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File metadata and controls

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This document describes configuration details of the application.

Environment Variables

Use the following environment variables to configure the application:

Name Required Default Description
APP_HOST No The host on which the HTTP server listens.
APP_PORT No 3000 The port on which the HTTP server listens.
APP_ALLOWED_ORIGINS No * Origins that have access to the HTTP server. Origins must be comma-separated list of strings.
APP_SERVER_TIMEOUT No 10s The period of time after which the system kills active requests and stops the server.
APP_VERBOSE No No Show detailed logs in the application.
APP_KUBECONFIG_PATH No None The path to the kubeconfig file, needed for running an application outside of the cluster.
APP_INFORMER_RESYNC_PERIOD No 10m The period of time after which the system resynchronizes the informers.
APP_SYSTEM_NAMESPACES No istio-system,knative-eventing,kube-public,kube-system,kyma-installer,kyma-integration,kyma-system,natss,compass-system The list of Namespaces that should be considered as system Namespaces.
APP_BURST No 2 Maximum burst for throttle.
APP_RAFTER_ADDRESS No storage.kyma.local The address of the content storage server.
APP_RAFTER_SECURE No true Use HTTPS for the connection with the content storage server.
APP_RAFTER_VERIFY_SSL No true Ignore invalid SSL certificates.
APP_SERVERLESS_USAGE_KIND No function The name of the UsageKind CR for the Function CR.
APP_APPLICATION_GATEWAY_STATUS_REFRESH_PERIOD No 15s The period of time after which the application refreshes the Application statuses.
APP_APPLICATION_GATEWAY_STATUS_CALL_TIMEOUT No 500ms The timeout of the HTTP call status check.
APP_APPLICATION_GATEWAY_INTEGRATION_NAMESPACE Yes None The namespace with gateway services.
APP_APPLICATION_CONNECTOR_URL Yes None The address of the connector service.
APP_OIDC_ISSUER_URL Yes None The URL of the OpenID issuer. Used to verify the OIDC JWT.
APP_OIDC_CLIENT_ID Yes None The client ID for which the JWT must be issued for.
APP_OIDC_CA_FILE No host's root CA set One of the Certificate Authorities defined in this file is used to verify the OpenID server's certificate.
APP_OIDC_USERNAME_CLAIM No email The OpenID claim to use as the user name.
APP_OIDC_USERNAME_PREFIX No None If provided, all usernames will be prefixed with this value.
APP_OIDC_GROUPS_CLAIM No groups The name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups.
APP_OIDC_GROUPS_PREFIX NO None If provided, all groups will be prefixed with this value.
APP_OIDC_SUPPORTED_SIGNING_ALGS NO RS256 Comma-separated list of the allowed JOSE asymmetric signing algorithms. Tokens with the 'alg' header value not in this list will be rejected. Values are defined by RFC 7518.
APP_TRACING_COLLECTOR_URL YES http://zipkin.kyma-system:9411/api/v1/spans The collector URL to handle post requests.
APP_TRACING_DEBUG YES false The recorder debug flag.
APP_TRACING_SERVICE_SPAN_NAME YES console-backend-service The name of the service span.

Configure logger verbosity level

This application uses glog to log messages. Pass command line arguments described in the glog.go document to customize the log, such as log level and output.

For example:

go run main.go --stderrthreshold=INFO -logtostderr=false