immediately, ' +
- 'simply find a desk and rename your name with your topic.',
+ 'Simply fill in the topic you want to discuss on {registrationForm} below. ' +
+ 'Before the Open Space session begins, ' +
+ 'you can check the form to see where your topic will be located and proceed to your designated table to prepare.{br}{br}' +
+ 'You can also initiate an Open Space discussion at any time. ' +
+ 'Pick up a small whiteboard at the service desk, write down your topic, ' +
+ 'find an Open Space table, and start your discussion.',
ideas: {
- title: 'Ideas for Open Spaces',
+ title: 'Ideas for Open Space',
- 'Here are a few ideas for potential Open Space topics and activities:{br}' +
- 'Hacker space (maker projects) that use Python (e.g. in Raspberry Pis, IOT, home automation, robots / drones / blimps autopiloted with Python){br}' +
- 'Hacking / networking / devops{br}' +
- 'Data visualization / science{br}' +
- 'Natural language processing and generation (e.g. chatbots){br}' +
- 'Quantified self{br}' +
- 'Diversity initiatives, for example a feminist hackerspace{br}' +
- 'A space for organizers of conferences, workshops, diversity initiatives (Django Girls, PyLadies, etc.){br}' +
- 'Framework-specific Open Spaces, e.g. Django or Flask{br}' +
- 'How to contribute to open source, a help / mentoring group for beginners{br}' +
- 'Git{br}' +
- 'Support: how to avoid burnout{br}' +
+ 'Here are a few ideas for potential Open Space topics and activities:{br}',
+ examples: [
+ 'Hackerspace (maker projects) that use Python (e.g. in Raspberry Pis, IoT, home automation, robots/drones/blimps autopiloted with Python)',
+ 'Hacking/Networking/DevOps',
+ 'Data visualization/science',
+ 'Natural language processing and generation (e.g. chatbots)',
+ 'Quantified self',
+ 'Diversity initiatives, for example a feminist hackerspace',
+ 'A space for organizers of conferences, workshops, diversity initiatives (Django Girls, PyLadies, etc.)',
+ 'Web frameworks, e.g. Django or Flask',
+ 'How to contribute to open source (e.g. helping/mentoring group for beginners)',
+ 'Git',
+ 'Support: how to avoid burnout',
'Recruitment workshops',
+ ],
+ terms: {
+ registrationForm: 'the registration form',
+ },
'zh-hant': {
title: '開放空間',
- '開放空間(Open Spaces)是自助式、聚會形式的活動,與大會議程同時進行。' +
+ '開放空間(Open Space)是自助式、聚會形式的活動,與大會議程同時進行。' +
'開放空間的主題是由大會與會者「當場」計畫的。' +
'開放空間讓你能用任何你喜歡的方式定義、組織、規劃你自己的小聚。' +
- '也歡迎你揪其他好夥伴一起來參與、分享、聊天、交朋友!{br}' +
- '對於曾經參加過過往 PyCon Taiwan 或是其他研討會的會眾,開放空間的概念也許讓你覺得似曾相識。' +
- '沒有錯,開放空間基本上很類似 BoF ,不過「開放空間 / Open Spaces」對於第一次參加的會眾來說更容易理解。',
+ '也歡迎你揪其他好夥伴一起來參與、分享、聊天、交朋友! {br}' +
+ '對於曾經參加過過往 PyCon Taiwan 或是其他研討會的會眾,開放空間的概念聽起來可能和 BoF (Birds of a Feather) 相當類似,' +
+ '不過開放空間(Open Space)這個稱呼對於初次參加的會眾來說會更容易理解。',
openSpaceInfo: {
participate: {
title: '如何參與',
- '很簡單:人到場就好了 :){br}' +
- '地點位於中研院的人文館,你只需要找到有興趣的主題,友善的與主持人打個招呼,就可以坐下與大家一起參與了。',
+ '很簡單!人到場就好了 :){br}' +
+ '你只需要找到有興趣的主題,友善的與主持人打個招呼,就可以坐下與大家一起參與了。',
location: {
title: '活動地點',
- description: '中研院人文館 四樓側邊長廊 (共有兩側) 的白板區',
+ description:
+ '2 樓 R0 前空地兩側將擺放數張桌子,每張桌子上都有一個白板,寫有主題。{br}{br}' +
+ '找到您感興趣的主題,並使用便條紙寫下您的想法和回饋。' +
+ '如果您想討論的主題不在白板上,歡迎到服務台拿取一個空白的白板,寫下您想談論的內容,開啟您的討論!',
time: {
title: '活動時間',
+ emphasis: '主要時段:第二天 14:40–15:40',
- '總計有超過四個多小時的時間可以讓會眾們盡情享受開放空間中盈滿熱情的交流和討論!{br}' +
- '第一天 12:05-17:10{br}' +
- '第二天 12:05-17:10',
+ '{br}其餘時段也歡迎大家隨時到服務台拿取白板,填寫主題後便可以開啟討論。請盡情享受開放空間中自由熱情的交流和討論!',
subjects: {
title: '活動主題',
@@ -103,34 +115,38 @@ export default genI18nMessages({
'這由你與其他會眾決定,我們也不知道會有什麼 😉{br}' +
'開放空間有各種與會者想討論的主題。' +
'由於與會者非常多元化,開放空間也同樣非常多元化。' +
- '開放空間的主題並沒有限制,可以是關於美甲、女權主義、瑜珈、甚至是桌遊。' +
- '也可以是討論各種常見的技術議題,從資訊安全到你最喜歡的 Python 專案,到一些特定職位的討論,比如說 SRE。',
+ '開放空間的主題並沒有限制,可以是關於美甲、女性主義、瑜珈、電玩遊戲、甚至是 Chiikawa。' +
+ '也可以是討論各種常見的技術議題,從資訊安全到你最喜歡的 Python 專案,甚至一些特定職位的討論,比如說 SRE。',
host: {
title: '如何舉辦',
- '只要到 Gather Town Open Space 區域,填上您想要討論的主題、時間、以及您的名字。{br}' +
- '如果是馬上就要分享,可以直接挑個桌子坐下,修改您的姓名讓大家知道這裡的主題就可以了。',
+ '只要事先在下方的{registrationForm}填寫您想討論的主題,在 Open Space 時段開始前,' +
+ '您可以在主題登記表上確認您的主題會在哪個位置,並前往您的桌子準備。{br}' +
+ '其他時段也可以隨時發起 Open Space,只要在服務台拿取小白板書寫題目,找個 Open Space 桌子就可以自己開始話題。',
ideas: {
- title: '開放空間{br}好主意',
+ title: '開放空間好主意',
- '以下有幾個可以辦成開放空間的點子,提供您參考:{br}{examples}',
+ '以下有幾個可以作為開放空間的點子,提供您參考:{br}{examples}',
examples: [
- '用 Python 的 Maker 專案(例如樹莓派、IoT、居家自動化、機器人、四軸飛行器)',
- 'Hacking / Networking / DevOps',
+ '用 Python 的 Maker 專案(例如:樹莓派、IoT、居家自動化、機器人、四軸飛行器)',
+ 'Hacking/Networking/DevOps',
- '自然語言處理(例如聊天機器人)',
+ '自然語言處理(例如:聊天機器人)',
- '網頁框架,例如 Django 或 Flask',
- '如何做開源貢獻:給初心者的協助、指導',
+ '網頁框架,例如:Django 或 Flask',
+ '如何做開源貢獻(例如:給初心者的協助、指導)',
+ terms: {
+ registrationForm: '主題登記表',
+ },
diff --git a/i18n/events/overview.i18n.js b/i18n/events/overview.i18n.js
index cf8d5d962c..faeaba33a6 100644
--- a/i18n/events/overview.i18n.js
+++ b/i18n/events/overview.i18n.js
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export default genI18nMessages({
'The open space is a self-service, party-style activity. ' +
'It is planned by the attendees on the spot. ' +
- 'Open spaces allow you to define and plan your gatherings ' +
+ 'Open Space allow you to define and plan your gatherings ' +
'in any way you like. ' +
'You can take other partners to participate and make friends!',
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ export default genI18nMessages({
openSpace: {
title: '開放空間',
- '開放空間是自助式的聚會活動。是由與會者當場計畫的。你能用任何你喜歡的方式定義、' +
+ '開放空間(Open Space)是自助式的聚會活動。是由與會者當場計畫的。你能用任何你喜歡的方式定義、' +
lightningTalk: {
diff --git a/pages/events/open-spaces.vue b/pages/events/open-spaces.vue
index f7cba49c21..93fc088398 100644
--- a/pages/events/open-spaces.vue
+++ b/pages/events/open-spaces.vue
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+ {{ $t(link.textKey) }}
+ {{ $t(link.textKey) }}