Analysis of the Electrostatic Forces between an AFM tip and a virus capsid from Poisson-Boltzmann simulations
This repository contains the force analysis of the electrostatic interaction between a virus capsids and an approaching nanoscale probe. Collaboration between Christopher D. Cooper, Ian Addison-Smith and Horacio V. Guzman. Before running the jupyter notebooks, the following files are required:
data from simulations in Pygbe, for distances 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 Angstrom between capsid and tip
These files can be found in a Zenodo repository
Here you'll find:
: Jupyter notebook script to get force qf, db, ib components plotted between several distances between capsid and tipForcesqf_afmtip.ipynb
: Jupyter notebook script to get force qf component plotted between several aminoacid in slices of
: Python script which generate the .vtk file who visualize the boundary forces on capsid surface
The manuscript details will be found soon under 'this link'!