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11. merger

File metadata and controls

200 lines (152 loc) · 6.71 KB

Merger sites

Let's have a look at ZeroMe. It's a social network with about 10 000 users. And each user can write a lot of data. So, we would have to let ZeroMe use around 600 MB of storage. Really bad. Hopefully, ZeroNet introduces merger sites to solve this problem.


Imagine the following structure:

ZeroMe = 500 MB
+-- data = 500 MB
|   |
|   +-- users = 500 MB
|       |
|       +-- user1 = 50 KB
|       +-- user2 = 50 KB
|       +-- user3 = 50 KB
|       +-- user4 = 50 KB
|       +-- user5 = 50 KB
|       +-- user...
|       +-- user10000 = 50 KB
+-- index.js = 250 KB
+-- index.css = 100 KB
+-- index.html = 50 KB

Here, users have to download all other users' data (userN directories).

And the imagine this:

ZeroMe = 400 KB
+-- index.js = 250 KB
+-- index.css = 100 KB
+-- index.html = 50 KB

UserDB = 10 MB
+-- data = 10 MB
|   |
|   +-- userinfo = 10 MB
|       |
|       +-- user1 = 1 KB
|       +-- user2 = 1 KB
|       +-- user3 = 1 KB
|       +-- user4 = 1 KB
|       +-- user5 = 1 KB
|       +-- user...
|       +-- user10000 = 1 KB
+-- index.html = 5 KB

Hub1 = 167 MB
+-- data = 167 MB
|   |
|   +-- users = 167 MB
|       |
|       +-- user1 = 50KB
|       +-- user2 = 50KB
|       +-- user...
|       +-- user3333 = 50KB
+-- index.html = 5 KB

Hub2 = 167 MB
+-- data = 167 MB
|   |
|   +-- users = 167 MB
|       |
|       +-- user3334 = 50KB
|       +-- user3335 = 50KB
|       +-- user...
|       +-- user6666 = 50KB
+-- index.html = 5 KB

Hub3 = 167 MB
+-- data = 167 MB
|   |
|   +-- users = 167 MB
|       |
|       +-- user6667 = 50KB
|       +-- user6668 = 50KB
|       +-- user...
|       +-- user10000 = 50KB
+-- index.html = 5 KB

So, we have splitted data to different zites. That's how merger sites work. ZeroMe (1MeFqFfFFGQfa1J3gJyYYUvb5Lksczq7nH in reality) has only layout and code, UserDB (1UDbADib99KE9d3qZ87NqJF2QLTHmMkoV) user metadata, while other zites - hubs have other data. Of course, downloading these hubs is optional.

For example, if you download ZeroMe, UserDB and Hub1, you can communicate with user878 and user678 and learn that there are also user5412, user3453 and user6789 and that they are assigned to Hub2 and Hub3 zites. If you want to say Hello! to user6789 or read his posts, you have to download Hub3. But usually you want to read something, not everything, and you download only 1-2 hubs.

Making merger site

First of all, let's make a new, empty zite. Open sidebar and name it PostHere. Remove all content from <body> of index.html. We will have data in hubs, and code in main PostHere zite.

Making hub

Let's make a new zite for content. This site address is 1RedXn7jxM23y4WsR7ByWzhjFaCcBJwVQ for me.

Change index.html to:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <base href="" target="_top" id="base">
            base.href = document.location.href.replace("/media", "").replace("index.html", "").replace(/[&?]wrapper=False/, "").replace(/[&?]wrapper_nonce=[A-Za-z0-9]+/, "")
        Use PostHere to watch content of this site.

Change zite title if you want to Red Hub and sign content.json.

Configurating merger sites

Merger site (1CyNApZ4zp7k3SSXsrW54vEFMHHBpDy3nm, in my case) and merged site (1RedXn7jxM23y4WsR7ByWzhjFaCcBJwVQ) must agree to make connection.

So, let's add the following to root content.json our merged site (1RedXn7jxM23y4WsR7ByWzhjFaCcBJwVQ):

"merged_type": "PostHere",

Now create a directory merged-PostHere in the root of merger site. We want users to sign this folder, so add:

"ignore": "merged-.*",

...somewhere to content.json of main site. To virtually fill it with merger site content, we request Merger:PostHere permission:

|                          wrapperPermissionAdd                           |
| Request new permission for site                                         |
| Parameter               | Description                                   |
| permission              | Name of permission                            |
| Return: "Granted" if allowed, not send when disallowed                  |

So, add the following to js/index.js file and add it to index.html of PostHere:

window.zeroFrame = new ZeroFrame();

function requestPermission(permission, callback) {
    zeroFrame.cmd("siteInfo", [], function(siteInfo) {
        // Already have permission
        if(siteInfo.settings.permissions.indexOf(permission) > -1) {
        zeroFrame.cmd("wrapperPermissionAdd", [permission], callback);

requestPermission("Merger:PostHere", function() {
    // TODO

Accessing merged sites

ZeroNet doesn't provide us a way to read and write other site's content, so MergerSite plugin makes all merged-... directories virtual. So to ZeroNet merged-PostHere structure is:

+-- merger.db
+-- 1RedXn7jxM23y4WsR7ByWzhjFaCcBJwVQ
    +-- js
    |   |
    |   +-- ZeroFrame.js
    +-- data
    |   |
    |   +-- users
    |       |
    |       +-- user1
    |       |   |
    |       |   +-- data.json
    |       |   +-- content.json
    |       +-- content.json
    +-- index.html

We have set db_path to merged-PostHere/merger.db because ZeroNet can gather data only from files which are in database directory, which is in this case merged-PostHere.

So, if we want to access data/users/{address}/data.json of 1RedXn7jxM23y4WsR7ByWzhjFaCcBJwVQ, we have to access merged-PostHere/1RedXn7jxM23y4WsR7ByWzhjFaCcBJwVQ/data/users/{address}/data.json.

In the following part of the tutorial, we will fill our PostHere zite with user content.